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gRPC Federation Feature References


The grpc.federation.service option is always required to enable gRPC Federation. Please specify as follows.

service MyService {
  option (grpc.federation.service) = {};


field type required or optional
timeout string optional


the time to timeout. If the specified time period elapses, DEADLINE_EXCEEDED status is returned.
If you want to handle this error, you need to implement a custom error handler in Go.
The format is the same as Go's time.Duration format. See


service MyService {
  option (grpc.federation.service) = {};
  rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse) {
    option (grpc.federation.method).timeout = "1m";


field type required or optional
alias string optional


alias mapping between enums defined in other packages and enums defined on the federation service side. The alias is the FQDN ( <package-name>.<enum-name> ) to the enum. If this definition exists, type conversion is automatically performed before the enum value assignment operation. If a enum with this option has a value that is not present in the enum specified by alias, and the alias option is not specified for that value, an error is occurred.


package mypkg;

enum FooEnum {
  option (grpc.federation.enum).alias = "foopkg.FooEnum";

  ENUM_VALUE_1 = 0;
  ENUM_VALUE_2 = 1;


field type required or optional
default bool optional
alias repeated string optional


Specifies the default value of the enum. All values other than those specified in alias will be default values.


  • myservice.proto
package mypkg;

import "foo.proto";

enum FooEnum {
  option (grpc.federation.enum).alias = "foopkg.FooEnum";

  ENUM_VALUE_UNKNOWN = 0 [(grpc.federation.enum_value).default = true];
  ENUM_VALUE_1 = 1 [(grpc.federation.enum_value).alias = "FOO_VALUE_1"];
  ENUM_VALUE_2 = 2 [(grpc.federation.enum_value).alias = "FOO_VALUE_2"];
  • foo.proto
package foopkg;

enum FooEnum {
  FOO_VALUE_1 = 0;
  FOO_VALUE_2 = 1;
  FOO_VALUE_3 = 2;


alias can be used when alias is specified in grpc.federation.enum option, and specifies the value name to be referenced among the enums specified in alias of enum option. multiple value names can be specified for alias.


  • myservice.proto
package mypkg;

import "foo.proto";

enum FooEnum {
  option (grpc.federation.enum).alias = "foopkg.FooEnum";

  ENUM_VALUE_1 = 0 [(grpc.federation.enum_value).alias = "FOO_VALUE_1"];
  ENUM_VALUE_2 = 1 [(grpc.federation.enum_value).alias = "FOO_VALUE_2"];
  • foo.proto
package foopkg;

enum FooEnum {
  FOO_VALUE_1 = 0;
  FOO_VALUE_2 = 1;


field type required or optional
def repeated VariableDefinition optional
custom_resolver bool optional
alias string optional


def can define variables.
The defined variables can be referenced in subsequent CEL field. The name is a variable name and autobind can be used when the variable is message type. It can be used for automatic field binding.

If if is defined, then it is evaluated only if the condition is matched. If does not evaluated, a default value of the type obtained when evaluating is assigned.

field type required or optional
name string optional
autobind bool optional
if CEL optional

The value to be assigned to a variable can be created with the following features.

field type required or optional
by CEL optional
call CallExpr optional
message MessageExpr optional
map MapExpr optional
validation ValidationExpr optional


If the defined value is a message type and the field of that message type exists in the message with the same name and type, the field binding is automatically performed. If multiple autobinds are used at the same message, you must explicitly use the grpc.federation.field option to do the binding yourself, since duplicate field names cannot be correctly determined as one.


  • myservice.proto
package mypkg;

import "foo.proto";

message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call { method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo" }

      // The value returned by `call` is `foopkg.GetFooReply` message.
      // In this case, if a field with the same name and type as the field in the `GetFooReply` message exists in `MyMessage`,
      // field binding is automatically performed.
      autobind: true

  string field1 = 1; // autobound from `foopkg.GetFooReply.field1`
  bool field2 = 2; // autobound from `foopkg.GetFooReply.field2`
  • foo.proto
package foopkg;

service FooService {
  rpc GetFoo(GetFooRequest) returns (GetFooReply) {};

message GetFooReply {
  string field1 = 1;
  bool field2 = 2;



message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    // `x` is assigned `10`
    def {
      name: "x"
      if: "true"
      by: "10"

    // `y` is assigned `0`
    def {
      name: "y"
      if: "false"
      by: "10"


