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Melon Green

Program Melon Green board's AVR

Step 1.

Customize the Code

All the settings are accessible from Serial Command Line Interface, except DHT (Humidity & Temperature) sensor type, RTC (Real Time Clock) module type, Duration of Manual Diagnostics & current Century. To change those settings please edit the file Melon_Green\modules\Settings.h like this:

 #define RTCMODULE RTC_DS3231
 #define DHTTYPE DHT11
 #define DiagMaxMilliSecond 30000 // (milliseconds)
 #define century 2000

These are possible values:

  • Real Time Clock Module Types: RTC_DS3231, RTC_DS1307, RTC_PCF8523, RTC_PCF8563
  • Humidity & Temperature Module: DHT22 (AM2302), DHT21, DHT11 (AM2301)

If you like to use any other sensors, you need to midify the code. Take a look at Melon_Green\Melon_Green.ino (under the part marked with the comment 'Required Libraries & Structures') and Melon_Green\modules\Essential_Functions.h.

If you're not interested to use RTC, DHT or Feeding Solution Mixer, exclude related _indicator from Melon_Green\Melon_Green.ino, right under Modes [User Editable] comment line:

// Modes [User Editable]
 // #define _RTC // I2C RTC Module is NOT Available
 #define _DHT // DHT Module is Available
 #define _Mixer // Mix Feeding Solution Using Two Pumps and a Container
 #define _Serial // Serial Communication With Board (RECOMMENDED)

Caution! Toggling #define _RTC ON and lack of RTC Module (I2C), might freeze your board.

Note! RTC is now required.

Step 2.


Melon Green has been developed under Arduino/Wiring platform.
Please follow these steps to compile & upload M.G.'s operating software to AVR:

  1. Download Arduino IDE and set it up.
  2. Download project repo & open the sketch file: Melon_Green\Melon_Green.ino.
    You must have the following libraries installed: Adafruit's DHT, RTClib (+ Dependencies) and PaulStoffregen's Time library for Arduino. For more information please check this official article about Installing Additional Arduino Libraries.
  3. If you're using Arduino board (~UNO), skip to 2.3. Uploading to board (AVR) - Arduino Version, otherwise...
  4. Select the board type:
    Menu-bar -> Tools -> Board... -> Arduino/Genuino Uno.
  5. Compile the code:
    Menu-bar -> Sketch -> Export compiled Binary.

After a while, IDE's Status-bar says "Done compiling" & you have new .hex files in \Melon_Green directory, right by the .ino file's side.

Step 3.

Uploading to board (AVR)

Arduino version

  1. Setup the Arduino Environment (IDE).
  2. Install the USB drivers (if needed).
  3. Connect your board (via usb) to host.
  4. Open Melon_Green\Melon_Green.ino.
  5. Select your board:
    Menu-bar -> Tools -> Board... -> \[e.g.] Arduino/Genuino Uno
  6. Select Communication port:
    Menu-bar -> Tools -> Port -> COM#
  7. Push the reset button on the board
  8. Click on the Upload button in the IDE (or menu-bar -> Sketch -> Upload).
    Wait a few seconds. If successful, the message "Done uploading" will appear.

For more information take a look at: Arduino official Howto & Troubleshooting

Standalone version

Standalone M.G needs more effort but I prefer it, because the result is more tidy.

  1. Standalone Melon Green (DIY) on Perfboard, Breadboard or a PCB
  2. Compiled Binary '.hex' flash of Melon Green
  3. AVR Programmer like USBasp, AVRISP mkII, etc
  4. AVRDUDE (& optional GUI)

1. Setup your Programmer & Connect it to the AVR.
E.g. USBasp with 10 pin wiring & ATmega328p (AVR) :
+ Win OS, requires a driver for USBasp: Zadig (driver installation tool) helps.
+ Make sure that M.G's Jumpers are disconnected, to avoid unwanted flows.

pin USBasp ATmega328p description
MOSI 1 (1R) 17 Master Out Slave In
NC 2R -- Not Connected
RST 3R 01 Reset
SCK 4R 19 Serial Clock
MISO 5R 18 Master In Slave Out
Vcc 2 (1L) 07 Power (5v/3v)
GND 2L-5L 08 Common Ground

Note: Double Check Your USBasp Pinout. Standard Color-coding says: Red Strip on normal ribbon cables is connected to pin 1 on the connector (red strip > 1st up-right > MOSI).

2. Write .hex flash to AVR using AVRDUDE
This is the AVRDUDE command:

$ avrdude -c usbasp-clone -p m328p -P usb -e -U flash:w:"path/to/Melon_Green.ino.standard.hex":a

You may prefer to use a GUI like Zak Kemble's AVRDUDESS. It's OK. If you open it, you'll see a form-like interface. Follow these steps:

  • Select Any usbasp clone with correct VID/PID from the Programmer (-c) drop-down list.
  • Select ATmega328p from the MCU (-p) drop-down list.
  • Look for a fieldset called Fuses & lock bits (right, 3rd row). click on the 1st Read button.
  • You'll probably get 0xFF, 0xDE, 0x05 fuse bits, go ahead. The AVR is well connected & ready.
  • From the Flash field-set, browse the compiled Binary '.hex' flash of Melon Green. Select Write radio-button & Auto... from Format drop-down.
  • Select Erase flash and EEPROM (-e) from teh Options.
  • click on the Program! button and wait a moment.
    AVRDUDE writes the flash and verifies it.

Happy Gardening!