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Self defined PetscPreconditioner #1134

fanronghong opened this issue Oct 29, 2019 · 8 comments

Self defined PetscPreconditioner #1134

fanronghong opened this issue Oct 29, 2019 · 8 comments


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fanronghong commented Oct 29, 2019

Hi all,

I want to define a very general petsc user-defined preconditioner, which is just like this one. And I know I just need to solve several separate linear systems in sequence like this explanation. I also read about using Operator, but it's different if I use PetscParMatrix.

The below class SelfDefined_Preconditioner has some errors but I don't where and how to fix it.

class SelfDefined_Preconditioner: public PetscPreconditioner
    PetscParMatrix &A, &B;
    PetscLinearSolver *ksp1, *ksp2;

    SelfDefined_Preconditioner(MPI_Comm comm, const string& prefix, PetscParMatrix& A_, PetscParMatrix& B_)
            : PetscPreconditioner(comm, prefix), A(A_), B(B_)
        ksp1 = new PetscLinearSolver(A, prefix);
        ksp2 = new PetscLinearSolver(B, prefix);
    virtual ~SelfDefined_Preconditioner() { delete ksp1, ksp2; }

    virtual void SetOperator(const Operator& op) {} //avoid calling PetscPreconditioner::SetOperator()

    virtual void Mult(const Vector& b, Vector& x) const
        Vector dummy(b.Size()); // Temporary Vector
        ksp1->Mult(b, dummy);
        ksp2->Mult(dummy, x);

Thanks for any help in advance!

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tzanio commented Nov 3, 2019

@stefanozampini or @jandrej, do you think you can help?

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jandrej commented Nov 3, 2019

What exactly is not working? Can you provide the error message or provide a minimal failing example so that I can run and test the code?

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tangqi commented Nov 4, 2019

I think what you need is a shell preconditioner. See Take a look at how MyBlockSolver is defined and used.

You can take a look at imMHDp and play with it. Here is the instruction

@tangqi tangqi self-assigned this Nov 4, 2019
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The below class SelfDefined_Preconditioner has some errors but I don't where and how to fix it.

What kind of errors? compilation errors? or issues at runtime? Or what else?
A note: using a linear solver as preconditioner for an outer linear solver may cause troubles if the inner solves do not lead to a linear operator (unless you use a flexible outer method) Is this the issue?

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fanronghong commented Nov 5, 2019

Thank you for your reply @jandrej , @tangqi , @stefanozampini .

Yes, @tangqi you are right I need a shell preconditioner. I will dig into MyBlockSolver in your project.

Sorry about MWC @jandrej and @stefanozampini. Below is an example code which is obtained from by simplifying mfem/examples/petsc/ex5p.cpp.

#include "mfem.hpp"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace mfem;

class SelfDefined_Preconditioner: public PetscPreconditioner
    Operator &op1, &op2;
    PetscLinearSolver *ksp1, *ksp2;
    Array<int>& block_offsets;

    SelfDefined_Preconditioner(MPI_Comm comm, Operator& op1_, Operator& op2_,
            const string& prefix, Array<int>& offsets)
            : PetscPreconditioner(comm, prefix), op1(op1_), op2(op2_), block_offsets(offsets)
        height = op2.Height() + op2.Height();
        width = op1.Width() + op2.Width();
        ksp1 = new PetscLinearSolver(static_cast<PetscParMatrix&> (op1), "prec1_");
        ksp2 = new PetscLinearSolver(static_cast<PetscParMatrix&> (op2), "prec2_");
    virtual ~SelfDefined_Preconditioner() {}

    virtual void SetOperator(const Operator& op) {} // avoid calling base class SetOperator()

    virtual void Mult(const Vector& b, Vector& x) const
        // here divide Vector b into 2 sub Vector b1, b2, but how to do it?
//        Vector b1, b2;
//        Vector x1, x2;
//        ksp1->Mult(b1, x1);
//        ksp2->Mult(b2, x2);
        // here merge 2 sub Vector x1, x2 into x, but how to do it?
        x = b; // just for avoiding compiling failure

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int num_procs, myid;
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);

    const char *petscrc_file = "./petsc_opts.txt";
    MFEMInitializePetsc(NULL, NULL, petscrc_file, NULL);

    Mesh *mesh = new Mesh(20, 20, Element::TRIANGLE, true, 1.0, 1.0);
    int dim = mesh->Dimension();

    ParMesh *pmesh = new ParMesh(MPI_COMM_WORLD, *mesh);
    delete mesh;

    FiniteElementCollection *hdiv_coll(new RT_FECollection(1, dim));
    FiniteElementCollection *l2_coll(new L2_FECollection(1, dim));

    ParFiniteElementSpace *R_space = new ParFiniteElementSpace(pmesh, hdiv_coll);
    ParFiniteElementSpace *W_space = new ParFiniteElementSpace(pmesh, l2_coll);

    Array<int> block_offsets(3);
    block_offsets[0] = 0;
    block_offsets[1] = R_space->GetVSize();
    block_offsets[2] = W_space->GetVSize();

    Array<int> block_trueOffsets(3);
    block_trueOffsets[0] = 0;
    block_trueOffsets[1] = R_space->TrueVSize();
    block_trueOffsets[2] = W_space->TrueVSize();

    ConstantCoefficient one(1.0);
    Vector two_(dim);
    two_ = 2.0;
    VectorConstantCoefficient two(two_);

