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Not recommended for use by anyone other than the creator. Feel free to fork.

npm install --save @messman/react-common-transition

View on npm or on GitHub.

Common transition tools for React. As noted below, this is a fork of react-transition-group.



  • Added the skipTransitioning boolean property to the SwitchTransition component to skip transitions.
  • Updated the transitionKey property of SwitchTransition to allow boolean values, null, and undefined.
    • undefined acts as "use last key" and skips transitions.
    • null also skips transitions, but only the transitions related to renders from when null was the key.
    • true and false are translated to unique string keys.


  • Updated dependencies
  • Added the SwitchTransition component for transitioning out old content without explicitly holding it in state
  • Added helper function createTransitionCallback and related types for greater control over detecting the end of transitions
  • Added default support for tracking CSS Animations
  • Breaking change: updated the class names applied during transition phases to improve clarity
    • Removed enter and exit; use enter-start and exit-start for before the reflow, or use active and inactive.


  • Update dependencies
  • Update to React 18


  • Removed the need for a ref to be created outside and passed to the component and its child. That's now handled internally with the magic of cloneElement.
  • Renamed isNotEntering to skipEntering and isNotExiting to skipExiting.
  • Added a property isAlwaysMounted (false by default) to ensure the child is always mounted.
  • Added a helper function for getting the class selectors for use in styled-components.
  • Added a default for classPrefix to make it less likely that a prefix needs to be added in consuming projects.


This project is a fork of React's react-transition-group from December 2021. This project retains the BSD 3-Clause License from that project.

This fork was created for the following reasons:

  • Experiment with using React hooks instead of class components
  • Make changes to the API for simplicity and to better support working with styled-components
  • Retain the BSD 3-Clause License for modifications of the transition implementation

Changes made:

  • Re-implemented the logic from CSSTransition and Transition in a new hooks-based Transition component that has fewer input props and requires a ref to the transitioning child component
  • Removed all other components
  • Removed former build and deploy code and added more familiar build and deploy code

This fork, while public, is generally not open for issues or feature requests.

Relevant documentation from that project:

A set of components for managing component states (including mounting and unmounting) over time, specifically designed with animation in mind. Main documentation


A fork of React's React-Transition-Group that uses hooks and makes breaking changes to the API to better support use in private projects.







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  • TypeScript 96.5%
  • JavaScript 3.5%