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LDAP: ldap_query
LDAP query data source.


Data source for querying LDAP for one or more objects.

Example Usage

The following example return the email address of all developers in a particular group named "org1".

data "ldap_query" "org1" {

  base_dn = "dc=acme,dc=com"
  filter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(memberOf=cn=developers,ou=org1,ou=pcf,dc=example,dc=org))("

  attributes = [ "mail", "givenName", "sn" ]

  index_attribute = "mail"

This is equivalent to the following query using the ldapsearch cli.

ldapsearch -x -H ldap://myldapserver:389 \
  -D "<bind DN>" -w "<bind password>" \
  -b "dc=example,dc=org" \

Argument Reference

  • base_dn - (Required, String) The base DN for the query
  • filter - (Required, String) The LDAP search query filter.

The following arguments declare how the results should be exported so they can be referenced via interpolation.

  • attributes - (Required, List) The list of the LDAP attributes to be retrieved.
  • index_attribute - (Required, String) The LDAP attribute to use to populate the results attribute with. The value of this attribute can be used as the key to lookup a LDAP query result record and its attributes.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • results - A list of the values of the index_attribute for all entries returned by the query. For example if the index_attribute was the LDAP mail attribute then all the email addresses returned as a result of the LDAP query will be exported via this resource attribute.
  • results_attr - A map of the LDAP results keyed by the attribute name identified by <index_attribute_value>/<attribute name>. If additional LDAP attributes were requested then their values may be retrieved by looking up this map using the value of the index_attribute (i.e. <index_attribute_value>) and the LDAP attribute name.