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126 lines (91 loc) · 4.15 KB


File metadata and controls

126 lines (91 loc) · 4.15 KB


Contributions and issues are most welcome! All issues and pull requests are handled through github on the issues page. Also, please check for any existing issues before filing a new one. If you have a great idea but it involves big changes, please file a ticket before making a pull request! We want to make sure you don't spend your time coding something that might not fit the scope of the project.

Running the tests

To get the source source code and run the unit tests, run:

git clone git://
cd container-transform
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -e .[all]
python nosetests

While 100% code coverage does not make a library bug-free, it significantly reduces the number of easily caught bugs! Please make sure coverage is at 100% before submitting a pull request!

Code Quality

For code quality, please run flake8:

$ pip install flake8
$ flake8 .

Code Styling

Please arrange imports with the following style

# Standard library imports
import os

# Third party package imports
from mock import patch

# Local package imports
from container_transform.version import __version__

Please follow Google's python style guide wherever possible.

Building the docs

When in the project directory:

pip install -e .[all]
python build_sphinx
open docs/_build/html/index.html

Adding a new parameter

If there is a docker parameter that you'd like to add support for, here's a quick overview of what is involved:

  1. Make a new parameter in the ARG_MAP in the file container-transform/
  2. Check what the parameter name is for each supported transformation type. There are links to the documentation for each type on the usage page
  3. Create an ingest_<param> and emit_<param> method on the BaseTransformer<container_transform.transformer.BaseTransformer> class
  4. Add any data transformations by overriding the base methods that each format requires.
  5. Add tests to cover any new logic. Don't just use a client test to make coverage 100%

Adding a new Transformer

If you'd like to add a new format, please create an issue before making a pull request in order to discuss any major design decisions before putting in valuable time writing the actual code.

Below is a rough checklist of creating a new transformer type:

  • Create a file and class in the base :pycontainer_transform module
  • Implement all abstract methods on the BaseTransformer<container_transform.transformer.BaseTransformer> class
  • Add the class to the TRANSFORMER_CLASSES in the file.
  • Add the type to the enums at the top of teh file.
  • Add a key to each of the dictionaries in the ARG_MAP parameters
  • If a docker parameter is not supported in your transformer, still create a dictionary for it, but set the name to None
  • Create a test file in the tests module for your transformer. Try to get at least 90% coverage of your transformer before adding any tests to the<container_transform.tests.client_test> module.
  • Add client tests just to make sure the command doesn't blow up

Release Checklist

Before a new release, please go through the following checklist:

  • Bump version in container_transform/
  • Add a release note in docs/release_notes.rst
  • Git tag the version
  • Upload to pypi:

    pip install -e .[packaging]
    python sdist bdist_wheel upload
  • Increment the version to x.x-dev

Vulnerability Reporting

For any security issues, please do NOT file an issue or pull request on github! Please contact with the GPG key provided on keybase.