Binds the result of evaluating the CEL defined in by to the variable defined in name.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      // variable `v` is assigned the value `6`.
      name: "v"
      by: "1 + 2 + 3"


call is used to call the gRPC method and assign the result to a variable.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      // The type of "res" variable is `foopkg.FooService/GetFoo` method's response type.
      name: "res"
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        request { field: "field1", string: "abcd" }
    // The type of "foo" variable is foo's field type of GetFoo's response type.
    // If the variable type is a message type, `autobind` feature can be used.
    def { name: "foo" by: "" autobind: true }


field type required or optional
method string required
request repeated MethodRequest optional
timeout string optional
retry RetryPolicy optional
error repeated GRPCError optional


Specify the FQDN for the gRPC method. format is <package-name>.<service-name>/<method-name>.


  • myservice.proto
package mypkg;

import "foo.proto";

message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
  • foo.proto
package foopkg;

service FooService {
  rpc GetFoo(GetFooRequest) returns (GetFooReply) {};


Specify the request parameters for the gRPC method. The field corresponds to the field name in the request message, and the by or string specifies which value is associated with the field.


  • myservice.proto
package mypkg;

import "foo.proto";

message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        request: [
          { field: "field1", string: "hello" }
  • foo.proto
package foopkg;

service FooService {
  rpc GetFoo(GetFooRequest) returns (GetFooReply) {};

message GetFooRequest {
  string field1 = 1;


field type required or optional
field string required
by CEL optional
string string optional

In addition to string, you can write literals for any data type supported by proto, such as int64 or bool .


The field name of the request message.


by used to refer to a variable or message argument defined in a grpc.federation.message option by CEL. You need to use $. to refer to the message argument.


Use constant string value.


The time to timeout. If the specified time period elapses, DEADLINE_EXCEEDED status is returned.
If you want to handle this error, you need to implement a custom error handler in Go.
The format is the same as Go's time.Duration format. See


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        timeout: "1m"


Specify the retry policy if the method call fails.

field type required or optional
if CEL optional
constant RetryPolicyConstant optional
exponential RetryPolicyExponential optional


if specifies condition in CEL. If the condition is true, run the retry process according to the policy. If this field is omitted, it is always treated as true and run the retry process. The return value must always be of type boolean.


Within the if, the error variable can be used as a gRPC error variable when evaluating CEL. A detailed description of this variable is here


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          if: "error.code != google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED"
          constant {
            interval: "10s"


Retry according to the "constant" policy.

field type required or optional
inerval string optional
max_retries uint64 optional


Interval value. Default value is 1s.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          constant {
            interval: "10s"


Max retry count. Default value is 5. If 0 is specified, it never stops.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          constant {
            max_retries: 3


field type required or optional
initial_interval string optional
randomization_factor double optional
multiplier double optional
max_interval string optional
max_retries uint64 optional


Initial interval value. Default value is 500ms.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          exponential {
            initial_interval: "1s"


Randomization factor value. Default value is 0.5.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          exponential {
            randomization_factor: 1.0


Multiplier. Default value is 1.5.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          exponential {
            multiplier: 1.0


Max interval value. Default value is 60s.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          exponential {
            max_interval: "30s"


Max retry count. Default value is 5. If 0 is specified, it never stops.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"
        retry {
          exponential {
            max_retries: 3



message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"

        // If an error is returned when the gRPC method is called, the error block is evaluated.
        // If there are multiple error blocks, they are processed in order from the top.
        // The first error matching the condition is returned.
        // If none of the conditions match, the original error is returned.
        error {
          // The variables can be defined for use in error blocks
          def { name: "a" by: "1" }

          if: "a == 1" // if true, returns the error.
          code: FAILED_PRECONDITION // gRPC error code. this field is required.
          message: "'this is error message'" // gRPC error message. this field is required.

          // If you want to add the more information to the gRPC error, you can specify it in the details block.
          details {
            // The variables can be defined for use in details block.
            def { name: "b" by: "2" }

            if: "b == 2" // if true, add to the error details.

