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Bracken scripts

Kraken2/Bracken result analytic workflow


kraken2 is a tool that takes sequence data as input and returns an output table of taxonomic classifications. bracken uses bayesian probabilities to estimate species (or other taxonomic level) relative abundance using each read-length kmer information from kraken2.

This workflow documents input parameters for upstream steps to produce summary bracken relative abundance tables for reproducibility as well as custom python scripts written to process output tables for downstream analysis and visualization.

Overall workflow:

  1. Prepare reads

  2. Classify reads with kraken2

  3. Refine relative abundance estimates with bracken

    1. estimate relative abundance of taxa (
  4. Analysis in R

  5. Produce heatmaps in R

Workflow detail

1. Prepare reads for assembly

Since I work with human-associated metagenomes, in addition to trimming with trimmomatic, I usually attempt to remove reads aligning to reference human genomes. This can be efficiently done in one step with the Huttenhower lab tool kneaddata.

2. Use kraken2 to classify reads by taxonomy

This step assumes that you have already installed kraken2 & bracken.

default kraken2 installation instructions suggest:

conda activate kraken
kraken2-build --standard --threads 20 --db ${db_path}/${db_name}

I have had difficulty using this command on a cluster (e.g. rsync errors, multi-threading errors). As a workaround, the following files can be downloaded individually:

  • ncbi taxonomy
  • kraken databases
#activate conda environment
conda activate kraken

#download NCBI taxonomy
kraken2-build --download-taxonomy --db kraken2 

#download kraken2 database components
kraken2-build --download-library bacteria --db kraken2 --threads 20
kraken2-build --download-library archaea --db kraken2
kraken2-build --download-library plasmid --db kraken2
kraken2-build --download-library viral --db kraken2
kraken2-build --download-library fungi --db kraken2
kraken2-build --download-library protozoa --db kraken2
  • Followed by running the build command as follows:
#build kraken2 database
kraken2-build --build --db kraken2 --threads 20

#build bracken database
bracken-build -d /nv/hmicro1/mwoodworth8/shared3/DB/kraken2 -t 20 -l 150 -t 20

#clean up intermediate files
kraken2-build --clean

Run kraken2

kraken2 --db ${db_path}/${db_name} --output ${out_path}/${sample}.kraken2 --report ${out_path}/${sample}.report --paired ${sample}*R1.fastq ${sample}*2.fastq

Run bracken

bracken -d ${db_path}/${kraken_db_name} -i ${sample}.kreport -o ${sample}.bracken -r ${read_length} -l ${classification_level} -t ${threshold}

3. Post-processing - this python script takes a directory containing ${sample}.bracken files as input and produces a summary file "relab_matrix.tsv" with taxa as rows, samples as columns, and relative abundance cell values.

usage: [-h] -b  -s  -o  [-m] [-v] [-r]

Summarize taxonomic relative abundance from kraken2/bracken 
for plots & analysis.

This script takes the following input:
- directory containing bracken tsv files

Taxa with relative abundance values are returned with following output:
- specified output file & path containting a single tsv file with 
taxa as rows, samples as columns, and relative abundance as cell values.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b , --bracken_dir    Please specify directory path containing bracken
                        output files.
  -s , --suffix         Please specify bracken file suffix (e.g. *.bracken).
  -o , --output         Please specify output file path (& optional prefix).
  -m , --minimum_abundance 
                        Specify minimum abundance to filter taxa to include.
                        Default 0.001
  -v, --verbose         Toggle volume of printed output.
  -r, --reads_please    Toggle to produce reads_matrix from bracken output.