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Firmware install service architecture
Firmware install services and its dependencies

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Concepts
    1. Conditions
    2. Controllers
    3. Locks
  3. Messaging
    1. Message schema
  4. Architecture
  5. Process
    1. Failure modes and recovery
      1. Expectations after a failure
    2. Out of band firmware install
    3. Flasher abrupt failure


The Firmware install as a service is to expose a single API to consumers which with enable them to,

  • Install and ensure firmware(s)/firmware-set(s) on a server.
  • Check the current status of a firmware install.

This document introduces the services part of the whole and how they interact. As of now this serves as an initial design document and will be kept updated based on changes to the system.


Firmware install as a service depends on various platform services and a few constructs managed through Serverservice Attributes to function in an event driven and scalable manner.

This section covers an overview of those technologies and constructs for reference.


  • A condition is represents an action to be reconciled on a server by a controller (Flasher, Alloy, PBnJ).
  • A condition is an object associated with a server, stored as a serverservice Server Attribute.
  • The condition construct is available to controllers and end users through conditionOrc
  • A server may have one or more unique conditions associated with it, that is - it cannot have two or more firmwareInstall conditions associated with it at any given instant.
  • Conditions are modelled around the k8s podConditions
  • The kinds of conditions that could exist depends on the controllers present.
  • Each condition has a 'kind' attribute which could be one of - firmwareInstall, inventoryOOB, powerCycleHard, powerCycleSoft etc.
  • The condition object consists of the following fields,
 "kind": "firmwareInstall",
 "state": "pending", // updated by the controller
 "parameters": { ... }, // input parameters from the client requesting the condition.
 "status": { ... }, // status
 "controller": "<controller generated identifier>", // set by the controller
 "created_at": timestamp,
 "updated_at": timestamp,
  • The state field may only contain one of the following values pending, active, failed, succeeded.
  • A condition starts in the pending state and finalizes in either the failed, suceeded states.
  • The parameters field is an arbitrary JSON object that the condition-orchestrator accepts from the client.
  • The status field is an arbitrary JSON object that the condition-orchestrator updates based on controller feedback.


  • Controllers listen for work on the NATs message bus - the message subject, format is to be decided, but the message is to encapsulate the condition as is.

  • When controllers receive a condition message it can act on, it begins its work.

  • Controllers are services reconcile conditions to a finalized state.

  • Controllers transition and keep the condition updated based on its work.

  • Controller send a message on the NATs message bus to update the state, data attributes.

  • Controllers should not modify the condition kind attribute.

  • Controllers are to resend a message in case of a failure - in either sending the message or if the original update was rejected by Serverservice.

  • Controllers are expected to drop unrelated or duplicate messages.


  • How does a controller reclaim, retry a condition after an abrupt restart/failure.
  • When updating the status or data attributes, the controller must pass the original lock value from the previous operation where it received this value, Serverservice will not accept a PUT OR a message to update a Condition if the lock value does not match the existing, this mechanism functions as an optimistic lock.


Note: this construct needs more brainstorming and review before implementation.

Locks are a Serverservice construct to restrict the number of controllers acting on the same device at the same instant.

They are an exclusive lock for the device BMC access (atleast for now).

A controller acting to finalize a condition on a device obtains a lock - only if the condition its deals with can fail in a disruptive manner, or that condition could affect other conditions that may be currently active on the BMC.

Examples of possibly disruptive conditions are - firmwareInstall, powerCycleHost (not exhaustive).

The below cases describe situations where device locks will prove useful.

case 1

  • If theres a two conditions firmwareInstall, powerCycleHost set on a device and they are in the pending status, each of them should be finalized serially (in order of timestamp or a priority value), so as not to affect each other.

case 2

  • If the firmwareInstall condition is currently active on a device, and second condition powerCycleHost gets set to pending, this second condition should not be attempted to be finalized by its relevant controller (PBnJ?) until the firmwareInstall controller has released the lock.


