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This module allows you to use the Inky template language in Perl, and follows the same structure and tests as the original Inky NPM module:

See for more information.

How to use Inky and create a fantastic HTML emaiL with it

See for an overview of the tags that Inky introduces.

You'll likely want to use the CSS from in order to style your HTML e-mails "properly" for use with Inky.

You'll want to use the HTML "wrapper template" from

You might want to convert that HTML into the templating system you are going to be using, such as Template or Text::Xslate.

For example, in Template you'll want to create a containing the above file's contents, and ensuring you have:

[% content %]

You'll then be able to use the never-changing wrapper template to create beautiful HTML emails, creating a which contains something like:

SET override_css = '
    // any override to be placed _after_ the Foundation for Emails CSS
WRAPPER "path/to/"
Your email contents go here
[% END %]

To style them "properly", you'll want to clone the repository at: and make changes to the various source scss files to fit your "brand", assuming the defaults aren't to your liking.

Once done, you'll have to generate the CSS, using something like:

sass -t compact --sourcemap=none --no-cache foundation.scss > foundation.css

If you want to include the foundation CSS and a newsletter-specific overriding CSS, you will want to modify the to contain, near the body tag:

  [%~# CSS::Inliner REQUIRES type = "text/css" ~%]
  <style type="text/css">
  [% foundation_css %]
  [% override_css   %]

The style must go in the body as otherwise some mailers will wail to "use" it.

If you need to support Gmail and other mail readers which do not allow inline styles, you'll likely have no option but to use CSS::Inliner, which - with the above style addition to the template, will allow you to seamlessly inline your styles in the HTML email.

It's entirely up to you to also use HTML::Packer to ensure any useless whitespace and comments are trimmed from the resulting email.

To sum up, and assuming you'll be using Template, HTML::Packer and CSS::Inliner, here's a rough program to send a beautiful HTML email with Inky and Foundation for Emails:

use 5.010_001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Inky;
use Template;
use HTML::Packer;
use CSS::Packer;
use CSS::Inliner;
use Path::Tiny;
use Carp qw<croak>;
# Create TT object, ensure the foundation for emails CSS is in the stash
my $TT = Template->new(
    # any TT options go here
my $stash = {
    foundation_css => path('./foundation.css')->slurp_utf8,
    # your other data goes here
my $html = '';
$TT->process('', $stash, \$html)
    or croak $TT->error;
# At this point $html contains the full "inky" templated email.
my $INKY    = Inky->new;
my $PACKER  = HTML::Packer->init;
my $parsed  = $INKY->release_the_kraken($html);
my $inliner = CSS::Inliner->new({ leave_style => 1, relaxed => 1 });
$inliner->read({ html => $parsed });
my $inlined  = $inliner->inlinify;
my $minified = $PACKER->minify( \$inlined, {
    remove_comments => 1,
    remove_newlines => 1,
    do_stylesheet   => 'minify', # needs CSS::Packer
say $minified;
# $minified is your beautiful HTML email, with styles inlined,
# and ready to be sent to an unsuspecting user!

That's all, folks!

Changes from the NPM version

The current version of this module is up-to-date with branch master as of 2016-06-23.

Additional component tags aren't supported.

Differing amounts of columns are untested.


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Situation Publishing.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the attached LICENSE file (the MIT license).