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649 lines (646 loc) · 8.75 KB

File metadata and controls

649 lines (646 loc) · 8.75 KB

Icon Index

643 total icons


  • Accessibility16
  • Accessibility24
  • AccessibilityInset16
  • AccessibilityInset24
  • AiModel16
  • AiModel24
  • Alert16
  • Alert24
  • AlertFill12
  • AlertFill16
  • AlertFill24
  • Apps16
  • Apps24
  • Archive16
  • Archive24
  • ArrowBoth16
  • ArrowBoth24
  • ArrowDown16
  • ArrowDown24
  • ArrowDownLeft16
  • ArrowDownLeft24
  • ArrowDownRight16
  • ArrowDownRight24
  • ArrowLeft16
  • ArrowLeft24
  • ArrowRight16
  • ArrowRight24
  • ArrowSwitch16
  • ArrowSwitch24
  • ArrowUp16
  • ArrowUp24
  • ArrowUpLeft16
  • ArrowUpLeft24
  • ArrowUpRight16
  • ArrowUpRight24
  • Beaker16
  • Beaker24
  • Bell16
  • Bell24
  • BellFill16
  • BellFill24
  • BellSlash16
  • BellSlash24
  • Blocked16
  • Blocked24
  • Bold16
  • Bold24
  • Book16
  • Book24
  • Bookmark16
  • Bookmark24
  • BookmarkFill24
  • BookmarkFilled16
  • BookmarkSlash16
  • BookmarkSlash24
  • BookmarkSlashFill16
  • BookmarkSlashFill24
  • Briefcase16
  • Briefcase24
  • Broadcast16
  • Broadcast24
  • Browser16
  • Browser24
  • Bug16
  • Bug24
  • Cache16
  • Cache24
  • Calendar16
  • Calendar24
  • Check16
  • Check24
  • Checkbox16
  • Checkbox24
  • CheckCircle16
  • CheckCircle24
  • CheckCircleFill12
  • CheckCircleFill16
  • CheckCircleFill24
  • Checklist16
  • Checklist24
  • ChevronDown12
  • ChevronDown16
  • ChevronDown24
  • ChevronLeft12
  • ChevronLeft16
  • ChevronLeft24
  • ChevronRight12
  • ChevronRight16
  • ChevronRight24
  • ChevronUp12
  • ChevronUp16
  • ChevronUp24
  • Circle16
  • Circle24
  • CircleSlash16
  • CircleSlash24
  • Clock16
  • Clock24
  • ClockFill16
  • ClockFill24
  • Cloud16
  • Cloud24
  • CloudOffline16
  • CloudOffline24
  • Code16
  • Code24
  • CodeOfConduct16
  • CodeOfConduct24
  • CodeReview16
  • CodeReview24
  • Codescan16
  • Codescan24
  • CodescanCheckmark16
  • CodescanCheckmark24
  • Codespaces16
  • Codespaces24
  • CodeSquare16
  • CodeSquare24
  • Columns16
  • Columns24
  • CommandPalette16
  • CommandPalette24
  • Comment16
  • Comment24
  • CommentDiscussion16
  • CommentDiscussion24
  • Container16
  • Container24
  • Copilot16
  • Copilot24
  • Copilot48
  • Copilot96
  • CopilotError16
  • CopilotWarning16
  • Copy16
  • Copy24
  • Cpu16
  • Cpu24
  • CreditCard16
  • CreditCard24
  • CrossReference16
  • CrossReference24
  • Dash16
  • Dash24
  • Database16
  • Database24
  • Dependabot16
  • Dependabot24
  • DesktopDownload16
  • DesktopDownload24
  • DeviceCamera16
  • DeviceCamera24
  • DeviceCameraVideo16
  • DeviceCameraVideo24
  • DeviceDesktop16
  • DeviceDesktop24
  • DeviceMobile16
  • DeviceMobile24
  • Devices16
  • Devices24
  • Diamond16
  • Diamond24
  • Diff16
  • Diff24
  • DiffAdded16
  • DiffAdded24
  • DiffIgnored16
  • DiffIgnored24
  • DiffModified16
  • DiffModified24
  • DiffRemoved16
  • DiffRemoved24
  • DiffRenamed16
  • DiffRenamed24
  • DiscussionClosed16
  • DiscussionClosed24
  • DiscussionDuplicate16
  • DiscussionDuplicate24
  • DiscussionOutdated16
  • DiscussionOutdated24
  • Dot16
  • Dot24
  • DotFill16
  • DotFill24
  • Download16
  • Download24
  • Duplicate16
  • Duplicate24
  • Ellipsis16
  • Ellipsis24
  • Eye16
  • Eye24
  • EyeClosed16
  • EyeClosed24
  • FeedDiscussion16
  • FeedForked16
  • FeedHeart16
  • FeedIssueClosed16
