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Explicit Resource Management using for-of

This package provides an API inspired from the Explicit Resource Management TC39 proposal, leveraging the existing JavaScript semantics of for-of and for-await-of. It provides the same convenience of automatically disposing of resources when exiting a block, without requiring new syntax.

import { Disposable } from "disposator";

for (const { using } of Disposable) {
  const resource = using(getResource());
  const other = using(resource.getOther());
  const stuff = other.doStuff();
  using(() => cleanUpStuff(stuff));
} // automatically cleanup, even when something throws

This package can be used either as a ponyfill through the default entrypoint, or as a polyfill modifying the global by using the /polyfill.js import path.


Disposable and AsyncDisposable interfaces

Disposable Interface

An object is disposable if has a @@dispose symbol method that performs explicit cleanup. The symbol is exported as symbolDispose by this package, or installed as Symbol.dispose through the polyfill.

import { symbolDispose } from "disposator";

interface Disposable {
   * Disposes resources within this object.
  [symbolDispose](): void;

AsyncDisposable Interface

An object is async disposable if it has a @@asyncDispose symbol async method that performs explicit cleanup. The symbol is exported as symbolAsyncDispose by this package, or installed as Symbol.asyncDispose through the polyfill.

import { symbolAsyncDispose } from "disposator";

interface AsyncDisposable {
   * Disposes resources within this object.
  [symbolAsyncDispose](): Promise<void>;

functions as disposable

disposable like

A function can be used in places where a disposable is expected. In that case the provided dispose function will simply be called, with no this context.

type OnDispose = () => void;

async disposable like

An async function can be used in places where an async disposable is expected. In that case the provided dispose function will simply be called, with no this context, and the result will be awaited.

type OnAsyncDispose = () => void | PromiseLike<void>;

Aggregate Disposable and AsyncDisposable objects

The package provides classes implementing the Disposable and AsyncDisposable interfaces allowing to wrap one or aggregate multiple disposable like or async disposable like resources. The resources can be added at construction and/or later using the aggregate object's using helper. The aggregated resources are disposed of in reverse order. If multiple resources are aggregated, any error thrown during their disposal are aggregated, and an AggregateError is thrown once all tracked resources have been disposed of. If any error occurs during construction (such as adding an invalid resource), all resources added are automatically disposed of.

Initial aggregated resources are added eagerly, either as multiple values passed to the constructor, or through an iterable provided to the static from method. The latter is preferred to create an aggregated object from initial resources, especially in the case of AsyncDisposable. With static from, resources are added for tracking as soon as they are iterated over, and any disposal error is merged with errors that triggered the construction-time disposal. Additionally the from helper optionally takes a mapping function similar to Array.from() allowing to reactively create during iteration a disposable like or async disposable like resource from any iterated value.

If the resources to aggregate are not all available at the same time, they can be added later with the using helper. If only a single resource needs to be in use while iterating over a collection, the usingFrom helper streamlines an acquire-use-dispose iteration.

Disposable aggregate constructor

type DisposableResource = Disposable | OnAsyncDispose;

interface AggregateDisposableConstructor {
   * Creates a disposable object aggregating the given disposable resources
   * @param disposables An iterable containing resources to be disposed of
   * when the returned object is itself disposed of
  from(disposables: Iterable<DisposableResource>): AggregateDisposable;

   * Creates a disposable object aggregating the given disposable resources
   * @param values An iterable containing values for which the mapped
   * resource will be disposed of when the returned object is itself disposed of
   * @param mapFn A function returning a disposable resource from the
   * iterated value
    values: Iterable<T>,
    mapFn: (value: T) => DisposableResource
  ): AggregateDisposable;

   * Creates an aggregate disposable object
   * @param args Initial resources to add for tracking
  new (...args: DisposableResource[]): AggregateDisposable;

export const Disposable: AggregateDisposableConstructor;

Disposable.from() consumes any Iterable. The optional mapFn will be called for each iterated value and must return a disposable like resource.

new Disposable() accepts zero or any number of disposable like resources.

AsyncDisposable aggregate constructor

type AsyncDisposableResource = AsyncDisposable | Disposable | OnDispose;

interface AggregateAsyncDisposableConstructor {
   * Creates an async disposable object aggregating the given disposable or
   * async disposable resources
   * @param disposables An iterable or async iterable containing resources to
   * be disposed of when the returned object is itself disposed of
      | Iterable<AsyncDisposableResource>
      | AsyncIterable<AsyncDisposableResource>
  ): Promise<AggregateAsyncDisposable>;

   * Creates an async disposable object aggregating the given disposable or
   * async disposable resources
   * @param values An iterable or async iterable containing values for which
   * the mapped resource will be disposed of when the returned object is itself
   * disposed of
   * @param mapFn A function returning a disposable or async disposable
   * resource from the iterated value
    values: Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>,
    mapFn: (value: T) => AsyncDisposableResource
  ): Promise<AggregateAsyncDisposable>;

