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Version: 0.6.0 Type: application

Meshery chart for deploying Meshery


Name Email Url
Meshery Authors


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
annotations object {}
env.ADAPTER_URLS string "meshery-istio:10000 meshery-linkerd:10001 meshery-consul:10002 meshery-kuma:10007 meshery-nginx-sm:10010 meshery-nsm:10004 meshery-app-mesh:10005 meshery-traefik-mesh:10006 meshery-cilium:10012" Optionally, pre-configure Meshery Server with the set of Meshery Adapters used in the deployment.
env.EVENT string "mesheryLocal"
env.PROVIDER string "Local" Use this security-related setting to enforce selection of one and only one Provider. In this way, your Meshery deployment will only trust and only allow users to authenticate using the Provider you have configured in this setting. See the Remote Provider documentation for a description of what a Provider is.
env.MESHERY_SERVER_CALLBACK_URL string "" Configure an OAuth callback URL for Meshery Server to use when signing into a Remote Provider and your Meshery Server instance is not directly reachable by that Remote Provider. See the Remote Provider documentation for more details.
env.PROVIDER_BASE_URLS string "" Configure your Remote Provider of choice. See the Remote Provider documentation for a description of what a Provider is.
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "Always"
image.repository string "layer5/meshery"
image.tag string "stable-latest"
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths list []
ingress.tls list []
meshery-app-mesh.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-app-mesh.fullnameOverride string "meshery-app-mesh"
meshery-app-mesh.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-cilium.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-cilium.fullnameOverride string "meshery-cilium"
meshery-consul.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-consul.fullnameOverride string "meshery-consul"
meshery-consul.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-istio.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-istio.fullnameOverride string "meshery-istio"
meshery-istio.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-kuma.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-kuma.fullnameOverride string "meshery-kuma"
meshery-kuma.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-linkerd.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-linkerd.fullnameOverride string "meshery-linkerd"
meshery-linkerd.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-nginx-sm.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-nginx-sm.fullnameOverride string "meshery-nginx-sm"
meshery-nginx-sm.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-nsm.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-nsm.fullnameOverride string "meshery-nsm"
meshery-nsm.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-nighthawk.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-nighthawk.fullnameOverride string "meshery-nighthawk"
meshery-nighthawk.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-nighthawk"
meshery-operator.enabled bool true Enable to deploy this Meshery Operator upon initial deploymeent. Meshery Operator can be deployed post-installation using Meshery UI.
meshery-operator.fullnameOverride string "meshery-operator"
meshery-osm.enabled bool false OSM is an archived project.
meshery-osm.fullnameOverride string "meshery-osm"
meshery-osm.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
meshery-traefik-mesh.enabled bool false Enable to deploy this Meshery Adapter upon initial deployment. Meshery Adapters can be deployed post-installation using either Meshery CLI or UI.
meshery-traefik-mesh.fullnameOverride string "meshery-traefik-mesh"
meshery-traefik-mesh.serviceAccountNameOverride string "meshery-server"
mesherygateway.enabled bool false
mesherygateway.selector.istio string "ingressgateway" string "meshery"
metadata.namespace string "meshery"
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
probe.livenessProbe.enabled bool false
probe.readinessProbe.enabled bool false
rbac.nodes bool false
replicaCount int 1
resources object {}
restartPolicy string "Always"
securityContext object {}
service.annotations object {}
service.port int 9081
service.target_port int 8080
service.type string "LoadBalancer" string "meshery-server"
testCase.enabled bool false
tolerations list []

Setup Repo Info

helm repo add meshery meshery
helm repo update

See helm repo for command documentation.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name meshery:

kubectl create namespace meshery
helm install meshery meshery/meshery

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the meshery deployment:

helm delete meshery

Installing the Chart with a custom namespace

kubectl create namespace meshery
helm install meshery meshery/meshery --namespace meshery

Installing the Chart with a custom Meshery Adapters

Eg: For Meshery Adapter for Istio

kubectl create namespace meshery
helm install meshery meshery/meshery --set meshery-istio.enabled=true