  • FeedIssueDraft16
  • FeedIssueOpen16
  • FeedIssueReopen16
  • FeedMerged16
  • FeedPerson16
  • FeedPlus16
  • FeedPublic16
  • FeedPullRequestClosed16
  • FeedPullRequestDraft16
  • FeedPullRequestOpen16
  • FeedRepo16
  • FeedRocket16
  • FeedStar16
  • FeedTag16
  • FeedTrophy16
  • File16
  • File24
  • FileAdded16
  • FileAdded24
  • FileBadge16
  • FileBadge24
  • FileBinary16
  • FileBinary24
  • FileCode16
  • FileCode24
  • FileDiff16
  • FileDiff24
  • FileDirectory16
  • FileDirectory24
  • FileDirectoryFill16
  • FileDirectoryFill24
  • FileDirectoryOpenFill16
  • FileDirectoryOpenFill24
  • FileDirectorySymlink16
  • FileDirectorySymlink24
  • FileMedia16
  • FileMedia24
  • FileMoved16
  • FileMoved24
  • FileRemoved16
  • FileRemoved24
  • FileSubmodule16
  • FileSubmodule24
  • FileSymlinkFile16
  • FileSymlinkFile24
  • FileZip16
  • FileZip24
  • Filter16
  • Filter24
  • FilterRemove16
  • FilterRemove24
  • FiscalHost16
  • FiscalHost24
  • Flame16
  • Flame24
  • Fold16
  • Fold24
  • FoldDown16
  • FoldDown24
  • FoldUp16
  • FoldUp24
  • Gear16
  • Gear24
  • Gift16
  • Gift24
  • GitBranch16
  • GitBranch24
  • GitCommit16
  • GitCommit24
  • GitCompare16
  • GitCompare24
  • GitMerge16
  • GitMerge24
  • GitMergeQueue16
  • GitMergeQueue24
  • GitPullRequest16
  • GitPullRequest24
  • GitPullRequestClosed16
  • GitPullRequestClosed24
  • GitPullRequestDraft16
  • GitPullRequestDraft24
  • Globe16
  • Globe24
  • Goal16
  • Goal24
  • Grabber16
  • Grabber24
  • Graph16
  • Graph24
  • Hash16
  • Hash24
  • Heading16
  • Heading24
  • Heart16
  • Heart24
  • HeartFill16
  • HeartFill24
  • History16
  • History24
  • Home16
  • Home24
  • HomeFill16
  • HomeFill24
  • HorizontalRule16
  • HorizontalRule24
  • Hourglass16
  • Hourglass24
  • Hubot16
  • Hubot24
  • IdBadge16
  • IdBadge24
  • Image16
  • Image24
  • Inbox16
  • Inbox24
  • Infinity16
  • Infinity24
  • Info16
  • Info24
  • IssueClosed16
  • IssueClosed24
  • IssueDraft16
  • IssueDraft24
  • IssueOpened16
  • IssueOpened24
  • IssueReopened16
  • IssueReopened24
  • IssueTrackedBy16
  • IssueTrackedBy24
  • IssueTracks16
  • IssueTracks24
  • Italic16
  • Italic24
  • Iterations16
  • Iterations24
  • KebabHorizontal16
  • KebabHorizontal24
  • Key16
  • Key24
  • KeyAsterisk16
  • KeyAsterisk24
  • Law16
  • Law24
  • LightBulb16
  • LightBulb24
  • Link16
  • Link24
  • LinkExternal16
  • LinkExternal24
  • ListOrdered16
  • ListOrdered24
  • ListUnordered16
  • ListUnordered24
  • Location16
  • Location24
  • Lock16
  • Lock24
  • Log16
  • Log24
  • LogoGist16
  • LogoGist24
  • LogoGithub16
  • LogoGithub24
  • Mail16
  • Mail24
  • Markdown16
  • Markdown24
  • MarkGithub16
  • MarkGithub24
  • Megaphone16
  • Megaphone24
  • Mention16
  • Mention24
  • Meter16
  • Meter24
  • Milestone16
  • Milestone24
  • Mirror16
  • Mirror24
  • Moon16
  • Moon24
  • MortarBoard16
  • MortarBoard24
  • MoveToBottom16
  • MoveToBottom24
  • MoveToEnd16
  • MoveToEnd24
  • MoveToStart16
  • MoveToStart24
  • MoveToTop16
  • MoveToTop24
  • MultiSelect16
  • MultiSelect24
  • Mute16
  • Mute24
  • NoEntry16
  • NoEntry24
  • NoEntryFill12
  • NorthStar16
  • NorthStar24
  • Note16
  • Note24
  • Number16
  • Number24
  • Organization16
  • Organization24
  • Package16
  • Package24
  • PackageDependencies16
  • PackageDependencies24
  • PackageDependents16
  • PackageDependents24
  • Paintbrush16
  • Paintbrush24
