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Lightweight Orchestration For Now (LOFN)

Parallelize your serial tool using Spark and Docker.

Build a docker image for your tool and wrap it with this framework along with a map and reduce command.

See the docs for more detailed documentation and advanced features.

See example to get an idea of how this can be used.


Install the latest released version with:

pip install lofn


Dependencies include spark and docker engine.

Import the api module and DockerPipe class.

from lofn.api import DockerPipe

General Steps:

  1. Use PySpark RDD API to read your input file and decide how to partition it.
  2. Create a DockerPipe object
  3. Use the map method of this object to input the RDD, a Docker image, and the command to run in that image. This returns a new RDD.
  4. Use the reduce method to input the mapped RDD to bring back a final result, using a Docker image and command.

See the documentation.

A very basic template:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
sc = SparkContext(conf=SparkConf())

from lofn.api import DockerPipe

rdd = sc.textFile([input_file])
mappedRDD = DockerPipe(SparkConf()).map(
    command="[action] /shared/input.txt > /shared/output.txt",
result = DockerPipe(SparkConf()).reduce(
    command="[action] /shared/input.txt > /shared/output.txt",

Use spark-submit to run this script in Spark.