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HAPiID (pronunciation: Happy ID). High Abundance Protein guided Metaproteomics identification

An overview of the pipeline is summarized in this figure:

We develop a new approach that uses two steps to optimize the use of reference genomes as the universal reference for human gut metaproteomics identification. The first step is to use only the high abundance pro-teins (HAPs) (i.e., ribosomal proteins and elongation factors) for metaproteomic MS/MS database search and derive the taxonomic composition of the microbiome based on theidentification results. The second step is to expand the search database by including all proteins from identified abundant species. We call our approach HAPiID (HAPs guided metaproteomics IDentification). While HAPiID was originally designed for human gut metaproteomics, we expand out pipeline and include scripts allowing users to precompile their own custom made protein database and perform spectral search using that.

Compiling protein database from set of genomes

We have included helper scripts that will allow the user to compile their own database starting from a list of genome sequences. The user has to provide their own contigs in fasta format, and the scripts will extract the necesarry information from these contigs in order to compile a protein database and run HAPiID. To run HAPiID over a custom database, the user has to precompile their own protein database first. We have created the script that precompiles a protein database in one command. The script takes three command line arguments:

-i specifies the directory where the contigs (in fasta format) are located

-t specifies the number of threads used by the script to run

-e specifies the extension of the contigs (i.e. ".fasta", ".fa" etc.).

example to run script -i /dir/to/genomes/ -t n_threads -e .fasta

We start by predicting the protein coding genes using the script, which runs frag gene scan.

After this step we extract all the ribosomal and elongation factor protein sequences from each genome/bin, by first scanning all the predicted genes from the previous step against a precompiled database containing profiles for ribosomal and elongation factor proteins, using HMMSCAN through the script The list of elongation factor and ribosomal protein profiles can be found here.

The final step is to de-duplicate these ribosomal and elongation factor genes using CD-hit at 100% sequence similarity and create a dictionary mapping between the protein sequence IDs to their bin IDs using the script

After compiling a custom protein database the users can search for peptides using the script

exampe to run script:

sh -i /mgf/file -o /dir/to/output/mzid/fies/ -d /ribosomal and elongation factor/fasta/sequence/file -t number of cores -e /output/directory/to/store/database/files/ -p percentage_spectra_covered -x extension_of_prot_seqs -m memory_used

Compiling protein database from set of proteomes

We have included helper scripts that will allow the user to compile their own database starting from a list of protein sequences. The user has to provide their own predicted protein sequences in fasta format, and the scripts will extract the necesarry information from these contigs in order to compile a protein database and run HAPiID. To run HAPiID over a custom database, the user has to precompile their own protein database first. We have created the script that precompiles a protein database in one command. The script takes three command line arguments:

-i specifies the directory where the protein sequences (in fasta format) are located

-t specifies the number of threads used by the script to run

-e specifies the extension of the contigs (i.e. ".fasta", ".faa" etc.). 

example to run script -i /dir/to/proteomes/ -t n_threads -e .faa

The script follows similar steps as as described in the previous section, however assumes that the user has allready predicted protein sequences and thus skips the protein coding step using FragGeneScan.

Using HAPiID with the precompiled human gut database

HAPiID is a reference based peptide identification pipeline. It uses 3,300 reference and metagenome binned genomes in order to profile and construct protein database for spectral search. To run this pipeline in one command we made the script This script takes 6 command line arguments:

-i specifies the mgf formatted spectra file as an input to the script

-o specifies the output directory for the script to store the mzid file after processing the 
mgf files using MSGF+

-d specifies the sequence file (in fasta format) for the initial profiling database 
(i.e. the ribosomal and elongation factors)

-t specifies the number of threads used by the script to run

-e specifies the directory for the new database files to be stored (the ones with the expanded genomes)

-p specifies the top n genomes to be selected to construct a database in step to that will cover p % of 
   all the identified spectra during the profiling stage.

-x the extension of the protein sequences used, (should be the same as the one specified as 
   the -e parameter for the script "",or should be set to
   ".fasta.FGS.faa" if the script "" were used for reference database construction)
   (default value is set to 80).

-m the ammount of memorry allocated for MS-GF+, in megabytes, i,e 15000 for 15GB of memory 
   (default value is set to 32000)

exampe to run script:

sh -i /mgf/file -o /dir/to/output/mzid/fies/ -d /ribosomal and elongation factor/fasta/sequence/file -t number of cores -e /output/directory/to/store/database/files/ -p percentage_covered_spectra -x protein_extension -m memory

The pipeline has two main steps, the "profiling" step and "targetted search step". The program MSGF+ is used for peptide spectral matching, which could be found here.

The initial "profiling" step starts by issuing the an MSGF+ search over the database made from ribosomal proteins and elongation factors. This is done by the MSGFPlus.jar program.

After this step the script is used to map all the peptides identified through the ribosomal and elongation factor proteins, to their corresponding genomes.

The script is then used to list genomes in decreasing order of their contribution needed to explain all the peptides identified in the "profiling" step.

