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File metadata and controls

177 lines (136 loc) · 6.91 KB


Architectural Overview

In the UML diagram below we show how the SquirrelStore connects to its abstract class and different serializers.


AbstractStore <-- MessagepackSerializer SquirrelSerializer <|-- JSONSerializer <<abstract>> AbstractStore class AbstractStore {

set(key, value) get(key) Iterable~Dict~ keys() Iterable~Any~


class SquirrelStore {

serializer: SquirrelSerializer


<<abstract>> SquirrelSerializer

class SquirrelSerializer {

serialize(obj) deserialize(obj) serialize_shard_to_file(obj, filepath) deserialize_shard_from_file(filepath)


class MessagepackSerializer { }

class JSONSerializer { }

Serialization uses a Serializer to store shards of samples as singular files onto the storage backend (e.g. filesystem, object store, etc.). Squirrel provides two serializers: :py~squirrel.serialization.MessagepackSerializer and :py~squirrel.serialization.JsonSerializer. While JSONL might be preferable for interoperability or being human-readable, Messagepack is faster to encode and decode and produces smaller files. Messagepack is the recommended format, unless you have specific constraints or requirements. To demonstrate that Messagepack produces smaller files, we include the code snippet below. We see that the files are around ~20% smaller compared to JSONL.

import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from squirrel.iterstream import IterableSource
from squirrel.serialization import JsonSerializer, MessagepackSerializer
from import SquirrelStore

# creating random samples
def get_sample(x):
    return {"img": np.random.random((20, 20, 3)), "label": x}

N = 100_000

summary = []

for ser in [MessagepackSerializer, JsonSerializer]:
    tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
    store = SquirrelStore(, serializer=ser())
    IterableSource(range(N)).map(get_sample).batched(1000).async_map(store.set).join()  # async writing to store
    size_mb = (
        sum(f.stat().st_size for f in Path("**/*") if f.is_file()) / 10e6
    )  # total storage size in mb
    summary.append({"serializer": ser.__name__, "size_mb": size_mb})


[{'serializer': 'MessagepackSerializer', 'size_mb': 90.6476465}, {'serializer': 'JsonSerializer', 'size_mb': 109.4487942}]


There are several considerations for deciding appropriate shard size:

  1. Parallelizing read and write operation: the higher the number of shards, the bigger the opportunity for parallelizing read and write operations. Parallel write may be done with e.g. Spark. For examples, please see: preprocessing with Spark or SquirrelStore with Spark.
  2. Limit on the memory of the process when writing the shard: accepts a shard. This means that the whole shard has to be in memory for writing it. While technically shards of any size could have been created by incrementally writing to a single shard, we opted for this approach as it makes parallel and distributed write operations easier.
  3. Randomizing during deep learning training: When training deep learning models, for each epoch the order of samples should be randomized. Sharding is an important mechanism to achieve semi-random retrieval of samples. To do so, one can simply shuffle the shard keys and then load the content of each. That means, the more shards we have, the closer the shuffling process approaches a fully random shuffling. There is another mechanism to shuffle samples on the stream by shuffling in the buffer (see :pysquirrel.iterstream.Composable.shuffle). However, increasing the number of shards is the main idea of increasing the “degree” of randomness.

Custom Stores defines an abstraction to provide a key/value API on top of any storage. All stores should conform to this abstraction. You may optionally use or implement a :py~squirrel.serialization.SquirrelSerializer if you need to serialize your data before persisting. If you have a specific use-case which is not natively supported such as reading data via HTTP requests or retrieving from a database, you may need to implement your own Store. The code snippet below implements a Store connecting to a SQLite database. Here we can see that the concepts of sharding and serialization are not inherent to Store per se.

import random
import sqlite3
import string
import tempfile
import typing as t

from squirrel.iterstream import IterableSource
from import AbstractStore

# generate random letters mapped to a unique key
def get_key_value() -> t.Tuple[int, str]:
    value = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(100)])
    return hash(value), value

class SQLiteStore(AbstractStore):
    def __init__(self, db_name: str):
        self._con = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
        self._cur = self._con.cursor()
        self._cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS demo")  # drop existing table and create a simple key-value table
        self._cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE demo (key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT);""")

    def set(self, key: t.Any, value: t.Any) -> None:
        """Insert value given a key."""
        self._cur.execute("INSERT INTO demo VALUES (?,?)", (key, value))

    def get(self, key: t.Any) -> t.Iterable:
        """Retrieve value with the key."""
        return self._cur.execute("SELECT value FROM demo WHERE key=?", key).fetchall()

    def keys(self) -> t.Iterable:
        """Return all the keys stored."""
        return self._cur.execute("SELECT key FROM demo")

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close the database connection."""

# We create the SQLite db and insert key-value pairs into it
N = 100_000
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
    store = SQLiteStore(f"{temp_dir}/temp.db")
    it = IterableSource(get_key_value() for _ in range(N)).map(lambda x: store.set(*x)).join()
    some_key = next(store.keys())  # retrieve from db using keys
    some_value = store.get(some_key)