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Social Media Lab Website Social Media Lab Banner

Social Media Lab Banner

Welcome to the repository for the source of, a growing compilation of notes and computational notebooks centered around social media analysis, with a spotlight on computational methodologies and political communication. This project, both a website and an informational resource, is woven into the fabric of my PhD project and teaching at the Media Informatics Group, University of Regensburg, Germany.


The website references several jupyter notebooks, all code is located in the supplement repository.


Citation data for the latest releases can be exported from Zenodo.

Getting Started with Collaboration


Install Quarto

Before you can effectively collaborate on this project, it's essential to install Quarto. Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. Follow the steps below for installation:

  • Navigate to Quarto's download page.
  • Choose the appropriate installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux) and follow the installation instructions.
  • Verify the installation by opening your terminal (or command prompt) and running: quarto --version This should display the installed Quarto version.

Clone the Repository

After ensuring Quarto is installed, proceed to clone the repository to get a local copy on your machine.

  1. Access the Repository
  • Ensure you've received access to the GitHub repository "social-media-lab-quarto".
  1. Clone the Repository
  • Open your terminal or command prompt.

  • Navigate to the directory where you wish to clone the repository using cd command.

  • Run the following Git command to clone the repository:

    git clone

Collaborate on the Project

After successfully cloning the repository, you can begin collaborating on the project.

  1. Create a New Branch
  • Always create a new branch for your work:

    git checkout -b [branch-name]

    Replace [branch-name] with a descriptive name for your branch (e.g., update-analysis-notes).

  1. Make Changes
  • Modify, add, or remove files as needed, ensuring to follow any coding and documentation standards.
  1. Commit Your Changes
  • Add your changes to the staging area:

    git add .
  • Commit your changes:

    git commit -m "Descriptive message about your changes"
  1. Push to GitHub
  • Push your branch to GitHub:

    git push origin [branch-name]
  1. Open a Pull Request
  • Go to the GitHub repository and navigate to "Pull requests".
  • Click "New pull request" and choose your branch.
  • Add relevant comments and request reviews if necessary.
  • Click "Create pull request".

Working with Quarto

As the project heavily relies on Quarto, ensure to regularly utilize its capabilities in knitting documents, creating slides, or building books/website components. More details on working with Quarto can be found in Quarto’s documentation.

Running and Publishing the Website

Preview Website Locally

To visualize changes you make to the website before pushing them to the live server, use Quarto’s local preview feature:

  1. Navigate to the Website Directory
    • Ensure you are in the root directory of the project where the Quarto configuration file (_quarto.yml) is located.
  2. Run Local Preview
    • In your terminal or command prompt, run the following command:

      quarto preview
    • This will build and serve your website locally. You should be able to view it by navigating to the URL provided in the terminal, typically

  3. View and Validate
    • Explore the website in your local web browser and validate that your changes are rendered as expected.

Ensure that all navigational links, images, and content appear as intended and that you thoroughly validate your changes before publishing them live.

Publish Website to GitHub Pages

Once you are satisfied with your changes and have committed them to your branch, you can publish the website to GitHub Pages.

  1. Publish with Quarto
    • Use Quarto to publish the website to GitHub Pages by running:

      quarto publish gh-pages

      If you're using a custom domain or path, you might need to provide additional arguments. Refer to the Quarto documentation for more details.

  2. Verify Live Website
    • An administrator will have to approve your publish request.
    • Once published, visit the website and confirm that all changes are reflected accurately.


For any inquiries or further information, feel free to reach out to Michael Achmann.


Social Media Lab Website © 2023 by Michael Achmann-Denkler is licensed under CC BY 4.0