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DNN / Tensorflow Interface for CMSSW    build status


This repo was developed by the Aachen ttHbb analysis group to make use of neuronal networks trained by Tensorflow / and Keras in the CMSSW framework. NNs are trained in Tensorflow and then exported as snapshots. The NNs can then be used for an evaluation in CMSSW via C++ functions.

The contents of this repo are slightly modified used to setup the ttbb and the ttH/ttZ/ttW analysis of the doktorarbeit-ttbb/ttbb repository. Therefore, this repo is only kept as a reference to the original version developed by Aachen and Marco A. Harrendorf.

This project provides a simple yet fast interface to Tensorflow graphs and tensors which lets you evaluate trained models right within CMSSW. It does not depend on a converter library or custom NN implementation. By using the C-API's of both Python and NumPy (available via /cvmfs), you can essentially load and evaluate every model that was previously saved via

Tensorflow is available starting from CMSSW 9.0.X (PR). The software bundle for CMSSW 8.0.X is provided by M. Harrendorf.

Usage without CMSSW
  • This package can also be used with out CMSSW, but then you have to make sure that the tensorflow python package is installed on your machine.
Features in a nutshell
  • Direct interface to Tensorflow / NumPy objects, no intermediate converter library required.
  • Fast data access via Numpy arrays and in-place operations.
  • Evaluation with multiple input and output tensors.
  • Batching.
  • GPU support.
  • Easy way to make use of Tensorflow models obtained by training.
  • Possibility to use binary or multimodal neural networks.
Tensorflow C++ API

Tensorflow also provides a C++ API which could replace the Python/NumPy C API approch described above. However, it is not yet available in CMSSW (discussion). The plan is to transition to a pure Tensorflow backend once it becomes available while the (higher-level) API of this tool remains the same.


Save your Model (in Python)
import tensorflow as tf

# define your model here
# example:
x_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10], name="input")
W = tf.Variable(tf.ones([10, 1]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1]))
y = tf.add(tf.matmul(x_, W), b, name="output")

# create a session and initialize everything
sess = tf.Session()

# train your model here

# save your model
saver = tf.train.Saver(), "/path/to/simplegraph")
Improved, new way to evaluate your model
  • Checkout the Tensorflow/bin/test_tfModelUser executable and the DNN/Tensorflow/interface/tfModelUser.h class
  • One has only to provide
    • a Tensorflow model
    • the number of input neurons or a list containing the input variables
    • the number of output neurons or a list containing the output labels
  • Afterwards one can evaluate the model by handing over a list containing the input variables and the function will return a vector containing the values for the output labels.
// load and initialize the model
//dnn::tf::tfModelUser modelUser(modelLoc, inputvariableList, outputLabelList);  // alternative
dnn::tf::tfModelUser modelUser(modelLoc, 243, 4);

// Evaluate model event by event
returnVectorContainingOutputVariables = modelUser.evalModel(vectorContainingInputVariables);
Evaluate your Model (in CMSSW)


// setup

// load and initialize the graph
dnn::tf::Graph graph("/path/to/simplegraph");

// prepare input and output tensors
// no shape info required for output
dnn::tf::Shape xShape[] = {1, 10}; // 1 = single batch
dnn::tf::Tensor* x = graph.defineInput(new dnn::tf::Tensor("input:0", 2, xShape));
dnn::tf::Tensor* y = graph.defineOutput(new dnn::tf::Tensor("output:0"));

// evaluation

// example: fill a single batch of the input tensor with consecutive numbers
// -> [[0, 1, 2, ...]]
for (int i = 0; i < x->getShape(1); i++)
    x->setValue<float>(0, i, (float)i);

// evaluation call
// this does not return anything but changes the output tensor(s) in-place

// print the output
// -> [[float]]
std::cout << y->getValue<float>(0, 0) << std::endl;

// cleanup
delete x;
delete y;
Note on Keras

As Keras can be backed by Tensorflow, the model saving process is identical:

import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session()

from keras import backend as K

# define and train your keras model here

# save your model
saver = tf.train.Saver(), "/path/to/simplegraph")


A performance test (CPU only for now) is located at and runs 10k evaluations of a feed-forward network with 100 input features, 5 hidden elu layers with 200 nodes each, a softmax output with 10 nodes, and multiple batch sizes.

> test_tfperf
run 10000 evaluations for batch size 1
-> 1.4844 ms per batch

run 10000 evaluations for batch size 10
-> 3.4295 ms per batch

run 10000 evaluations for batch size 100
-> 7.563 ms per batch

run 10000 evaluations for batch size 1000
-> 15.7977 ms per batch


source /cvmfs/

export SCRAM_ARCH="slc6_amd64_gcc530"
export CMSSW_VERSION="CMSSW_8_0_26_patch2"


git clone DNN

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