            // You can specify the value defined in `google/rpc/error_details.proto`.
            // FYI:
            precondition_failure {
              violations {
                type: "'type value'"
                subject: "'subject value'"
                description: "'desc value'"

            // If you want to add your own message, you can add it using the message name and arguments as follows.
            message {
              name: "CustomMessage"
              args { name: "msg" by: "id" }

        // This error block is evaluated if the above condition is false.
        error {
          // If `ignore: true` is specified, the error is ignored.
          ignore: true
field type required or optional
def repeated VariableDefinition optional
if CEL optional
code google.rpc.Code required
message CEL required
details repeated GRPCErrorDetail optional
ignore bool optional
ignore_and_response CEL optional


Within the error block, the error variable can be used as a special variable when evaluating CEL. A detailed description of this variable is here


if specifies condition in CEL. If the condition is true, it returns defined error information. If this field is omitted, it is always treated as true and returns defined error information. The return value must always be of type boolean.


code is a gRPC status code.


message is a gRPC status message. If omitted, the message will be auto-generated from the configurations.


ignore ignore the error if the condition in the if field is true and ignore field is set to true. When an error is ignored, the returned response is always null value. If you want to return a response that is not null, please use ignore_and_response feature. Therefore, ignore and ignore_and_response cannot be specified same.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"

        error {
          // dscribe the condition for ignoring error.
          if: "error.code == google.rpc.Code.UNAVAILABLE"
          ignore: true


ignore_and_response ignore the error if the condition in the if field is true and it returns response specified in CEL. The evaluation value of CEL must always be the same as the response message type. ignore and ignore_and_response cannot be specified same.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      call {
        method: "foopkg.FooService/GetFoo"

        error {
          // dscribe the condition for ignoring error.
          if: "error.code == google.rpc.Code.UNAVAILABLE"

          // specify the response to return when errors are ignored.
          // The return value must always be a response message.
          ignore_and_response: "foopkg.Foo{x: 1}"


message used to refer to other message.
The parameters necessary to obtain a message must be passed as message arguments by args.

field type required or optional
name string required
args repeated Argument optional


Specify the message name with FQDN. format is <package-name>.<message-name>.
<package-name> can be omitted when referring to messages in the same package.


package mypkg;

message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    // get the `Foo` message and assign it to the `foo` variable.
    def {
      name: "foo"
      message { name: "Foo" }

message Foo {
  option (grpc.federation.message).custom_resolver = true;

  string x = 1;


Specify the parameters needed to retrieve the message. This is called the message argument.


package mypkg;

message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      name: "foo"
      message {
        name: "Foo"
        // pass arguments to retrieve Foo message.
        args [
          { name: "x" string: "xxxx" },
          { name: "y" bool: true }

message Foo {
  // $.x is `xxxx` value
  string x = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "$.x"];

  // $.y is `true` value
  bool y = 2 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "$.y"];


field type required or optional
name string required
by CEL optional
inline CEL optional
string string optional

In addition to string, you can write literals for any data type supported by proto, such as int64 or bool .


Name of the message argument. Use this name to refer to the message argument. For example, if foo is specified as the name, it is referenced by $.foo in dependent message.


by used to refer to a variable or message argument defined in a grpc.federation.message option by CEL. You need to use $. to refer to the message argument.


inline like by, it refers to the specified value and expands all fields beyond it. For this reason, the referenced value must always be of message type.


string is constant string value.


field type required or optional
iterator Iterator required
by CEL optional
message MessageExpr optional


Create the iterator variable.

  • src must be a repeated type
  • name defines the name of the iterator variable


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      name: "foo_list"
      message { name: "FooList" }
    def {
      // `list_x` value is a list of Foo.x. The type is repeated string.
      name: "list_x"
      map {
        iterator {
          // iterator variable name is `iter`.
          name: "iter"

          // refer to FooList message's `foos` field.
          src: "foo_list.foos"

        // refer to `iter` variable and returns x field value.
        by: "iter.x"

message FooList {
  option (grpc.federation.message).custom_resolver = true;

  repeated Foo foos = 1;

message Foo {
  string x = 1;


field type required or optional
name string required
src CEL required


The name of the iterator variable.


The variable of repeated type that form the basis of iterator.


Create map elements using CEL by referencing variables created with iterator section.


Create map elements using message value by referencing variables created with iterator section.


A validation rule against variables defined within the current scope.

field type required or optional
name string optional
error ValidationError required


A unique name for the validation. If set, the validation error type will be Error. If omitted, the validation error type will be ValidationError.


