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Developer Guide

Database Design


The database includes six table. The 'users' table is for the users who want to use API service. The 'users' table holds the data for username, password and API key.

The 'categories' table holds the available categories in the database at that time. The id variable is unique for each category.

The 'writers' table holds the name of the the writers and the id variable is unique for each one.

The 'quotes' table is the main table for database. It holds the value quotes, votes and rates also two foreign key for categories and writers.

The 'comments' table holds the data for comments sent by users. It has four rows, which are id as primary key, user_id for pointing out which user sent the comment, quote_id for referencing for commented quote and finally comment itself.

The 'user_quotes' table holds the quotes which sent by user in order to be added to actual quotes database. These quotes should be examined by the admin and after they can be added to actual quote database manually.


In order to built application below programming languages and libraries are used.

  • Python 3.6.2
  • PostgreSQL
  • Flask

Since application both provides API service and user interface for web client, it can be analyzed with 2 part.

  1. Web Client and backend
  2. API service

Web Client and backend

def get_quote_random():
    SQL = "SELECT quote,writer FROM quotes,writers,categories WHERE (quotes.writer_id = \ 
            AND (quotes.category_id = AND \
            (categories.keyword NOT IN ('notfound')) ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1"
    quote = curr.fetchone()
    return quote
def get_quote_with_keyword(keyword):    
    SQL = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM categories,quotes \
        WHERE (quotes.category_id = AND (keyword = '{}'))".format(
    category_exists = curr.fetchone()[0]
    if not category_exists:
        keyword = "notfound"
        session['404'] = True
        session['404'] = False
    SQL = "SELECT,quote,writer FROM quotes,categories,writers \
        WHERE (quotes.category_id = AND \
        (quotes.writer_id = AND (keyword = '{}') ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1".format(
    quote = curr.fetchone()
    return quote

The core of the applicaiton is served by these two function. These functions are called in home and random routes in order to generate quotes. get_quote_random() functions returns a randomly chosen quote from database. get_quote_with_keyword(keyword) function takes keyword as a parameter and afterwards it checks whether keyword exists in database or not. If exists, it creates a query with the keyword and returns data from database. If not than a key is held in the session in order to specify that quote with the keyword is not exists in database. Also, it makes a quote request with keyword notfound. This query returns one of the quotes which infroms users that given keyword is not exists.

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def keyword():
    keyword = ""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        keyword = request.form.get('keyword')
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        SQL = "SELECT keyword FROM categories WHERE \
        (keyword NOT IN ('notfound'))ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1"
        keyword = curr.fetchone()[0]
    data = get_quote_with_keyword(keyword)
    is_hidden = ''
    is_logged = ''
    if session.get('404'):
        if session['404']:
            is_hidden = 'hidden'
            is_hidden = ''
    if session.get('user_logged'):
        is_logged = ''
        is_logged = 'hidden'
    return render_template('home.html', writer=data[2], quote=data[1], keyword_value=keyword, 
                        quote_id=data[0], isHidden=is_hidden, islogged=is_logged)

This code block executed when user reach the home page of the website. If it is the first time that user enters the site, since it is a GET request, function will choose randomly keyword excluding notfound category. After that a quote with keyword will be generated. If user generating quotes with keyword using button on the home page, then it will be a POST request. Because of this, rather than generating new keyword, keyword in the form field will be used. Also is_hidden and is_logged session booleans are used for detecting whether user logged in or not. These way users will be prevented to send comments without logging in.

@app.route('/authentication', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def auth_page():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.form.get('username')
        password = request.form.get('password')
        if request.form['btn'] == 'Login':
            # do login
            SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='{}'".format(username)
            user = curr.fetchone()

            if username == "" or password == "":
                return render_template('auth.html', prompt="Form field should be filled")
            elif user is None:
                return render_template('auth.html', prompt="Are you sure about that username?")
                if password == user[2]:
                    session['api_key'] = user[3]
                    session['username'] = user[1]
                    session['user_logged'] = True
                    return redirect(url_for('generateKey'))
                    return render_template('auth.html', prompt="Password invalid.")

        elif request.form['btn'] == 'Create':
            # do create
            if username == "":
                return render_template('auth.html', prompt="An user without name, are you robot?")
            elif password == "":
                return render_template('auth.html', prompt="Enter a pass, that might be helpful.")
                apikey = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(12)).decode('utf-8')
                SQL = "INSERT INTO users (username, password, api_key) " \
                      "SELECT '{}', '{}', '{}' WHERE NOT EXISTS \ 
                      (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='{}') \
                      RETURNING id;".format(username, password, apikey, username)
                id = curr.fetchone()
                if id is not None:
                    session['api_key'] = apikey
                    session['user_logged'] = True
                    session['username'] = username
                    return redirect(url_for('generateKey'))
                    prompt = "Username '{}' exist, try another.".format(username)
                    return render_template('auth.html', prompt=prompt)

    elif request.method == 'GET':
        # if user logged in direct to generateKey
        if session.get('user_logged'):
            if session['user_logged']:
                return render_template('generateKey.html', apikey=session['api_key'])
            return render_template('auth.html')

This code block provides function to create account or login. If user created an account it will redirect user to authentication page. When user try to create an account if the input fields are valid, function will make a request to database in order to insert username. If username exists than it will prompt some error. It will also create an unique api_key for that specific user.

