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Application config management library.

What's Briefbag for?

Briefbag allows any ruby application to assemble configs .yml files, into single .yml file for the development environment or use interact with Consul's distributed key value store

Does it work in rails?

Yup! In fact, we're using it in all of our rails production apps instead

How it is work


It works quite easily, you are a developer and work in the development environment, it is more convenient for you to use one .yml file with configuration. No more .yml zoos, or ENV variables - all in one place. You just create constant (for example usage) in your application APPLICATION_CONFIG and forward. refer to the desired config as an object. To do this, under the hood, I use Struct therefore, the appeal becomes simpler: APPLICATION_CONFIG.database.port

And what if you need to share the configuration file with colleagues, or use this design at other stands - production environment. Consul comes to the rescue. Thanks to him, you can act config and undress in different stands. Generation .yml file there are 2 rake tasks: rake

Need add to you Rakefile

require 'briefbag'

spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name 'briefbag'
load "#{spec.gem_dir}/lib/tasks/settings.rake"
  • rake settings:consul2yml - Get key/value variables from consul to .yml file
  • rake settings:transfer_config - Transfer all collection configs in new consul folder
  #rake settings:consul2yml[consul_host,consul_port,consul_token, my_project, environment,config_folder]  
  rake settings:consul2yml['',8500,'consul_token','my_project','development',"config/configuration.yml"]  
  #rake settings:consul2yml[consul_host,consul_port,consul_token, my_project, from_path, to_path]  
  rake settings:transfer_config['',8500,'consul_token','my_project','from','to']  


If you use .yml .You will see:

NOTICE! Your app using configs from yml file

If you use Consul. You will see:

NOTICE! Your app using configs from consul now If you want to use local configs need to create config file. Just run rake settings:consul2yml

If you don't have access to consul (for example VPN or bad connections) You will see:

ALARM! You try are get consul config, but not connection to consul. Please! connect to VPN or check consul configuration


Adding to your project:

gem 'briefbag'

Then run bundle install


Or install it yourself as: gem install briefbag


params to input:

  • consul_host(string) - (required) Consul service ip or host.
  • consul_port(integer) - (optional) Default value ${443}. Consul service port.
  • consul_token(string) - (optional) If you use ACL Token.
  • consul_folder(string) (required) Name config folder in consul.
  • environment(string) - (optional) Default value ${development}. Environment in consul.
  • config_path(string) - (required) Сonfig path to your config file. for example path to yml file: 'config/application.yml'
require 'briefbag'

params_config = {
  consul_host: '',
  consul_port: 8500,
  consul_token: '233b604b-b92e-48c8-a253-5f11514e4b50',
  consul_folder: 'briefbag',
  environment: 'test', 
  config_path: 'config/some_config.yml' 
configs =
=> #<struct database=#<struct adapter="postgresql", host="localhost", port=5432, database="tets_dev", username="postgres", password=""... 
> configs.database
=> #<struct adapter="postgresql", host="localhost", port=5432, database="tets_dev", username="postgres", password=""... 
> configs.database.username
=> "postgres"

example yml file:

    adapter: postgresql
    host: localhost
    port: 5432
    database: tets_dev
    username: postgres
    password: ''
    schema_search_path: public
    encoding: utf8
    pool: 30
    port: 3000
    workers: 0
    min_threads: 1
    max_threads: 4
    max_ram: 4048
    restart_frequency: 21600
    login: admin
    password: admin
      default: 2
    concurrency: 2


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.



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