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* Using the API
  - Index/Listing from database
    > To return a JSON object of all appointments saved in the database, use the URL:
    > You can put the url in a browser or use curl to send a GET request.
    > There are a number of criteria that can be added to the params part of the URL
      to get a JSON object of some specific appointment(s):
        >> year (four character number; ex: 2016)
        >> month (one or two character number; ex: 12 (for December))
        >> day (one or two character number; ex: 21 (for the 21st day of a month))
        >> hour (one or two character number, 0-23; ex: 22 (for 11:00 PM))
        >> min (one or two character number, 1-60;)
        >> last_name (lowercase string of last name; ex: "kirksey")
        >> first_name (lowercase string of first name; ex: "jewell")
        >> start_time (formatting is very specific)
            + MUST be formatted like so: "M/D/Y HH:MM" (ex: 11/7/13 10:15)
            + This formatting was chosen because this is how it dates are stored
              in appt_data.csv
        >> end_time (same formatting as start_time)
    > Any combination of these criteria can be used to refine your returned JSON
      object, EXCEPT:
        >> You CANNOT give any of year, month, day, hour AND also give a
           start_time or end_time. Only one date searching style can be used at
           a time.
    > Examples:
            + Gives all appointments with first_name of brenda
            + Gives all appointments with name: brenda hardy
            + Gives all appointments in November 2013
            + Gives all appointments on November 1, 2013
            + Gives all appointments on November 1, 2013, between 11 AM and 12 noon.
            + Gives all appointments starting on November 1, 2013 at 11:00 AM exactly
            + Gives all appointments in November of the current year
            + Gives all appointments for anyone with a first name of brenda during
              November 2013
        9. 11:00
            + Gives all appointments for first_name brenda with start time of
              EXACTLY 11:00 AM on Nov. 1, 2013.
    > The year/month/day/hour/min date inputting format is preferred over the
      start_time/end_time format due to flexibility.
    > With year/month/day/hour/min, search will be specific to the most precise time
    > start_time/end_time searches will always be specific to the day.
    > Using year/month/day/hour/min format will assume the current year/month/day/hour/min
      when none is given. See example 6.

  - Choosing a CRUD Method:
    > Parameters are entered into the API in the same way for all 4 CRUD methods.
    > To indicate which you'd like to use, set the parameter `m` in the URL.
    > There are four options:
        >> list (not required - default option)
        >> create
        >> update
        >> delete
    > Example:
            + This will delete brenda hardy's appointment if it is the only result
              with those criteria

  - Creating an appointment
    > Use `m=create` in the parameters to use the other params to create an appointment

  - Deleting an appointment
    > Use `m=delete` in the parameters to delete the appointment that is found based
      on the other params.
    > Delete will only be successful if there is only one search result to prevent
      mass deletions
    > Example:
          + This will delete brenda hardy's appointment if it is the only result
            with those criteria

  - Updating an appointment
    > Use `m=update` in the parameters to use the other params to update an appointment
    > Search criteria are the same as any other method to find the correct appointment.
    > Criteria to update use the same key, except with `n_` prepended.
      >> Example: http://localhost:3000?m=update&first_name=bill&n_first_name=bob
      >> This will find bill and (assuming there is only one bill) change his first
         name to Bob