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2. Terms

Stratego programs transform terms. When using Stratego for program transformation, terms typically represent the abstract syntax tree of a program. But Stratego does not much care what a term represents. Terms can just as well represent structured documents, software models, or anything else that can be rendered in a structured format.

Generally program text is transformed into a term by means of parsing, and turned back into program text by means of pretty-printing. One way to achieve this is by using SDF3. For most of the examples, we will just assume that we have terms that should be transformed and ignore parsing and pretty-printing. However, when we turn to running examples in the Spoofax environment in the Eclipse IDE, we will rely on SDF3 as that is the primary way to produce terms in Spoofax/Eclipse.

2.1. Annotated Term Format

Terms in Stratego are terms in the Annotated Term Format, or ATerms for short. The ATerm format provides a set of constructs for representing trees, comparable to XML or abstract data types in functional programming languages. For example, the code 4 + f(5 * x) might be represented in a term as:

Plus(Int("4"), Call("f", [Mul(Int("5"), Var("x"))]))

ATerms are constructed from the following elements:

  • Integer: An integer constant, that is a list of decimal digits, is an ATerm.

    Examples: 1, 12343.

  • String: A string constant, that is a list of characters between double quotes is an ATerm. Special characters such as double quotes and newlines should be escaped using a backslash. The backslash character itself should be escaped as well.

    Examples: "foobar", "string with quotes\"", "escaped escape character\\ and a newline\n".

  • Constructor application: A constructor is an identifier, that is an alphanumeric string starting with a letter, or a double quoted string.

    A constructor application c(t1,...,tn) creates a term by applying a constructor to a list of zero or more terms. For example, the term Plus(Int("4"),Var("x")) uses the constructors Plus, Int, and Var to create a nested term from the strings "4" and "x".

  • List: A list is a term of the form [t1,...,tn], that is a list of zero or more terms between square brackets. While all applications of a specific constructor typically have the same number of subterms, lists can have a variable number of subterms. The elements of a list are typically of the same type, while the subterms of a constructor application can vary in type.

    Example: The second argument of the call to "f" in the term Call("f",[Int("5"),Var("x")]) is a list of expressions.

  • Tuple: A tuple (t1,...,tn) is a constructor application without a constructor.

    Example: (Var("x"), Type("int"))

  • Annotation: The elements defined above are used to create the structural part of terms. Optionally, a term can be annotated with a list of terms. These annotations typically carry additional semantic information about the term. An annotated term has the form t{t1,...,tn}.

    Example: Lt(Var("n"),Int("1")){Type("bool")}. The contents of annotations is up to the application.

2.2. Exchanging Terms

The term format described above is used in Stratego programs to denote terms, but is also used to exchange terms between programs. Thus, the internal format and the external format exactly coincide. Of course, internally a Stratego program uses a data-structure in memory with pointers rather than manipulating a textual representation of terms. But this is completely hidden from the Stratego programmer.

2.3. Inspecting Terms

As a Stratego programmer you will be looking a lot at raw ATerms. Stratego pioneers did this by opening an ATerm file in emacs and trying to get a sense of the structure by parenthesis highlighting and inserting newlines here and there. These days your life is much more pleasant through pretty-printing ATerms, which adds layout to a term to make it readable. For example, parsing the following program

let function fact(n : int) : int =
      if n < 1 then 1 else (n * fact(n - 1))
 in printint(fact(10))

produces the following ATerm:


By pretty-printing the term we get a much more readable term:

  [ FunDecs(
      [ FunDec(
        , [FArg("n", Tp(Tid("int")))]
        , Tp(Tid("int"))
        , If(
            Lt(Var("n"), Int("1"))
          , Int("1")
          , Seq([ Times(Var("n"), Call(Var("fact"), [Minus(Var("n"), Int("1"))]))
, [ Call(Var("printint"), [Call(Var("fact"), [Int("10")])])

In Spoofax/Eclipse, you will find that in some contexts ATerms are automatically pretty-printed, whereas in others they are simply printed linearly. However, you can obtain assistance with perceiving the structure of any ATerm by writing it into a file with the ".aterm" extension and opening it in the Spoofax Editor in Eclipse. On the right there will be a convenient Outline Navigator which allows you to select any node in the ATerm and see the entire subtree below it highlighted in the editor.

2.4. Signatures

To use terms in Stratego programs, their constructors should be declared in a signature. A signature declares a number of sorts and a number of constructors for these sorts. For each constructor, a signature declares the number and types of its arguments. For example, the following signature declares some typical constructors for constructing abstract syntax trees of expressions in a programming language:

  sorts Id Exp
           : String -> Id
    Var    : Id -> Exp
    Int    : Int -> Exp
    Plus   : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Mul    : Exp * Exp -> Exp
    Call   : Id  * List(Exp) -> Exp

Currently, the Stratego compiler only checks the arity of constructor applications against the signature. Still, it is considered good style to also declare the types of constructors in a sensible manner for the purpose of documentation.

The situation in Spoofax/Eclipse is even more convenient; if you have an SDF3 language specification, Spoofax will automatically generate a corresponding signature definition that you can import into Stratego.