   * Creates an aggregate async disposable object
   * Note: Prefer AsyncDisposable.from()
   * Any error adding the initial tracked resources may result in an unhandled
   * rejection resulting from the automatic disposal of the added resources
   * @param args Initial resources to add for tracking
  new (...args: AsyncDisposableResource[]): AggregateAsyncDisposable;

export const AsyncDisposable: AggregateAsyncDisposableConstructor;

AsyncDisposable.from() consumes any Iterable or AsyncIterable. The optional mapFn will be called for each iterated value and must return a disposable like or async iterable like resource.

new AsyncDisposable() accepts zero or any number of disposable like or async disposable like resources. If an error occurs while adding a resource for tracking, the resources added will be disposed and construction will throw. However any error occurring during this disposal will result in an unhandled rejection. To handle this case, prefer AsyncDisposable.from().

using helper: add resources for tracking

The AggregateDisposable and AggregateAsyncDisposable objects expose a using helper on their instance which can be used to add resources for tracking after construction of the aggregate object. The using helper can be detached from the aggregate object (it's bound at construction). It passes through its value for chaining, or assignment at acquisition time. using accepts a dispose callback function as an optional argument. This can be used to implement disposal for values which do not implement the disposables interfaces. In that case the value is passed as this context to the dispose callback

Aggregate Disposable

interface AggregateDisposable extends Disposable {
   * Helper adding new resources to track in the aggregated disposable.
   * The helper can be detached
  readonly using: AggregateDisposableUsing;

 * Add a disposable resource for tracking
interface AggregateDisposableUsing {
   * @param disposable The disposable resource to track
   * @returns The disposable resource
  <T extends DisposableResource>(disposable: T): T;

   * @param value A value to consider as a resource to dispose
   * @param onDispose The dispose callback invoked with the value
   * as `this` context
   * @returns The value
  <T>(value: T, onDispose: OnDispose): T;

The Disposable's using helper function can be used to track any disposable like resource. It captures the disposable and its dispose method, or the dispose callback, then passes through the value. Additionally using can be called with an onDispose callback as second argument, which will be called with the value as this context. When the aggregate object is disposed of, the tracked resources are disposed of in reverse order to which they were added.

Aggregate AsyncDisposable

interface AggregateAsyncDisposable extends AsyncDisposable {
   * Helper adding new resources to track in the aggregated async disposable.
   * The helper can be detached
  readonly using: AggregateAsyncDisposableUsing;

 * Add a disposable or async disposable resource for tracking
interface AggregateAsyncDisposableUsing {
   * @param disposable The disposable or async disposable resource to track
   * @returns The disposable or async disposable resource
  <T extends AsyncDisposableResource>(disposable: T): T;

   * @param value A value to consider as a resource to dispose
   * @param onDispose The async dispose callback invoked with the value
   *  as `this` context
   * @returns The value
  <T>(value: T, onDispose: OnAsyncDispose): T;

The Disposable's using helper function can be used to track any disposable like resource. It captures the disposable and its dispose method, or the dispose callback, then passes through the value. Additionally using can be called with an onDispose callback as second argument, which will be called with the value as this context. When the aggregate object is disposed of, the tracked resources are disposed of in reverse order to which they were added.

The AsyncDisposable's using helper function can be used to track any disposable or async disposable like resource. It captures the disposable and its dispose method, the async disposable and its async dispose method, or the async dispose callback, then passes through the value. Additionally using can be called with an onDispose async callback as second argument, which will be called with the value as this context. When the aggregate async object is disposed of, the tracked resources are disposed of in reverse order to which they were added.

The disposal of an async disposable like resource is awaited before moving to the next resource. The disposal of a disposable resource is not awaited. The aggregate disposal step is always awaited even if all tracked resources are disposable which are disposed of synchronously.

Aggregate disposable iterator helper

The Disposable and AsyncDisposable exports both implement a special iterator helper which streamlines creating an aggregated resource object and disposing of resources added for tracking. While these iterators only ever yield a single value (the aggregate object), they are meant to be used with respectively the for-of and for-await-of statements which automatically closes their iterator in case of an early return or thrown error. The iterator closure triggers the disposal of the aggregate object and the resources it tracks.

Combined with the detachable using helper of the aggregate object, it allows seamlessly tracking multiple disposable like or async disposable like resources and ensuring that they are properly disposed of when exiting a scope block, without dealing directly with the aggregate object itself.

If the disposal of the aggregate resource was triggered by an error thrown during the evaluation of the for-of or for-await-of block, that error takes precedence and errors occurring during the disposal are ignored. This is unlike try-finally statements where an error during the finally block takes precedence over the try block.

for (const { using } of Disposable)

interface AggregateDisposableConstructor {
   * Returns an iterator which yields a new aggregate instance. Its `using`
   * helper can be used to track disposable resources which will be disposed
   * of when the iterator is closed. Use with a `for-of` statement to perform
   * RAII style explicit resource management
  [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<AggregateDisposable, void, void>;

When the iterator closes, either from an early return, thrown error, or once the block completes, the aggregate object disposes of its tracked resources in reverse order to which they were added.

for await (const { using } of AsyncDisposable)

interface AggregateAsyncDisposableConstructor {
   * Returns an iterator which yields a new async aggregate instance. Its `using`
   * helper can be used to track disposable or async disposable resources
   * which will be disposed of when the iterator is closed. Use with a
   * `for-await-of` statement to perform RAII style explicit resource management
  [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<AggregateAsyncDisposable, void, void>;

When the iterator closes, either from an early return, thrown error, or once the block completes, the async aggregate object disposes of its tracked resources in reverse order to which they were added.


