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Spring REST docs

  • It generates documentation snippets from controller tests.
  • AsciiDoctor assembles those snippets into a single document index.adoc
  • Need to configure Spring MockMvc to work with Spring REST Docs.


Common Jackson annotations:

  • @JsonProperty - Allows to set the property name
  • @JsonFormat - Gives control over how property is serialized (Useful for Dates)
  • @JsonUnwrapped - Allows to flatten a property
  • @JsonView - Allows to configure virtual view of objects
  • @JsonManagedReference, @JsonBackReference - for mapping embedded items
  • @JsonIdentityInfo - Allows to specify a property to determine object identity
  • @JsonFilter - Used to specify programmatic property filter

Serialization annotations:

  • @JsonAnyGetter - Takes the map property and serializes the key to property names, values to values
  • @JsonGetter - Allows to identify the methods as a 'getter', which will be serialized into property
  • @JsonPropertyOrder - Allows to set order of properties in serialized json output
  • @JsonRawValue - Serializes the string value of the property as it is.
  • @JsonValue - Used to mark the method for the serialization output. Will throw exception if more than one method is annotated
  • @JsonRootName - Creates the root element for the object
  • @JsonSerialize - Allows to specify the custom serializer

Deserialization annotations:

  • @JsonCreater - Used to identify the object constructor to use, and property annotations
  • @JacksonInject - Allows to inject values into properties during during deserialization
  • @JsonAnySetter - Converts the Json object into map object, where property names are keys of map
  • @JsonSetter - Identifies a Java method to use as a setter for the identified json property
  • JsonDeserialize - Allows to specify custom deserializer

Other annotations:

  • @JsonIgnoreProperties - Class level annotation used to tell Jackson to ignore one or more property
  • @JsonIgnore - Field level annotation used to tell Jackson to ignore one or more property
  • @JsonIgnoreType - Class level annotation used to ignore class
  • @JsonInclude - Class level annotation used to control how null values are presented in serialization
  • @JsonAutoDetect - Jackson will use reflection in serialization. It allows to tune which properties/methods are deducted

Json Testing with Spring Boot

  • Annotate the Test class with @JsonTest. This will inject the Spring Boot configured ObjectMapper.
  • If we need different property naming strategy like kebab case, follow below steps:
    • create in resources directory under /test
    • set
    • Annotate the test class with @ActiveProfiles("kebab")
  • If we set explicitly the property name using @JsonProperty, then this will override any naming strategy.

Maven BOM(Bill Of Materials)

  • Provides a common place to maintain all the dependencies so that all our microservices can inherit.
  • Spring Parent POM is very similar to BOM. It provides us a set of dependencies and properties. It doesn't set common dependencies, set common plugins, set common plugin configurations. But the BOM does.
  • In our application POM, we inherit from Spring Parent POM by explicitly mentioning them.
  • BOM Configurations:
    • Set common maven properties
    • Set common maven plugins and configurations
    • Set dependency versions
    • Set common dependencies
    • Set common build profiles
    • Set just any inheritable property that is common

Spring State Machine

###State Machine

  • State Machine can be defined as anything with a set of known states
  • A 'State Machine' can be:
    • if-then-else statements
    • switch statements
  • State Machine consists of:
    • Finite set of states
    • Set of Inputs
    • Initial state
    • Final state
    • Transition Function
  • Common State Machine Use Cases
    • Message (Event) based applications
    • Events get published based on State changes
    • UI applications with Actions triggered by Use - Caps Lock On/Off
    • Application behaviour changes based on known states
  • State Machine Terminology
    • States: The specific state of a State Machine. It is Finite and Predefined values. Mostly declared as ENUM.
    • Events: Something that happens to the system - may or may not change the state.
    • Actions: The response of the State Machine to events. Can be changing the variables, calling methods or changing to different state.
      • Transitions: Type of action which changes the state.
    • Guards: Boolean conditions which allow/disallow certain things happen.
    • Extended State: State Machine variables(in addition to state)

Why use State Machine?

