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Book Deno Web Development

Deno project Directory portela-examples\ contains TypeScript examples presented in Portela's book Deno Web Development (Packt, 2021).

Chapter 1

http-server Example

Example http-server.ts makes use of the function serve from the remote http library. The import clauses looks as follows:

// file: http-server.ts
import { serve } from ""
for await (const req of serve(":8080")) {
  req.respond({ body: "Hello deno" })

We can run http-server either from the Windows prompt or from a Unix shell:

  • We run the batch file http-server.bat from the Windows prompt. Note that the server process is started only once (it must be stopped manually) when we run the batch file several times:

    > http-server.bat
    [INFO] Start process listening on port 8080
    [INFO] Respond to the cURL request on port 8080
    Hello deno
    > http-server.bat
    [INFO] Respond to the cURL request on port 8080
    Hello deno
  • We run the shell script from a Unix shell (Cygwin, MinGW or Unix).

    > ./
    [INFO] Start process listening on port 8080
    [INFO] Respond to the cURL request on port 8080
    Hello deno
    > ./
    [INFO] Respond to the cURL request on port 8080
    Hello deno

http-server-deps Example

In this first variant of the above example we split the code into two files:

  • we add the file deps.ts which contains the original import clause(s)

     // file: deps.ts
     import { serve } from ""
  • we modify the file https-server.ts which now refers to deps.ts in the import clause (thus hiding the details of the remote std/http library):

     // file: http-server.ts
     import { serve } from "./deps.ts"
     for await (const req of serve(":8080")) {
       req.respond({ body: "Hello deno" })

http-server-import-maps Example

Example http-server-import-maps is the second variant of the original example presented earlier. Besides the two files http-server.ts and http-server.bat we also :

  • add the file import_map.json

       "imports": {
         "http/": ""
  • and update the file deps.ts with a user-defined name for the http library.

     // file: deps.ts
     export { serve } from "http/server.ts"

Example fetch-deno-logo download a SVG image (e.g. the Deno logo) from the Internet and prints the HTML code with the embedded image.

> fetch-deno-logo.bat
<img src="" />

Chapter 2


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


mics/July 2024