  • PaperAirplane16
  • PaperAirplane24
  • Paperclip16
  • Paperclip24
  • PasskeyFill16
  • PasskeyFill24
  • Paste16
  • Paste24
  • Pencil16
  • Pencil24
  • People16
  • People24
  • Person16
  • Person24
  • PersonAdd16
  • PersonAdd24
  • PersonFill16
  • PersonFill24
  • Pin16
  • Pin24
  • PinSlash16
  • PinSlash24
  • PivotColumn16
  • PivotColumn24
  • Play16
  • Play24
  • Plug16
  • Plug24
  • Plus16
  • Plus24
  • PlusCircle16
  • PlusCircle24
  • Project16
  • Project24
  • ProjectRoadmap16
  • ProjectRoadmap24
  • ProjectSymlink16
  • ProjectSymlink24
  • ProjectTemplate16
  • ProjectTemplate24
  • Pulse16
  • Pulse24
  • Question16
  • Question24
  • Quote16
  • Quote24
  • Read16
  • Read24
  • Redo16
  • Redo24
  • RelFilePath16
  • RelFilePath24
  • Reply16
  • Reply24
  • Repo16
  • Repo24
  • RepoClone16
  • RepoClone24
  • RepoDelete24
  • RepoDeleted16
  • RepoForked16
  • RepoForked24
  • RepoLocked16
  • RepoLocked24
  • RepoPull16
  • RepoPull24
  • RepoPush16
  • RepoPush24
  • Report16
  • Report24
  • RepoTemplate16
  • RepoTemplate24
  • Rocket16
  • Rocket24
  • Rows16
  • Rows24
  • Rss16
  • Rss24
  • Ruby16
  • Ruby24
  • ScreenFull16
  • ScreenFull24
  • ScreenNormal16
  • ScreenNormal24
  • Search16
  • Search24
  • Server16
  • Server24
  • Share16
  • Share24
  • ShareAndroid16
  • ShareAndroid24
  • Shield16
  • Shield24
  • ShieldCheck16
  • ShieldCheck24
  • ShieldLock16
  • ShieldLock24
  • ShieldSlash16
  • ShieldSlash24
  • ShieldX16
  • ShieldX24
  • SidebarCollapse16
  • SidebarCollapse24
  • SidebarExpand16
  • SidebarExpand24
  • SignIn16
  • SignIn24
  • SignOut16
  • SignOut24
  • SingleSelect16
  • SingleSelect24
  • Skip16
  • Skip24
  • SkipFill16
  • SkipFill24
  • Sliders16
  • Sliders24
  • Smiley16
  • Smiley24
  • SortAsc16
  • SortAsc24
  • SortDesc16
  • SortDesc24
  • SparkleFill16
  • SparkleFill24
  • SponsorTiers16
  • SponsorTiers24
  • Square16
  • Square24
  • SquareFill16
  • SquareFill24
  • Squirrel16
  • Squirrel24
  • Stack16
  • Stack24
  • Star16
  • Star24
  • StarFill16
  • StarFill24
  • Stop16
  • Stop24
  • Stopwatch16
  • Stopwatch24
  • Strikethrough16
  • Strikethrough24
  • Sun16
  • Sun24
  • Sync16
  • Sync24
  • Tab16
  • Tab24
  • TabExternal16
  • TabExternal24
  • Table16
  • Table24
  • Tag16
  • Tag24
  • Tasklist16
  • Tasklist24
  • Telescope16
  • Telescope24
  • TelescopeFill16
  • TelescopeFill24
  • Terminal16
  • Terminal24
  • ThreeBars16
  • ThreeBars24
  • Thumbsdown16
  • Thumbsdown24
  • Thumbsup16
  • Thumbsup24
  • Tools16
  • Tools24
  • TrackedByClosedCompleted16
  • TrackedByClosedCompleted24
  • TrackedByClosedNotPlanned16
  • TrackedByClosedNotPlanned24
  • Trash16
  • Trash24
  • TriangleDown16
  • TriangleDown24
  • TriangleLeft16
  • TriangleLeft24
  • TriangleRight16
  • TriangleRight24
  • TriangleUp16
  • TriangleUp24
  • Trophy16
  • Trophy24
  • Typography16
  • Typography24
  • Undo16
  • Undo24
  • Unfold16
  • Unfold24
  • Unlink16
  • Unlink24
  • Unlock16
  • Unlock24
  • Unmute16
  • Unmute24
  • Unread16
  • Unread24
  • Unverified16
  • Unverified24
  • Upload16
  • Upload24
  • Verified16
  • Verified24
  • Versions16
  • Versions24
  • Video16
  • Video24
  • Webhook16
  • Workflow16
  • Workflow24
  • X12
  • X16
  • X24
  • XCircle16
  • XCircle24
  • XCircleFill12
  • XCircleFill16
  • XCircleFill24
  • Zap16
  • Zap24
  • ZoomIn16
  • ZoomIn24
  • ZoomOut16
  • ZoomOut24