  • State Machines help define consistent behaviour for finite of states.
  • Application logic is defined for specific state or state transitions.
  • Application logic becomes more modular and more precisely defined.
  • Long block of if, then, else if conditions are difficult to code, debug and maintain.
  • Helps to avoid spaghetti code for complex conditions.

##Using Sagas with Spring

ACID Transactions

  • Atomicity - All operations are completed successfully or DB is returned to previous state.
  • Consistency - Operations do not violate system integrity constraints.
  • Isolated - Results are independent of concurrent transactions.
  • Durable - Results are made persistent in case of system failure.

Distributed Transactions

  • With microservices, often multiple services are involved in what is considered as Transaction.
  • Java EE - Java Transaction API (JTA)
    • Enables distributed transactions in Java Environment.
    • Supported by Spring.
    • Transactions are managed across nodes by a Transaction Manager
    • Java Centric.
  • Two Phase Commit - 2PC
    • Happens in 2 phases - Voting and Commit
    • Coordinator asks each node if proposed transaction is okay
      • If all Respond okay, then
        • Commit message is sent
        • Each node commits work and sends acknowledgement to coordinator
      • If any node responds no, then
        • Rollback message is sent
        • Each node rollbacks and sends acknowledgement to coordinator
    • Problems with 2PC
      • Does not scale - expensive
      • Blocking Protocol - the various steps block and wait for other to complete
      • Performance is limited to the speed of the slowest node
      • Coordinator is a Single Point Of Failure
      • Technology lock-in - can be difficult to mix technology stacks

Challenges with Microservices

  • A transaction for a Microservices Architecture often spans across multiple microservices.
  • Each service have its own DB - could be SQL/NoSQL DB.
  • Should be technology agnostic - services can be Java, NodeJs, Python, .NET, etc.
  • How to coordinate the transaction across multiple microservices?

Need for Sagas

CAP(Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance) Theorem

  • Consistency - Every read will have most recent write.
  • Availability - Each read will get a response, but without the guarantee data is most recent write.
  • Partition Tolerance - System Continues in lieu of communications errors or delays.

CAP Theorem states a Distributed System can only maintain 2 of 3. CAP Theorem

BASE - An ACID Alternative

  • BASE - Basically Available, Soft State, Eventually Consistent.
  • Opposite of ACID.
  • Basically Available - Build System to support partial failures. Loss of some functionality Vs Total System loss.
  • Soft State - Transactions cascade across nodes, it can be inconsistent for a period of time.
  • Eventually Consistent - When processing is complete, system will be consistent.

Feral Concurrency Control

  • It is application level mechanism for maintaining DB integrity.
  • Relational DB can enforce variety of constraints - such as foreign key constraints.
  • Not available within distributed system.
  • Its upto application to enforce the constraints.

Introducing Sagas

  • Originally it was addressing Long Lived Transactions (LLT) within a single DB.
  • LLTs hold on to DB resources for an extended period of time.
  • Sagas proposed breaking long complex transaction into a smaller more atomic transactions.
  • Concept of compensating transactions to correct partial executions.


  • Sagas are simply a series of steps to complete a business process.
  • Sagas coordinate the invocation of microservices via messages or requests.
  • Sagas become a Transactional model.
  • Each step of the Saga can be considered as a request.
  • Each step of the Saga has a compensating transaction.
    • Semantically undo the effect of request.
    • Might not restore to exact previous state - but effectively the same.

Sagas Steps

  • Each step should be a message or event to be consumed by a microservice.
  • Steps are asynchronous.
  • Within microservice, it's normal to use traditional database transactions.
  • Each message(request) should be idempotent.
    • Meaning if same message/event is sent, there is no adverse effect on the system state.
  • Each step has a compensating transaction to undo the actions.
Compensating Transactions
  • Compensating Transactions:
    • Effectively become Feral Concurrency Control.
    • Are the mechanism used to maintain system integrity.
    • Should be idempotent.
    • Cannot abort - need to ensure proper execution.
    • Not the same as a rollback to the exact previous state.
      • Implements business logic for a failure event.