    // This example code solves a simple 2D mixed Darcy problem
    //          k*u + grad p = f
    //          -div u       = g
    // Assemble the finite element matrices for the Darcy operator
    //         D = [ M  B^T ]
    //             [ B   0  ]
    //         where:
    //         M = \int_\Omega k u_h \cdot v_h d\Omega   u_h, v_h \in R_h
    //         B   = -\int_\Omega \div u_h q_h d\Omega   u_h \in R_h, q_h \in W_h
    // Construct the operators for preconditioner
    //         P = [ M    0 ]
    //             [ 0    S ],
    //         where:
    //         S  = \int_\Omega p_h q_h d\Omega   p_h, q_h \in W_h
    ParLinearForm*        fForm(new ParLinearForm);
    ParLinearForm*        gForm(new ParLinearForm);

    ParBilinearForm*      mVarf(new ParBilinearForm(R_space));
    ParMixedBilinearForm* bVarf(new ParMixedBilinearForm(R_space, W_space));
    ParBilinearForm*      sVarf(new ParBilinearForm(W_space));

    BlockVector x(block_offsets), rhs(block_offsets);
    BlockVector trueX(block_trueOffsets), trueRhs(block_trueOffsets);

    PetscParMatrix *pM = NULL, *pB = NULL, *pBT = NULL, *pS = NULL;
    Operator::Type tid = Operator::PETSC_MATAIJ;
    OperatorHandle Mh(tid), Bh(tid), Sh(tid);

    fForm->Update(R_space, rhs.GetBlock(0), 0);
    fForm->AddDomainIntegrator(new VectorFEDomainLFIntegrator(two));

    gForm->Update(W_space, rhs.GetBlock(1), 0);
    gForm->AddDomainIntegrator(new DomainLFIntegrator(one));

    mVarf->AddDomainIntegrator(new VectorFEMassIntegrator);

    bVarf->AddDomainIntegrator(new VectorFEDivergenceIntegrator);

    sVarf->AddDomainIntegrator(new MassIntegrator);

    (*pB) *= -1;
    pBT = pB->Transpose();

    Operator *darcyOperator = NULL;
        BlockOperator *tdarcyOp = new BlockOperator(block_trueOffsets);
        darcyOperator = new PetscParMatrix(pM->GetComm(),tdarcyOp, Operator::PETSC_MATAIJ);
        delete tdarcyOp;

    SelfDefined_Preconditioner darcyPreconditioner(MPI_COMM_WORLD, *pM, *pS, "prec_", block_offsets);

    trueX = 0.0;
        PetscLinearSolver *solver = new PetscLinearSolver(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "main_");
        solver->Mult(trueRhs, trueX);
        delete solver;

    // 17. Free the used memory.
    delete fForm;
    delete gForm;
    delete darcyOperator;
    delete pBT;
    delete pB;
    delete pM;
    delete mVarf;
    delete bVarf;
    delete sVarf;
    delete W_space;
    delete R_space;
    delete l2_coll;
    delete hdiv_coll;
    delete pmesh;

    // We finalize PETSc

    return 0;


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stefanozampini commented Nov 5, 2019

I compiled your code but I don't know what you think is the issue .
Without you telling us what you think is the issue (at least how it manifests itself, like an error at screen) is impossible to give you an answer

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I run your example and got the error below, This is because PetscPreconditioner has a PC object inside (protected member of the PetscSolver class) that you should construct properly. Since you are providing the action of the preconditioner, then you should inherit from mfem::Solver instead of mfem::PetscPreconditioner and everything will work

[szampini@localhost petsc]$ valgrind ./ex1p
[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: Object is in wrong state
[0]PETSC ERROR: Mat object's type is not set: Argument # 1
[0]PETSC ERROR: See for trouble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development GIT revision: v3.12.1-170-gbf5b09bd8c GIT Date: 2019-10-29 09:27:25 +0300
[0]PETSC ERROR: Unknown Name on a arch-debug named localhost.localdomain by szampini Tue Nov 5 17:06:50 2019
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --DATAFILESPATH=/data/petscdatafiles --download-ctetgen --download-exodusii --download-glvis --download-hdf5 --download-hypre --download-metis --download-mfem-commit=b25280d --download-mfem=1 --download-ml --download-mumps --download-netcdf --download-p4est --download-parmetis --download-pnetcdf --download-ptscotch --download-revolve --download-suitesparse --download-superlu --download-superlu_dist --download-triangle --download-hpddm --download-slepc --with-blaslapack-dir=/home/szampini/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/mkl --with-cxx-dialect=C++11 --with-fortran-bindings=0 --with-mkl_pardiso-dir=/home/szampini/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/mkl --with-opengl --with-scalapack --with-valgrind --with-zlib CFLAGS="-Wall -g -O0" CXXFLAGS="-Wall -g -O0" FFLAGS="-g -O0" PETSC_ARCH=arch-debug
[0]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatHasOperation() line 10828 in /home/szampini/Devel/petsc/src/mat/interface/matrix.c
[0]PETSC ERROR: #2 PCGetDefaultType_Private() line 23 in /home/szampini/Devel/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
[0]PETSC ERROR: #3 PCSetFromOptions() line 147 in /home/szampini/Devel/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/pcset.c
[0]PETSC ERROR: #4 KSPSetFromOptions() line 335 in /home/szampini/Devel/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itcl.c
[0]PETSC ERROR: #5 void mfem::PetscSolver::Customize(bool) const() line 2037 in /home/szampini/Devel/petsc/arch-debug/externalpackages/git.mfem/linalg/petsc.cpp

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Thanks @stefanozampini .

It works. I should be careful about protected members when defining myself class next time.
Thanks all of you again.

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