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103 lines (67 loc) · 3.18 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (67 loc) · 3.18 KB


A JSON-over-HTTP service to perform operations provided by musicbrainz-data.


musicbrainz-data-service currently uses Git submodules to pin the required version of musicbrainz-data that it wraps. It's recommend to clone this repository with the --recursive flag:

git clone --recursive git://


musicbrainz-data-service is packaged using Cabal, and requires GHC 7.4 (or higher). We recommend installing the 2012.2.0.0 version of the Haskell Platform, as this provides a lot of dependencies this project uses; however, with an up to date cabal-install and the aforementioned GHC version satisfied you should also be able to build this project.

You also need access to a PostgreSQL database server with the cube and uuid-ossp extensions, on Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 these extensions are in the postgresql-contrib-9.1 package.

Before you can build musicbrainz-data-service, you will need to install musicbrainz-data. To do so, run the following commands from inside your musicbrainz-data-service checkout:

cd musicbrainz-data
cabal install
cd ..

Once you have those requirements, you can now run:

cabal install

Working on musicbrainz-data-service.


To install just the dependencies needed to run musicbrainz-data-service, run:

cabal install --only-dependencies

If you plan to run tests, you will need to run:

cabal install --enable-tests --only-dependencies


To build, you first need to configure the package. If you wish to simple build, use:

cabal configure

Whereas if you also wish to run tests, use:

cabal configure --enable-tests

You can now build the package with:

cabal build

If you later change the .cabal file (for example, exporting more modules or adding dependencies) then Cabal should be clever enough to reconfigure with the same options for you. If you get stuck, you can use cabal clean and re-run these steps.

Running tests

To run tests you first need to set up the test database, run the following commands (obviously the createuser isn't needed if you already have a musicbrainz user, and the dropdb isn't needed if you don't have an existing musicbrainz_nes database):

createuser -U postgres musicbrainz --no-createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole;
dropdb     -U postgres musicbrainz_nes
createdb   -U postgres musicbrainz_nes --owner=musicbrainz
psql       -U postgres musicbrainz_nes

That last command will start the postgresql prompt, on that prompt run the following commands:

\i musicbrainz-data/test/data/test-schema.sql

Your database is now ready to run the tests.

We use Cabal to run tests. To build tests while you develop, enable test building when you configure musicbrainz-data:

cabal configure --enable-tests

Every time you run cabal build you will also build tests. You can run tests by running:

cabal test

Check the output of cabal test --help for various things that can also be done while you run tests.