Controllers and services communicate through the NATS pubsub system (to begin with), further details are to be added once this is past the PoC phase.

Message schema


condition orchestrator - conditionOrc

ConditionOrc is a service that serves four purposes,

  • Expose a CRUD API for server conditions with the conditions stored in Serverservice as server Attributes.
  • Keeps track of controllers active per condition, redistributes work if a controller is unavailable.
  • Lookup un-finalized conditions in Serverservice and publishes them with a time interval until they are finalized level based triggers.
  • Garbage collect conditions in Serverservice that are found to be idle.


The firmware install service architecture tries to be as event driven as possible and comprises of the following services,

    title: service and controller interaction
flowchart TD
    m{{NATS message bus}}<-->c(ConditionOrc)
    m{{NATS message bus}}<-->s(serverservice)<-->d[(crdb)]
    m{{NATS message bus}}<-->f1(flasher)
    m{{NATS message bus}}<-->f2(flasher)
    subgraph facility-A
        f1(flasher)-->server1(server BMC)
        f1(flasher)-->server2(server BMC)
        f1(flasher)-->server3(server BMC)
    subgraph facility-B
        f2(flasher)-->server4(server BMC)
        f2(flasher)-->server5(server BMC)
        f2(flasher)-->server6(server BMC)



The diagrams below depict the sequence of events for the Firmware install process.

Failure modes and recovery

The various kinds of failure modes we want to cover are,

  • k8s node its running on goes down for maintenance.
  • flasher pod is killed for reasons like consuming too much memory.
  • flasher dies because of a panic in the code.
  • flasher is just hung in some sort of loop, and does not continue to perform any action.

Expectations after a failure,

Flasher should be able to request for any remaining updates that are pending OR that work to be done is published periodically by the condition-orchestrator (level based triggers), which is then acted on.

Once flasher figures out work pending, it should - allow any currently running updates (on the BMC) to complete and proceed to install the remaining ones.

Operators of the system are notified the flasher process died abruptly along with any followup information.

Successful Out of band firmware install

This is the sequence diagram for a successful firmware install for the BIOS, BMC components, through the server BMC.

The request for a firmwareUpdate is received by conditionOrc which then registers the condition in Serverservice and forwards requests on the NATs message bus for the controllers.

    actor Dustin

    %% >>>>>>>>>> participants
    participant Serverservice
    participant ConditionOrc
    participant Flasher
    participant Server BMC
    participant Artifacts

    %% >>>>>>>>>> interaction
    Dustin->>ConditionOrc: POST /api/v1/servers/{id}/condition
    activate ConditionOrc
    Note right of Dustin: {"kind": "FirmwareInstall", "firmware-set-id": "<UUID>"}
    ConditionOrc->>Serverservice: add FirmwareInstall attribute
    ConditionOrc->>Flasher: NATs event "FirmwareInstall" on server
    ConditionOrc-->Dustin:  200
    deactivate ConditionOrc

    %% >>>>>>>>>> flasher work begins
    Flasher->>Flasher: Initialize firmware install task
    activate Flasher
    opt If powered off
      Flasher->>Server BMC: Power on device
    Flasher-->>ConditionOrc: NATs event "FirmwareInstall status"
    activate ConditionOrc
      ConditionOrc-->>Serverservice: update FirmwareInstall Attribute
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    Flasher->>Serverservice: GET /api/v1/firmware-set

    %% >>>>>>>>>> flasher installs BMC firmware
    Flasher->>Server BMC: Query installed firmware
    Flasher->>Flasher: Plan firmware applicable from firmware-set
    Flasher-->>ConditionOrc: NATs event "FirmwareInstall status"
    activate ConditionOrc
      ConditionOrc-->>Serverservice: update FirmwareInstall Attribute
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    Dustin->>ConditionOrc: GET /api/v1/servers/{id}/condition?kind=FirmwareInstall
    ConditionOrc-->>Dustin: {FirmwareInstall Status}
    Flasher->>Flasher: Execute plan to install firmware
    Flasher->>Artifacts: download and verify firmware file checksums
    Flasher->>Server BMC: Install BMC firmware
    activate Server BMC
    Flasher-->>ConditionOrc: NATs event "FirmwareInstall status"
    activate ConditionOrc
      ConditionOrc-->>Serverservice: update FirmwareInstall Attribute
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    loop with exponential backoff
      Flasher->>Server BMC: Poll until BMC firmware install is finalized
    deactivate Server BMC