The following show examples of using the iterator helper with various APIs, assuming those APIs implement the disposable or async disposable interfaces.

WHATWG Streams Reader API

for await (const { using } of AsyncDisposable) {
  const reader = using(stream.getReader());
  const { value, done } = await;

NodeJS FileHandle

for await (const { using } of AsyncDisposable) {
  const f1 = using(await, constants.O_RDONLY)),
  const f2 = using(await, constants.O_WRONLY));
  const buffer = Buffer.alloc(4092);
  const { bytesRead } = await;
  await f2.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} // both handles are closed

Transactional Consistency (ACID)

// roll back transaction if either action fails
for await (const { using } of AsyncDisposable) {
  const tx = using(transactionManager.startTransaction(account1, account2));
  await account1.debit(amount);

  // mark transaction success
  tx.succeeded = true;
} // transaction is committed

Logging and tracing

// audit privileged function call entry and exit
function privilegedActivity() {
  for (const { using } of Disposable) {
    using(auditLog.startActivity("privilegedActivity")); // log activity start
  } // log activity end

Async Coordination

import { Semaphore } from "...";
const sem = new Semaphore(1); // allow one participant at a time

export async function tryUpdate(record) {
  for (const { using } of Disposable) {
    using(await sem.wait()); // asynchronously block until we are the sole participant
  } // synchronously release semaphore and notify the next participant

The following show examples of integrating with API which do not implement the Disposable or AsyncDisposable interface**

Working with existing resources

for await (const { using } of AsyncDisposable) {
  const reader = ...;
  using(() => reader.releaseLock());

Schedule other cleanup work to evaluate at the end of the block similar to Go's defer statement

for (const { using } of Disposable) {
  using(() => console.log("exit"));

usingFrom: iterable of disposable

The Disposable.usingFrom() and AsyncDisposable.usingFrom() helpers streamline iterating over resources, ensuring that each iterated resource is disposed of before acquiring the next resource. They do not dispose of resources that are not iterated over, e.g. if the iteration is terminated early.

The helpers works by generating a new iterable which captures a provided iterable, and an optional mapFn function. When an iterator is subsequently requested, the captured iterable's iterator is requested and wrapped. For each iteration, the iterator requests the next value from the wrapped iterator, tracks the resource, then yields the value. The optional mapFn function can be used to generate a disposable or async disposable resource from the iterated value.

After each iteration step, the resource is disposed of, regardless of how the step ended. When iterated through a for-of or for-await-of, an error thrown in the statement's block will take precedence and hide any error thrown during the disposal of the resource.


interface AggregateDisposableConstructor {
   * Wraps an iterable to ensure that iterated resources are disposed of
   * @param disposables An iterable containing disposable resources over
   * which to iterate then dispose
  usingFrom<T extends DisposableResource>(
    disposables: Iterable<T>
  ): Iterable<T>;

   * Wraps an iterable to ensure that iterated resources are disposed of
   * @param values An iterable containing values over which to iterate
   * @param mapFn A function returning a disposable resource from the
   * iterated value
    values: Iterable<T>,
    mapFn: (value: T) => DisposableResource
  ): Iterable<T>;

Disposable.usingFrom() can wrap any Iterable. The optional mapFn will be called for each iterated value and must return a disposable like resource.


interface AggregateAsyncDisposableConstructor {
   * Wraps an iterable or async iterable to ensure that iterated resources are
   * disposed of
   * @param disposables An iterable or async iterable containing disposable
   * or async disposable resources over which to iterate then dispose
  usingFrom<T extends AsyncDisposableResource>(
    disposables: Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>
  ): AsyncIterable<T>;

   * Wraps an iterable or async iterable to ensure that iterated resources are
   * disposed of
   * @param values An iterable or async iterable containing values over which
   * to iterate
   * @param mapFn A function returning a disposable or async disposable
   * resource from the iterated value
    values: Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>,
    mapFn: (value: T) => AsyncDisposableResource
  ): AsyncIterable<T>;

AsyncDisposable.usingFrom() can wrap any Iterable or AsyncIterable. The optional mapFn will be called for each iterated value and must return a disposable or async disposable like resource.


for (const res of Disposable.usingFrom(iterateResources())) {
  // use res
for (const value of Disposable.usingFrom(
  (value) => () => cleanup(value)
)) {
  // use value
for await (const res of AsyncDisposable.usingFrom(iterateAsyncResources())) {
  // use res
for await (const res of AsyncDisposable.usingFrom(asyncIterateResources())) {
  // use res