After creating an account user can enter using same username and password value. If error exists, than it will prompt some warnings in order to inform user. Function will also keep some session variables in order to remember that user logged in.

@app.route('/giveRating', methods=['POST'])
def giveRating():
    star = request.form.get('rating')
    quote_id = request.form.get('quote_id')
    # keyword = request.form.get('keyword')
    SQL = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE id={}".format(quote_id)
    data = curr.fetchone()
    votes = data[2]
    rate = data[3]
    new_rate = 0
    if star == "star-5":
        new_rate = 5
    elif star == "star-4":
        new_rate = 4
    elif star == "star-3":
        new_rate = 3
    elif star == "star-2":
        new_rate = 2
    elif star == "star-1":
        new_rate = 1

    rate = float(rate * votes + new_rate) / float(votes + 1)
    votes = votes + 1

    SQL = "UPDATE quotes SET rate={}, votes={} WHERE id={}".format(rate, votes, quote_id)
    return jsonify({
        'status': 'OK',
        'rating': star
$(function () {
        $('.star').click(function (input) {
            if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
                var star =;
                var quote_id = $('#quote-id').html();
                var keyword = '{{ keyword_value }}';
                $.post('/giveRating', {rating: star, quote_id: quote_id, keyword: keyword}, 
                function (result) {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 1500);


In this code blocks giving rating for quotes handled. With jquery post request the rating clicked by user will sent to giveRating() function. This function will use this information and update the votes and rating in the database for that specific quteo.

@app.route('/addNew', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addNew():
    SQL = "SELECT keyword FROM categories"
    categories = ''

    if session.get('user_logged'):
        prompt_hidden = "hidden"
        btn_hidden = ""
        prompt_hidden = ""
        btn_hidden = "hidden"
    for x in curr.fetchall():
        if x[0] != "notfound":
            categories += "<option value=" + "{}>".format(x[0]) + x[0] + "</option>"

    if request.method == "POST":
        quote = request.form.get('quote')
        writer = request.form.get('writer')
        keyword = request.form.get('sel1')
        if session.get('username'):
            username = session['username']
            # if user is admin he can directly add to the main quotes table
            if username == "admin":
                SQL = "SELECT id FROM writers WHERE writer = '{}'".format(writer)
                writer_id = curr.fetchone()

                SQL = "SELECT id from categories WHERE keyword = '{}'".format(keyword)
                category_id = curr.fetchone()[0]

                if writer_id:
                    # writer is in database
                    writer_id = writer_id[0]
                    # writer is not in database
                    # insert writer than return id
                    SQL = "INSERT INTO writers(writer) VALUES ('{}') RETURNING id".format(writer)
                    writer_id = curr.fetchone()[0]

                SQL = "INSERT INTO quotes(quote, category_id, writer_id) \ 
                VALUES ('{}', {}, {})".format(quote, category_id, writer_id)

                SQL = "INSERT INTO user_quotes(user_id, quote, writer, category_id) VALUES  \
                  ((SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '{}'),'{}','{}',\
                  (SELECT id FROM categories WHERE keyword = '{}'))".format(
                    username, quote, writer, keyword)


    return render_template("addNew.html", categoryList=categories, promptHidden=prompt_hidden, 
                          btnHidden=btn_hidden, prompt='')

This code block handles adding new quotes to database using web interface. It will give different behaviours whether the user admin or not. If it is admin then the quotes will be directly added to quotes database. Otherwise they will be added to user_quotes table.

API Service

API service require authentication and also gives some errors if some credential is absent. Errors and necessity of authentication provided using these functions

@app.route('/quote/api/v1.0/random', methods=['GET'])
def get_random():
    quote = get_quote_random()
    if 'ApiKey' not in request.headers:
        return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Add ApiKey to header'}), 400)
    api_key = request.headers['ApiKey']
    api_key_exist_in_db = False
    SQL = "SELECT id from users WHERE api_key='{}'".format(api_key)

    if api_key != "":
        if curr.fetchone() is not None: api_key_exist_in_db = True

    if api_key == "" or not api_key_exist_in_db:
        return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'ApiKey Missing or Wrong'}), 400)
        return jsonify({
            'quote': quote[1],
            'writer': quote[2]

@app.route('/quote/api/v1.0/<string:keyword>', methods=['GET'])
def get_with_keyword(keyword):
    quote = get_quote_with_keyword(keyword=keyword)

    if 'ApiKey' not in request.headers:
        return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Add ApiKey to header'}), 400)
    api_key = request.headers['ApiKey']
    api_key_exist_in_db = False
    SQL = "SELECT id from users WHERE api_key='{}'".format(api_key)

    if api_key != "":
        if curr.fetchone() is not None: api_key_exist_in_db = True

    if api_key == "" or not api_key_exist_in_db:
        return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'ApiKey Missing or Wrong'}), 400)
        if len(quote) == 0:
        return jsonify({
            'quote': quote[1],
            'writer': quote[2]

If user enters credential properly, these functions check for api_key and return quotes either with keyword or randomly choosen as before. The get_quote_random() and get_quote_with_keyword() functions works as described in the web client part.