    %% >>>>>>>>>> flasher install BIOS firmware
    Flasher->>Server BMC: Install BIOS firmware
    activate Server BMC
    Flasher-->>ConditionOrc: NATs event "FirmwareInstall status"
    activate ConditionOrc
    ConditionOrc-->>Serverservice: update FirmwareInstall Attribute
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    Flasher->>Server BMC: Power cycle host to complete install (set PXE UEFI shell)
    loop with exponential backoff
      Flasher->>Server BMC: Poll until firmware install is finalized
    deactivate Server BMC

    %% >>>>>>>>>> flasher work is done
    opt If flasher powered this device on
      Flasher->>Server BMC: Power off device
    Flasher-->>ConditionOrc: NATs event "FirmwareInstall succeeded"
    activate ConditionOrc
      ConditionOrc-->>Serverservice: update FirmwareInstall Attribute
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    deactivate Flasher
    Dustin->>ConditionOrc: GET /api/v1/servers/{id}/condition?kind=FirmwareInstall
    ConditionOrc-->>Dustin: {FirmwareInstall Status}

Flasher abrupt failure

Sequence diagram for the case where the flasher service dies in middle of an update.

TODO: this needs more eyes and testing.

    actor Dustin

    %% >>>>>>>>>> participants
    participant Serverservice
    participant ConditionOrc
    participant Flasher
    participant Server BMC
    participant Artifacts

    %% >>>>>>>>>> interaction
    Dustin->>ConditionOrc: POST /api/v1/servers/{id}/condition
    activate ConditionOrc
    Note right of Dustin: {"kind": "FirmwareInstall", "firmware-set-id": "<UUID>"}
    ConditionOrc->>Serverservice: add FirmwareInstall attribute
    ConditionOrc->>Flasher: NATs event "FirmwareInstall" on server
    ConditionOrc-->Dustin:  200
    deactivate ConditionOrc

    %% >>>>>>>>>> flasher work begins
    Flasher->>Flasher: Initialize firmware install task
    activate Flasher
    opt If powered off
      Flasher->>Server BMC: Power on device
    Flasher-->>ConditionOrc: NATs event "FirmwareInstall status"
    activate ConditionOrc
      ConditionOrc-->>Serverservice: update FirmwareInstall Attribute
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    Flasher->>Serverservice: GET /api/v1/firmware-set

    %% >>>>>>>>>> flasher installs BMC firmware
    Flasher->>Server BMC: Query installed firmware
    Flasher->>Flasher: Plan firmware applicable from firmware-set
    Flasher-->>ConditionOrc: NATs event "FirmwareInstall status"
    activate ConditionOrc
      ConditionOrc-->>Serverservice: update FirmwareInstall Attribute
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    Dustin->>ConditionOrc: GET /api/v1/servers/{id}/condition?kind=FirmwareInstall
    ConditionOrc-->>Dustin: {FirmwareInstall Status}
    Flasher->>Flasher: Execute plan to install firmware
    Flasher->>Artifacts: download and verify firmware file checksums
    Flasher->>Server BMC: Install BMC firmware
    deactivate Flasher
    break pod killed/died
        Flasher->>Flasher: flasher restarted / started on another node
    activate Flasher
    Flasher->>ConditionOrc: NATS event "Flasher online"
    activate ConditionOrc
    ConditionOrc->>Serverservice: list unresolved conditions
    ConditionOrc->>Flasher: NATS event "FirmwareInstall" on server
    deactivate ConditionOrc
    deactivate Flasher

