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157 lines (117 loc) · 4.33 KB


Javascript Unit Testing using karma together with Mocha, Chai and requirejs. You can just test the code alone using Mocha, just imagine you've a lot of test suite, it's best if we can watch the changes, generate the report, etc by using Karma(not Wings hukum karma okey)!


  • Karma(Test Runner)
  • Mocha(Test Framework)
  • Chai
  • RequireJs(Module dependencies)
  • npm


  1. create project directory with any name

  2. Create package.json file npm init

  3. Installing karma, mocha, requirejs, chai and all plugins related to karma

    a) Install karma and karma plugins

    npm i --save-dev karma
    npm i --save-dev karma-mocha
    npm i --save-dev karma-chai
    npm i --save-dev karma-requirejs

    b) Install mocha, requirejs and chai

    npm i --save-dev mocha
    npm i --save-dev chai
    npm i --save-dev requirejs

    c) Install launcher

    npm i karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev
    npm i karma-firefox-launcher --save-dev // optional
    npm i karma-opera-launcher --save-dev // optional
    npm i karma-safari-launcher --save-dev // optional
    npm i karma-phantomjs-launcher --save-dev // optional
    npm i phantomjs --save-dev // optional

    d) Install karma-cli, for enabling karma command as a global npm i -g karma-cli

  4. Create karma.conf.jsfile using following command karma init --> this command will create karma.conf.js. Or copy from the code below and paste into karma.conf.js :

// Karma configuration
// Generated on Thu Oct 19 2017 15:23:52 GMT+0800 (+08)

module.exports = function(config) {

   // base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
   basePath: '',

   // frameworks to use
   // available frameworks:
   frameworks: ['mocha', 'requirejs', 'chai'],

   // set plugins that we need to use with karma during test execution
   plugins : [

   // list of files / patterns to load in the browser
   files: [
       {pattern: './unit-tests/**/*.js', included: true}, // where out test suite located
       {pattern: './unit-tests/main.js', included: true} // required all test suite and include into DOM

   // list of files to exclude
   exclude: [
   reporters: ['progress'],

   // web server port
   port: 9876,

   // enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
   colors: true,

   // level of logging
   // possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
   logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,

   // enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
   autoWatch: true,

   // start these browsers
   // available browser launchers:
   browsers: ['Chrome', 'PhantomJS'],

   // Continuous Integration mode
   // if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
   singleRun: false,

   // Concurrency level
   // how many browser should be started simultaneous
   concurrency: Infinity
  1. Create a folder at the root project name unit-tests and create file main.js :
var tests = [];
// get all test suites that suffix with `_test.js`
for (var file in window.__karma__.files) {
    if (/\_test\.js$/.test(file)) { tests.push(file); }
// require above test suite automatically using requirejs
// and finally run mocha programmatically
    baseUrl: '/base/app/',
    deps: tests,
  1. Create simple test suite inside unit-tests folder with the name ending with _test.js, eg:my_test.js:
// here we can use chai.expect, chai.should() or chai.assert
var assert = chai.assert;

describe("Init test", function(){
   describe("Equal", function(){
     it("should match count", function(){
     	var a = 1;
       assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(a));
  1. Run test using this command karma start or karma start karma.conf.js, you can see the results of test inside console or at browser's console

  2. Have fun.