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File metadata and controls

368 lines (314 loc) · 8.36 KB


SimpleDAL is a lightweight library that allows you to quickly create a data access layer. simpledal supports sql server, mysql and sqlite.


Add a reference to the library from

Getting Start

First create a class for each of your tables.
If the class name and table name are not the same, you must use the table Attribute.

public enum Gender
    Male = 1,
    Female = 2

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Family { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public Gender Gender { get; set; }

public class Skill
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }

Next you need to create a context class for yourself. This class must have inherited from SimpleDAL UnitOfWork class. We also consider a SimpleDAL Repository class as property for each entity. This class must pass 2 entries to its higher class 1- The type of connection string 2- an instance of the connection

using SimpleDal;

public class MyContext : UnitOfWork
    public MyContext()
	    : base(Provider.SqlServer, new SqlConnection("your sql server connectionString ..."))
    { }

    public Repository<Person> Persons { get; set; }
    public Repository<Skill> Skills { get; set; }

Also, for example if you want to connect to a mysql database, you act as follows

using SimpleDal;

public class MyContext : UnitOfWork
    public MyContext()
	    : base(Provider.MySql, new MySqlConnection("your mysql connectionString ..."))
    { }

    public Repository<Person> Persons { get; set; }
    public Repository<Skill> Skills { get; set; }

And for sqlite database

using SimpleDal;

public class MyContext : UnitOfWork
    public MyContext()
	    : base(Provider.SQLite, new SqliteConnection(SQLite))
    { }

    public Repository<Person> Persons { get; set; }
    public Repository<Skill> Skills { get; set; }

Finally you can connect to the database by making a instance from MyContext class.

var context = new MyContext();

var person = new Person { ... } ;

var persons = context.Persons.All();


Configuration Models

You can config your models in two ways

  1. use of attributes
  2. use of flow

below you can see both forms of each config. note that you only need to use one of these two forms.


It is used when you want the table name in the database not to be the same as the class name

if you want use as attribute

using SimpleDal;

public class Person

if you want use as fluent

using SimpleDal;

public class Person
public class MyContext : UnitOfWork {
	public override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


The table key is used to set key field. AutoIdentity property can also be set to value. If you do not use this attribute, default Id field is a key. The default value of AutoIdentity is also equal to true.

if you want use as attribute

using SimpleDal;

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }
using SimpleDal;

public class Person
    [Key(AutoIdentity = false)]
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

if you want use as fluent

using SimpleDal;

public class Person
	public Guid Id { get; set; }
public class MyContext : UnitOfWork {
	public override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
		modelBuilder.Entity<Person>().Key(x => x.Id).AutoIdentity(false);


We use this attribute when the database column name is different from property name

if you want use as attribute

using SimpleDal;

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }

You can also do this when you don't need to store a property in the database.

using SimpleDal;

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Family { get; set; }
    [SimpleDAL.Column(Ignore = true)]
    public string FullName => $"{Name} {Family}";

if you want use as fluent

using SimpleDal;

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Family { get; set; }
    public string FullName => $"{Name} {Family}";
public class MyContext : UnitOfWork {
	public override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


To save a field as a binary, you can easily define its property from byte[].

public class Images
    public byte[] File { get; set; }

But you may not want the property be defined as byte[] but saved as a byte[]. An example of this is when your database is mysql or sqlite and you want to save the Guid field (in the mysql and sqlite, the Guid Can be stored as byte[]). with this feature, your property will automatically be converted to byte[] at the time of storage, and at the time of reading, it will be mapped again.

if you want use as attribute

using SimpleDal;

public class Course
    [SimpleDAL.Key(AutoIdentity = false)]
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

if you want use as fluent

using SimpleDal;

public class Course
	public Guid Id { get; set; }
public class MyContext : UnitOfWork {
	public override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
		modelBuilder.Entity<Course>().Key(x => x.Id).AutoIdentity(false);
		modelBuilder.Entity<Course>().Binary(x => x.Id);


For each table we can have a repository in the contaxt

All of the above methods also have a async version for example you can use AllAsync Instead All

each repository methods include:

All And AllAsync

var persons = context.Persons.All();

Find And FindAsync

var person = context.Persons.Find(Person.Id);

Where And WhereAsync

var person = context.Persons.Where("Id = @id", new { id = Person.Id });

Insert And InsertAsync

var person = new Person
    Name = ...
context.Persons.Insert(Person); //key field if is AutoIdentity gets value after inserting

Update And UpdateAsync

var person = context.Persons.Find(Person.Id); = ...

Delete And DeleteAsync


Unit OF Work

UnitOfWork addition to the Repository, has some other methods. note that the inherited class from UnitOfWork is not thread safe. Therefore, it must be added as a scoped in IoC container


With this command, you can get specify repository by generic parameter class. the following two commands are equal.

context.Persons.Insert(new Person 
    Name = ...
context.Set<Person>().Insert(new Person 
    Name = ...

RawQuery And RawQueryAsync

You can use this method when you want to make a special query

var personsSkills = context.RawSqlQuery<PersonSkill>(
    @"SELECT [Persons].[Name] + ' ' + [Persons].[Family] AS FullName, [Skills].[Title] AS Skill
      FROM [Persons] JOIN [Skills] ON [Persons].[Id] = [Skills].[PersonId];");
class PersonSkill
    public string FullName { get; set; }
    public string Skill { get; set; }

RawScalarQuery And RawScalarQueryAsync

You can use this method when you want to make a special scalar query

var personsCounts = context.RawSqlQuery<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Persons];");

RawNonQuery And RawNonQueryAsync

You can use this method when you want to make a special non query

context.RawNonQuery("DELETE FROM [Persons];");


If you want to use a transaction, you can do this using this method.

using (var transaction = context.BeginTransaction())
    context.Persons.Insert(Person1, transaction);
    context.Persons.Insert(Person2, transaction);
var persons = context.Persons.All();