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An F# Azure Type Provider which can be used to explore Blob, Table and Queue Azure Storage assets and easily apply CRUD operations on them.


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Azure Storage Type Provider

An F# Azure Type Provider which can be used to explore Azure Storage assets i.e. Blob and Table Storage, and then easily apply operations on those asset.

The goal is to create a provider which allows lightweight access to your Azure storage data within the context of e.g. F# scripts to allow CRUD operations quickly and easily.


Use the Nuget Package Manager to install the Type Provider ( or through the console

PM> Install-Package FSharp.Azure.StorageTypeProvider

Blob Storage

The blob storage provider is geared for ad-hoc querying of your data, rather than programmatic access.

// Automatically reference all required assemblies.

#load "../packages/FSharp.Azure.StorageTypeProvider/StorageTypeProvider.fsx"
open FSharp.Azure.StorageTypeProvider

// Connect to a live Azure account
type account = AzureTypeProvider<"accountName","accountKey">

// Connect to the local Storage emulator
type localAccount = AzureTypeProvider<"DevStorageAccount", "">

// Reading a file from Azure into memory
// Downloads LeagueTable.csv as an Async<string>
let textAsyncWorkflow = async {
	// Intellisense automatically prompts for all files.
	let! text = account.Containers.container1.``LeagueTable.csv``.ReadAsStringAsync()
	printfn "%s" (text.ToLower())
	return text

// Can also do this
let text = account.Containers.container1.``LeagueTable.csv``.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.RunSynchronously

// Or this - don't use on large files though, will lock up FSI whilst downloading...
let text = account.Container.container1.``LeagueTable.csv``.ReadAsString()

// Downloads document.xml as an XDocument
let xmlDoc = account.Containers.container1.``document.xml``.ReadAsXDocument()
// xmlDoc is an XDocument, NOT a plain string
printfn "First element is %A" xmlDoc.Elements() |> Seq.head

// Open a file as a stream - ideal for binary data or large files that you want to process sequentially
// Works on any file
let stream = account.Containers.container1.````.OpenStream()
// etc. etc.

// Open a file as a text-based StreamReader.
let streamReader = account.Containers.container1.``largefile.txt``.OpenStreamAsText()
let firstLine = streamReader.ReadLine()

// Downloads LeagueTable.csv to a file locally

// Downloads an entire folder locally

// Downloads an entire container locally

#Table Storage The Table Storage API works equally when on ad-hoc queries as well as programmatic access.

open FSharp.Azure.StorageTypeProvider.Table
// Get a list of tables
account.Tables. // list of tables are presented

// Download all rows for a partition
let londonCustomers = account.Tables.Customers.GetPartition("London")
|> customer -> row.RowKey, customer.Name, customer.Address)
// customer shape is inferred from EDM metadata 

// Get a single entity by RowKey and PartitionKey
let joeBloggs = account.Tables.Customers.Get(Row "", Partition "London")

//Search for entities
let ukCustomers = account.Tables.Customers.Query("Country eq 'UK'")
let ukCustomers = account.Tables.Customers.Query().``Where Country Is``.``Equal To``("UK").Execute()

// Insert entity
account.Tables.Customers.Insert(new Customer("", "UK", "London"))

#Azure Queues The Storage Queue API simplifies access to Azure Queues.

open FSharp.Azure.StorageTypeProvider.Queue

// Access a queue (list of all queues are presented after Queues.)
let myQueue = account.Queues.MyQueue

// Peek at a queue
myQueue.Peek. // List of top 32 messages are shown as read-only items.

// Dequeue as async option
let message = myQueue.Dequeue() |> Async.RunSynchronously

// Delete a message (obviously use pattern matching in production :)

// Automatically builds a queue message from string or byte array

// Update a message which will become available in ten seconds
let testMessage = myQueue.Dequeue() |> Async.RunSynchronously
myQueue.UpdateMessage(testMessage.Value.Id, "Bar", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.))


An F# Azure Type Provider which can be used to explore Blob, Table and Queue Azure Storage assets and easily apply CRUD operations on them.







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