The top N genomes are then extracted and their genomes expanded to create the final database for spectral identification using the scripts &

A final round of spectral search is performed using MSGFPlus.jar over the final (expanded) database. Unique identified peptides reported by the script

Setting up and testing hapiid over datasets

If the pipeline has not been set up yet on your system, start by copying our github repository locally by issuing:

git clone

this will create a directory called HAPiID/ which has three sub-directories:

Using HAPiID with our provided reference protein database (or user provided protein sequences)

If the user wishes to use the HAPiID pipeline with our provided protein database (from 3,357 gut microbial genomes), proceed by first downloading these proteomes under the data/ folder. It is important that these proteomes are copied under the data/ folder and the name of the folder is not altered, i.e. you will end up with a subdirectory data/proteomes/. This folder later will be accesed heavily when the pipeline is run over metaproteomics datasets.

You can copy the proteomes folder under the data/ folder by issuing a wget command to our servers: first make a proteomes folder under the data/ folder

mkdir proteomes/

change your current directory to enter the proteomes folder

cd proteomes/

now copy all the proteomes files from our server to your local proteomes folder in one command:

 wget -r -np -nd

This command will create some index files which could be easily removed by the command

rm -rf index.html*

Now that we have all the information needed to compile a reference protein database we can do so by using the script and issuing the following command:

sh -i ../data/proteomes/ -t 40 -e .faa

This step may take from an hour up to a several hours depending on how many threads you allocate to the script (in the example above we are using 40 threads).

Finally we can run the pipeline over metaproteomics datasets. To test the pipeline we have included to metaproteomics datastes (in .mgf format) available for download by issuing the following command to our servers:

wget -r -np -nd

There are two files under the folder mgf_data/, HM403.mgf and HM403_toy.mgf, the second is a smaller version of the first samples (containing only the first 10/% of the total number of spectra recorded in the HM403.mgf file).

To run the HAPiID pipeline over these datasets simply execute the following commands:

sh -i ../../mgf_data/HM403_toy.mgf -o ../../HAPiID_results/ -d ../data/ribP_elonF_MSGF_search/ribP_elonF_all_cdHit_100_proteinSeqs.fasta -t 5 -e ../../HAPiID_db/ -p 80 -x .faa


sh -i ../../mgf_data/HM403.mgf -o ../../HAPiID_results/ -d ../data/ribP_elonF_MSGF_search/ribP_elonF_all_cdHit_100_proteinSeqs.fasta -t 5 -e ../../HAPiID_db/ -p 80 -x .faa

these commands will output the results under a folder called HAPiID_results/ and will create the necesarry protein databases under the folder HAPiID_db. The final tab separated PSM identification results (FDR filtered) will be found under the folder HAPiID_results/sample_name_extended_db_search/ folder, where each dataset will have it's own subfolder.

A plot showing the curve of the cumulative percentage of the spectra covered as a function of including the top n most abundant genomes during profiling stage is also generated under the folder HAPiID_results/sample_name_ribP_elonF folder.

Using HAPiID with user provided contigs

We have included scripts also allowing the user to use the HAPiID pipeline and start with a set of genomes/contigs instead of protein sequences. After storing the user genomes somewhere locally the user can compile a protein database by using the script and issuing the following command:

sh -i ../dir/to/genomes/folder/ -t 40 -e .fasta

This step may take from an hour up to a several hours depending on how many threads you allocate to the script (in the example above we are using 40 threads).

After this step the user can run our pipeline in a similar manner as described in the previous section:

sh -i ../../mgf_data/HM403_toy.mgf -o ../../HAPiID_results/ -d ../data/ribP_elonF_MSGF_search/ribP_elonF_all_cdHit_100_proteinSeqs.fasta -t 5 -e ../../HAPiID_db/ -p 80 -x .faa


sh -i ../../mgf_data/HM403.mgf -o ../../HAPiID_results/ -d ../data/ribP_elonF_MSGF_search/ribP_elonF_all_cdHit_100_proteinSeqs.fasta -t 5 -e ../../HAPiID_db/ -p 80 -x .faa

Prerequisite Programs needed to run the pipeline

  • python3
  • required python packages:
    • biopython
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • plotly
  • Frag Gene Scan (FGS)
  • HMMER3

Click here for details about installing/setting up prerequisites.

Setting up required programs and packages

Python3 and Anaconda3

Installing python3 through anaconda suite, will install alot ofthe python packages used and will make it easy to install additional packages through conda. Anaconda3 package could be obtained through:

and then follow the installation instructions.
Installing biopython and ete3 python packages
conda install -c anaconda biopython

conda install -c anaconda numpy

conda install pandas

conda install -c plotly plotly

conda install -c plotly plotly-orca==1.2.1 psutil requests

Frag Gene Scan

Frag Gene Scan is used to predicted protein coding genes from the contigs. It could be downloaded from sourceforge:

tar -zxvf FragGeneScan1.31.tar.gz
add the path to FragGeneScan to $PATH variable in ~/.bashrc file
export PATH="/home/mstambou/tree_match_pipeline/tree_match_prereqs/FragGeneScan1.31:$PATH"


hmmer3 is used for creating marker gene database also searching for marker genes based on a predefined database, using the hmmscan functionality. hmmer could be downloaded from:

tar -zxvf hmmer.tar.gz
cd hmmer-3.2.1/
./configure --prefix
./configure --prefix /home/mstambou/tree_match_pipeline/tree_match_prereqs/hmmer-3.2.1
 make check
 make install
 add the path to hmmer to the $PATH variable in ~/.bashrc file
 export PATH="/path/to/hmmer/hmmer-3.2.1/bin:$PATH