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File metadata and controls

398 lines (269 loc) · 11.9 KB


If you want to use the insipid theme, only a single setting is required in your :file:``:

html_theme = 'insipid'

However, you may also want to change the default symbol for section title links from the default ¶ to something more meaningful like # or § or maybe 🔗:

html_permalinks_icon = '#'

And if you happen to host your documentation on and your sources on Bitbucket, Github or GitLab, you should set:

html_copy_source = False

This way, you will get automatic source links in the page footer. See :confval:`html_show_sourcelink` for details.

Theme Settings

The insipid theme has many configuration parameters which can be specified with :confval:`html_theme_options` in your :file:``, for example like this:

html_theme = 'insipid'
html_theme_options = {
    'body_centered': False,
    'breadcrumbs': True,

You can also have a look at the example below.

All available theme options are listed in the following sections.

insipid Settings

The following settings are provided by the insipid theme. See below for default values.

.. theme-option:: body_centered

    Set to ``False`` if you want the body text to be left-aligned.

    If :theme-option:`body_max_width` is ``None``, this has no effect.

.. theme-option:: breadcrumbs

    Set to ``True`` to show breadcrumb navigation
    (including a "home" button)
    at the top of each page
    (via the :gh-template:`page.html` template).

.. theme-option:: initial_sidebar_visibility_threshold

    The visibility of the sidebar depends on the setting from the previous
    visit, which is stored in the browser's ``localStorage``.
    If no information is available (i.e., on the first visit),
    the sidebar is hidden, except if the browser window is wider
    than the given threshold (in pixels or any CSS unit).
    If ``None`` is given, or if JavaScript is disabled in the browser,
    the sidebar is initially hidden, regardless of screen width.

.. theme-option:: left_buttons

    List of templates to show on the left side of the title bar.

    You can use one of the built-in templates
    (ending with :file:`-button.html`):

        A button to show/hide the search field.

        .. note::

            This is only shown if :confval:`html_sidebars`
            does *not* contain ``'searchbox.html'`` or ``'searchfield.html'``.

        A button to switch to fullscreen mode (and back again).

        .. note::

            This will only be shown if fullscreen mode is available.

        A Bitbucket/Gitlab/Github logo linking to the associated repository.

        .. note::

            If your docs are hosted on
            this should work automagically.
            If not, you'll have to provide some information
            via :confval:`html_context`::

                html_context = {
                    'display_gitlab': True,
                    'gitlab_user': 'myuser',
                    'gitlab_repo': 'myrepo',

            Replace ``gitlab`` with ``bitbucket`` or ``github``
            if the repository containing your source files is
            hosted on Bitbucket or Github, respectively.

        A link to the PDF version of your docs.

        .. note::

            If your docs are hosted on
            (and if you've enabled PDF builds)
            this should work automagically.
            If not, you'll have to provide the URL to the PDF file
            via :confval:`html_context`::

                html_context = {
                    'downloads': [
                        ('pdf', ''),

    You can also create your own template file(s) located in your
    It's best to use ``<a>`` or ``<button type="button">`` elements.
    You can ``include`` other templates, most notably icons.

    For example, a "home" button could be made by creating a file
    named :file:`_templates/home-button.html`
    (relative to your :file:``) with this content:

    .. code-block:: html+jinja

        <a href="{{ pathto('index') }}" title="{{ docstitle|e }}">
          {% include 'icons/home.svg' %}

    ... and adding the file name to :confval:`html_theme_options`
    like this:

    .. code-block:: python

        html_theme_options = {
            'left_buttons': [
        templates_path = ['_templates']

    For help creating your own templates, see :ref:`sphinx:templating`.

.. theme-option:: right_buttons

    List of templates to show on the right side of the title bar.

    .. seealso:: :theme-option:`left_buttons`

.. theme-option:: rightsidebar

    Set to ``True`` if you want to move the sidebar from the left to the right.

    .. seealso:: :theme-option:`nosidebar`, :confval:`html_sidebars`

.. theme-option:: show_insipid

    Set to ``False`` to hide the "Insipid Theme" link in the footer.

.. theme-option:: sidebar_overlay_width

    When the browser window is narrower than this value
    (in pixels or any CSS unit) -- e.g. on a small mobile device --
    the sidebar will (partially) cover the main text.
    Set to ``None`` to disable.

.. theme-option:: sidebar_transition

    Duration (and optional timing function) of the CSS transition effect
    for showing/hiding the sidebar.

.. theme-option:: strip_section_numbers

    Section numbers (if you use them at all) are by default removed from
    previous/next links and from the title bar.
    Set to ``False`` to show them.

.. theme-option:: topbar_transition

    Duration (and optional timing function) of the CSS transition effect
    for showing/hiding the title bar.

basic Settings

The following settings are inherited from the basic theme (therefore, most Sphinx themes have them), but for some of the options, the default values have been changed.