A validation rule and validation error to be returned.

field type required or optional
code google.rpc.Code required
message string optional
if CEL optional
details repeated ValidationErrorDetail optional


A gRPC status code to be returned in case of validation error. For the available Enum codes, check googleapis/google/rpc /code.proto.


A gRPC status message in case of validation error. If omitted, the message will be auto-generated from the configurations.


A validation rule in CEL. If the condition is true, the validation returns the error. The return value must always be of type boolean. Either if or details must be specified.


message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      validation {
        name: "myMessageValidation",
        error {
          message: "MyMessage validation failed",
          if: "$.id == 'wrong'"


details is a list of validation rules and error details. If the validation fails, the corresponding error details are set. Either if or details must be specified. The other error detail types will be supported soon.

field type required or optional
if CEL required
message repeated MessageExpr optional
precondition_failure repeated google.rpc.PreconditionFailure optional
bad_request repeated google.rpc.BadRequest optional
localized_message repeated google.rpc.LocalizedMessage optional
message MyMessage {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      validation {
        name: "myMessageValidation",
        error {
          message: "MyMessage validation failed",
          details {
            if: "$.id == 'wrong'",
            message {
              name: "ErrorMessage",
              args {
                name: "message",
                string: "some message"
            precondition_failure {
              violations {
                type: "'some-type'"
                subject: "'some-subject'"
                description: "'some-desc'"
            bad_request {
              field_violations {
                field: "'some-field'"
                description: "'some-desc'"
            localized_message {
              locale: "en-US"
              message: "'some message'"


if specifies validation rule in CEL. If the condition is true, the validation returns an error with the specified details.


message represents arbitrary proto messages to describe the error detail.


precondition_failure describes what preconditions have failed. See google.rpc.PreconditionFailure for the details.


bad_request describes violations in a client request. See google.rpc.BadRequest for the details.


localized_message provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user. See google.rpc.BadRequest for the details.


There is a limit to what can be expressed in proto, so if you want to execute a process that cannot be expressed in proto, you will need to implement it yourself in the Go language.

If custom_resolver is true, the resolver for this message is implemented by Go. If there are any values retrieved by def, they are passed as arguments for custom resolver. Each field of the message returned by the custom resolver is automatically bound. If you want to change the binding process for a particular field, set custom_resolver=true option for that field.


message Foo {
  option (grpc.federation.message).custom_resolver = true;


message Foo {
  User user = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).custom_resolver = true];


alias mapping between messages defined in other packages and messages defined on the federation service side. The alias is the FQDN ( <package-name>.<message-name> ) to the message. If this definition exists, type conversion is automatically performed before the field assignment operation. If a message with this option has a field that is not present in the message specified by alias, and the alias option is not specified for that field, an error is occurred.


field type required or optional
by string optional
oneof FieldOneof optional
custom_resolver bool optional
alias string optional
string string optional


by used to refer to a variable or message argument defined in a grpc.federation.message option by CEL. You need to use $. to refer to the message argument.


oneof used to directly assign a value to a field defined by oneof.

field type required or optional
if CEL optional
default bool optional
def repeated VariableDefinition optional
by CEL optional


if is the condition to be assigned to oneof field. The return value must be of bool type.


default used to assign a value when none of the other fields match any of the specified expressions. Only one value can be defined per oneof.


def defines the list of variables to which the oneof field refers.


by used to refer to a variable or message argument defined in a grpc.federation.message and grpc.federation.field.oneof by CEL. You need to use $. to refer to the message argument.


If custom_resolver is true, the field binding process is to be implemented in Go. If there are any values retrieved by grpc.federation.message option, they are passed as arguments for custom resolver.


alias can be used when alias is specified in grpc.federation.message option, and specifies the field name to be referenced among the messages specified in alias of message option. If the specified field has the same type or can be converted automatically, its value is assigned.


Message Argument

Message argument is an argument passed when depends on other messages via the def.message feature. This parameter propagates the information necessary to resolve message dependencies.

Normally, only values explicitly specified in args can be referenced as message arguments.

However, exceptionally, a field in the gRPC method's request message can be referenced as a message argument to the method's response.

For example, consider the GetPost method of the FederationService: the GetPostReply message implicitly allows the fields of the GetPostRequest message to be used as message arguments.

In summary, it looks like this.

  1. For the response message of rpc, the request message fields are the message arguments.
  2. For other messages, the parameters explicitly passed in def.message.args option are the message arguments.
  3. You can access to the message argument with $. prefix.