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Metchain full node bitcoin implementation written in Go (golang).

What is Metblock?

Metchain Blockchain is an attempt at a proof-of-work on layer 1 and proof-of-stake on layer 2 cryptocurrency with instant confirmations and 10 seconds block times. It is based on the PHANTOM protocol, a generalization of Nakamoto consensus with BFTs Byzantine Fault Tolerance Metchain is an open-source initiative aimed at providing a robust and scalable blockchain infrastructure. Designed with modularity and inter-operability in mind, Metchain offers developers a suite of tools and protocols for building decentralized applications (DApps), smart contracts, and custom blockchain solutions. Our mission is to foster innovation and ease the development of blockchain ecosystems with high security, transparency, and efficiency.


Consensus Mechanism: Implementing Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithms for network security and energy efficiency.

Smart Contract Engine: A flexible and secure execution environment for smart contracts using WebAssembly (Wasm)( Coming soon in layer 3 ).

P2P Networking: Robust peer-to-peer networking capabilities ensuring reliable and fast communication across nodes.

Cryptography Library: Comprehensive cryptographic functions and protocols to maintain privacy and integrity.

Blockchain Explorer: A built-in explorer to view transactions, blocks, and network activity.

API Integration: RESTful API for easy integration with external services and applications.

Modular Architecture: Easily extendable and customizable modules for various use cases.


Go 1.21 or later.


Build from Source

Coming soon.

Getting Started

Metchain has several configuration options available to tweak how it runs, but all of the basic operations work with zero configuration.