.. theme-option:: body_max_width

    Maximal width of the main document text (in pixels or any CSS unit).
    Set it to ``None`` for unlimited width.

.. theme-option:: body_min_width

    Minimal width of the main document text (in pixels or any CSS unit).

.. theme-option:: globaltoc_collapse

    If ``True`` (the default), only the current section of the table of contents
    (TOC) in the sidebar is expanded.
    Set to ``False`` to expand everything.

.. theme-option:: globaltoc_includehidden

    If ``True``, include sections from :rst:dir:`toctree` directives
    with the ``:hidden:`` flag in the table of contents (TOC) in the sidebar.
    By default, hidden sections are not included.

.. theme-option:: navigation_with_keys

    If ``True``, the left and right arrow keys can be used to turn pages.

    .. note::
        This is disabled by default in the ``basic`` theme
        (and therefore in most other themes as well),
        for reasons given in Sphinx PR `#2064`__.


        When using the ``insipid`` theme, however, this is enabled by default.

.. theme-option:: nosidebar

    Set to ``True`` to completely disable the sidebar.

    .. seealso:: :theme-option:`rightsidebar`, :confval:`html_sidebars`

.. theme-option:: sidebarwidth

    Width of the sidebar (in pixels or any CSS unit).

    .. note::

        Whenever the sidebar is resized,
        its new width is stored in the browser's "local storage".
        Therefore, a changed ``sidebarwidth`` might not be immediately visible.

Default Values

For default values, see:

.. literalinclude:: ../src/insipid_sphinx_theme/insipid/theme.conf
    :name: theme-conf
    :caption: :file:`insipid/theme.conf`
    :language: ini

Sphinx Settings

Sphinx has a lot of settings -- read :doc:`the docs <sphinx:usage/configuration>`! Here we only show a small selection of configuration values which are relevant for the insipid theme.

.. confval:: html_copy_source

    When :confval:`sphinx:html_copy_source` is ``True``
    (which is the default),
    all source files are copied to the HTML output directory
    (into the :file:`_sources` sub-directory).
    The string given by :confval:`html_sourcelink_suffix`
    is appended to each file name.

    .. note::

        This has to be set to ``False`` in order to show links
        to the source files on Bitbucket/Gitlab/Github,
        see :confval:`html_show_sourcelink`.

.. confval:: html_show_sourcelink

    When :confval:`sphinx:html_show_sourcelink` is ``True``
    (which is the default),
    a link to the source file of each page is shown in the footer.

    Traditionally, those links point to copies of the source files
    (when :confval:`html_copy_source` has its default value ``True``).

    However, when :confval:`html_copy_source` is ``False``,
    the ``insipid`` theme (via the :gh-template:`show-source.html` template)
    will show links to the appropriate version of the source files on

    .. note::

        This should work automagically if your docs are hosted
        If not, you have to manually provide the necessary information
        via :confval:`html_context`::

            html_context = {
                'display_gitlab': True,
                'gitlab_user': 'myuser',
                'gitlab_repo': 'myrepo',
                'conf_py_path': '/path/to/doc/',
                'commit': '123abc',

        The example above shows settings for Gitlab.
        Replace ``gitlab`` with ``bitbucket`` or ``github``
        if the repository containing your source files is
        hosted on Bitbucket or Github, respectively.

        The ``commit`` value should contain the hash (or tag name)
        of the commit which was used to create the docs.

.. confval:: html_sidebars

    The content of the sidebar consists of the :confval:`html_logo`
    (if specified), followed by the list of templates in

    You can choose from templates provided by the ``basic`` theme,
    :file:`searchfield.html` and

    You can also select templates from the ``insipid`` theme:
    :gh-template:`indices.html` and

    Finally, you can create your own custom templates.
    It's best to use ``<h3>``, ``<h4>`` and ``<p class="caption">`` elements
    for titles, as well as "normal" ``<p>`` and ``<ul>``
    (containing ``<li>`` elements which themselves typically
    contain ``<a href="...">`` links).
    To distinguish between internal and external links, you can use
    ``<a class="reference internal" ...>`` and
    ``<a class="reference external" ...>``, respectively.

    .. seealso:: Theme options :theme-option:`rightsidebar` and

.. confval:: html_theme_options

    The value :confval:`sphinx:html_theme_options` contains all custom
    `theme settings`_.

.. confval:: language

    When a supported :confval:`sphinx:language` is chosen, all UI strings will
    be translated accordingly.


You can look at the :file:`` file of this very documentation:

.. literalinclude::
    :name: conf-py
    :caption: :file:`` of the ``insipid`` docs
    :language: python
    :end-before: Set path for