Sagas are ACD

  • Atomic - All transactions are executed or compensated.
  • Consistency
    • Referential integrity within a service by the local DB.
    • Referential integrity across services by the application - 'Feral Concurrency Control'.
  • Durability - Persisted by DB of each microservice.

Sagas & Eventually Consistent

  • BASE - Basically Available, Soft State, Eventually Consistent.
  • During execution of Saga, System is in Soft State.
  • Eventually Consistent - system will be consistent at the conclusion of Saga.
    • Consistency achieved by normal execution of Saga.
    • In the event of error, consistency achieved via compensating transactions.

Sagas coordination

  • 2 approaches for Saga coordination

    • Choreography - Distributed decision making. Each actor decides next steps.

      • Implementation:
        • Implemented using events.
        • Each actor emits an event for the next step in the Saga.
        • Requires each actor to have logic about the Saga.
        • Each actor needs to know how to perform a compensating transaction.
          • Thus each actor has more coupling to other system components.
      • Benefits:
        • Simple loosely coupled.
        • Good for simpler Sagas.
      • Problems:
        • Cyclic dependencies.
        • Harder to understand - logic is spread out.
        • Components are more complex.
    • Orchestration - Centralized decision making. Central component decides next steps.

      • Step components do not decide next steps.
      • Implementation:
        • Central component directing other actors.
        • Central component maintains state for the Saga:
          • State Machine
          • Saga Execution Coordinator
          • Event Sourcing
        • Must take responsibility of completion of Saga - persist state to DB, use persistent message queues, etc
      • Benefits:
        • Logic is centralized and easier to understand.
        • Reduced coupling and better separation of concerns.
      • Problems:
        • Risk of over centralization - need to maintain focus on separation of concerns.
  • Which to use?

    • Choreography - For smaller simple Sagas.
    • Orchestration - For larger more complex Sagas.
  • How to implement?

    • Typically custom solution - wide variety of implementations.
    • Open Source / Commercial Solutions are emerging.

Spring Cloud Gateway


  • Clients connect to APIGateway seamlessly and the implementation details of the services are hidden.
  • APIGateway -> Multiple Load Balancers -> Each LB handles requests for specific microservice.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Routing/ Dynamic Routing
    • Security
    • Rate Limiting
    • Monitoring/Logging
    • Blue/Green Deployments
    • Caching
    • Monolith Strangling
  • Types of APIGateways
    • Appliances/Hardware - Example: F5
    • SAAS (Software As A Service) - Example: AWS ELB
    • Web Servers - Configured as Proxies
    • Developer Oriented - Example: Zuul (Netflix) or Spring Cloud APIGateway Note : Types can be combined

Spring Cloud Gateway Features

  • Java 8+, Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, project Reactor
  • Non-blocking, HTTP 2 support, Netty
  • Dynamic Routing
  • Route Mapping on HTTP Request attributes
  • Filters for HTTP Request and Response

Reactive Gateway Gateway Flow

Netflix Eureka

  • It is a Service Discovery and Registration Service
    • Service Registration
      • When a microservice instance starts, it registers itself with Eureka service
      • Provides host name, IP, port and service name
      • Spring Boot provides a starter for Eureka server and Eureka client
      • Both server and client will self configure for localhost properties
      • Important to configure service name in This value is used to lookup the service in Eureka.
    • Service Discovery
      • Process of discovering the available service instances
      • Spring Cloud Open Feign allows for easy service discovery between services. Works in conjunction with Eureka and Ribbon.
      • Spring Cloud Gateway can be configured to lookup services in Eureka. Works in conjunction with Ribbon to load balance requests. Netflix-Eureka API-Gateway-Ribbon-Eureka Netflix-Eureka-Flow

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker

  • Circuit Breaker Pattern allows us to recover from errors
  • If the service is unavailable or has unrecoverable errors, we can specify an alternative action using Circuit Breaker Pattern
  • Services need to be durable in microservices environment
  • Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker is a project which provides abstractions across several Circuit Breaker implementations. Thus our source code is not tied to specific implementation.
  • Supported Circuit Breaker Implementations:
    • Netflix Hystrix
    • Resilience4J
    • Sentinel
    • Spring Retry
  • Spring Cloud Gateway supports Netflix Hystrix and Resilience4J
  • Gateway filters are used on top of the Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker APIs
  • Netflix has placed Hystrix into maintenance mode. Spring suggests using Resilience4J.

