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Benchmarking with C and Go

This is a simple benchmarking app , with scripts and make commands to build any arbitrary file and benchmark it's speed and performancea

In order to use this

  • you must have go 1.21.1 installed
  • you must have a C compiler called GCC

if other versions of Go is found please update your

if other C compiler are found please update your makefile


Two variations of code is here

  • one to calculate prime numbers up to N
  • one to calculate Sum of N numbers

latter is for compiler optimization example

we benchmark 4 versions

  • Native-Go: simple go program
  • Go: Go program that uses C
  • C: simple C program
  • COptimized: optimization flag set during the compilation

How to use it

To Build a binary

let's take the case of cgo for prime numbers

  • make build-main-go-prime
  • go-exec-main-prime exec file with this name by default , you can edit the makefile to put your custom names all the other make commands are with variables they will pick it up automatically
  • make build-all-prime-exec this one builds all the prime related exec

Test and Benchmark it

There is two bash scripts that take care of this one is and they create logs you can change the log files name by changing the variables for the logs in the makefile

Here is an example



  • for time it will redirect it to your upper configure file
  • to it will redirect to your upper configure file
  • parse-native-data.go that create an executable to calculate the average over those logs file

to run a particular benchmark

make benchmark-c-sum it will run all the benchmarking necessary and create log files

Once the Log files are created

you can run make print-c-prime-data which in its turn will compile the parse-native-data.go if it is not compiled and calculate the averages that those file did generate.

Everything is automated you can customize and and add new stuff to it.


Benchmarking Go and C






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