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File metadata and controls

116 lines (90 loc) · 5.83 KB

Contributing Guidelines

Contributions of all kinds are welcome. By offering a contribution, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct and that your work may be made available under the terms of our license.

Workflow for adding content

The main development branch is master and the website is built on gh-pages. To add content, create a new branch in the repository and submit a PR. We suggest using the pr_* family of functions from the usethis package. See the documentation for learning how to use them. Please only create a PR when you are ready for your change to be reviewed and merged in. In general, only the Rmd files need to be edited.

When reviewing PRs and making changes, it's probably easier to edit the branch directly and push the change up. For comments, please use the commenting features in the PR.

Setting up and building the book

  1. Install R and RStudio

  2. Open RStudio by clicking on the r-rse.Rproj file

  3. Install the dependencies by typing in the console

    # Make sure you have remotes installed
    # install.packages("remotes")

This book is written in bookdown. If you want to preview builds on your own computer, please:

  1. Build the website by using Ctrl-Shift-B when in RStudio or;
  2. When in the terminal run make html or make pdf (the book gets built to _book/)

For building the PDF, note that bookdown works best with TinyTeX. After installing it, you can run make tex-packages to install all the packages this book depends on.

Other considerations when making edits

  1. The ID for each chapter and section heading is set by putting {#some-label} on the heading line. Please use the stem of the file's name in labels, i.e., start all labels for chapter stuff.Rmd with the word stuff. Also include the course type to the beginning (e.g. "r-", "py-", and "rse-").

  2. Each chapter starts with a list of questions and a list of learning objectives and ends with a list of key points. These lists are kept in plain Markdown files in the questions, objectives, and keypoints folders respectively so that they can be included in both the chapters and the objectives.Rmd and keypoints.Rmd appendices.

  3. Please always use [text][label] to refer to links and put the URL itself in the file to ensure consistency between chapters.

  4. Please use the free desktop version of to draw diagrams. Save the source as figures/stem/stem.drawio and export drawings as all of PDF, PNG, and SVG.

  5. Since LaTeX doesn't understand SVG images, hand-drawn diagrams are included as follows:

    • Create an R code block with the header {r stem-label, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Some Caption"}, which means:
      • Give this figure the ID fig:stem-label. (Bookdown automatically puts fig: in front of figure labels, though it doesn't prefix section labels with anything.)
      • Don't show the R code used to load the image, just its output (i.e., the image).
      • Give the figure the specified caption.
    • Use insert_graphic("figures/stem/filename.ext") to include your image. If you are using a .pdf image, make sure that you have the same file but as a .svg as well.
  6. Use @Name1234 or [@Name1234] to refer to bibliography entries. These entries must exist in the book.bib file. For multiple entries, separate the entries with ;, i.e. [@Name1234;@Name5678].

  7. Use \@ref(label) to refer to labels for sections and figures. Note that:

    • This only inserts the section number, not the words Chapter, Appendix, Section, or Figure.
    • Those are round parentheses, not curly braces.
    • If the figure's chunk ID is stem-label, use fig:stem-label to refer to it.
  8. Glossary entries are in, which is plain Markdown rather than R Markdown.

    • To refer to a glossary entry, use a direct link of the form [text]``(glossary.html#term-label).
    • Glossary definitions are set in bold and use an HTML anchor tag to provide the ID. We should find a more elegant way to do this.
  9. Style guide: We follow the tidyverse style guide. Please read and adhere to those styles. The styler package can help with that.

  10. We use Simplified English rather than Traditional English, i.e., American rather than British spelling and grammar.

Using R packages in the book

GitHub Actions needs to know what packages to install to build the website. To add an R package dependency, use the command usethis::use_package() in the R Console while in the r-rse R project in RStudio. This will add the package dependency to the DESCRIPTION file under the imports section. For example, if you want to add the package dplyr, you would type out usethis::use_package("dplyr") and hit enter.

Note, this section only documents what was done and why. This does not need to be done, unless others want to clone this repository for their own purposes. In order for GitHub Actions to build the website to the gh-pages branch, a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) must be added. This PAT can be generated and assigned to the Secrets setting of the project repository, followed by these steps:

  1. Create a PAT for your account on GitHub (make sure to enable the "repo" scope so that using this token will enable writing to your GitHub repos) and copy the token to your clipboard.
  2. Go to the GitHub repository Settings, then to Secrets.
  3. Create a New Secret for UNIQUE_PAT and paste the PAT token into the field.
  4. Create another New Secret, called EMAIL and include your email there.