Spring Cloud Config

  • Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Provides externalized configuration for distributed environments
  • provides RESTFul style API for Spring services to lookup configuration values
  • Spring Boot Applications on startup obtain configuration values from Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Properties can be global, application specific, profile specific
  • Easily encrypt and decrypt properties
  • Config server is a traditional spring mvc application
  • Config server registers with Eureka server
  • Spring Cloud Config property Storage options:
    • Git(Default) or SVN
    • File System
    • HashCorp's Vault
    • JDBC, Redis
    • AWS S3
    • CredHub
  • Spring Cloud Config Client
    • Spring Cloud Config client by default looks for a URL property
    • - default is http://localhost:8888
    • If using discovery client, client will look for service called configserver
    • Fail fast - optionally configure client to fail with exception if config server cannot be reached
  • Configuration resources:
    • application =
    • profile = Spring active profiles
    • label =

Spring Cloud Sleuth

Distributed Tracing :

  • Transactions in microservices can span many services/instances and even data centers.
  • Distributed tracing provides the tools to trace the transaction across services and nodes.
  • Distributed tracing is used for 2 aspects:
    • Performance monitoring across steps
    • Logging / troubleshooting

Spring Cloud Sleuth :

  • Distributed tracing tool for Spring Cloud.
  • Conceptually what happens:
    • Headers on HTTP requests or messages are enhanced with trace data
    • Logging is enhanced with trace data
    • Optionally trace data can be reported to Zipkin

Tracing Terminology :

  • Spring Cloud Sleuth uses terminology established by Dapper
  • Dapper is the distributed tracing system created by Google for their productions systems
  • Span - is a basic unit of work. Typically a send and receive of a message
  • Trace - A set of spans for a transaction
  • cs / sr - Client Sent / Server Received - aka the request
  • ss / cr - Server Sent / Client Received - aka the response

Zipkin Server :

  • Zipkin is an open source project used to report distributed tracing metrics
  • Information can be reported to Zipkin via HTTP or Kafka or RabbitMQ
  • Zipkin is a Spring MVC project
    • Recommended to use binary distribution or docker image
    • Building your own is not supported
  • Uses in-memory DB for development
  • Cassandra or ElasticSearch should be used for production
  • Zipkin Docker image

Logging Output :

  • LOG_LEVEL [Appname, TraceId, SpanId, Exportable]
  • Exportable - should span be exported to Zipkin? (Programmatic configuration option)

Logging Configuration :

  • Microservices typically will use consolidated logging
  • Number of approaches available - its highly dependent on deployment environment
  • To support consolidated logging, log data should be available in JSON
  • Spring Boot by default uses logback, which is easy to configure for JSON output

Spring Cloud Security

  • Spring Cloud configuration will store encrypted properties as:
    • {cipher}
  • When Spring Cloud Config client requests an encrypted property, the value is decrypted and presented to the client.
  • Must set a symmetric key in the property encrypt.key - should prefer setting this as environment variable
  • Asymmetric (public/private) keys are also supported.
  • Spring Cloud Config provides endpoints for property encryption/decryption
    • POST /encrypt => will encrypt body of post
    • POST /decrypt => will decrypt body of post

Consolidated Logging using ELK

  • E - Elasticsearch
  • L - Logstash
  • K - kibana
  • Elasticsearch - JSON based search engine based on Lucene
  • Highly Scalable - 100s of nodes
  • Logstash:
    • Data processing pipeline for log data
    • Allows to collect from multiple sources, Transform, Send
  • Kibana:
    • Data visualization tool for Elasticsearch
  • Filebeat:
    • Its a log shipper
    • Moves log data to destination
    • Destination is often Logstash server
    • Logstash is used for further transformation before sending to Elasticsearch
    • Filebeat has ability to do some transformations. Its possible to skip Logstash and write directly to ES.