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Releases: michelve/software-license-manager


25 Jun 13:42
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in the last version of the plugin I have changed the way how orders look like and behave.

The old approach was adding the license info as order meta and then displaying them. This didn't work well when there were more licenses than one or more than one licensed product. Also, the plugin never tried to check if there are any existing licenses for current order. So when someone changed the order status from completed to on-hold and back, plugin created new licenses for the user.
I have narrowed down the number of metadata to just license key and type. Everything else when added to the order was relevant just at the time of license being created. So when there was a change in license afterwards, it wasn't changed in the order again. This data can be found then in the license record itself.

There are also two new options:

In WooCommerce, you can disable the automatic Downloads expiration. This is for the reason that if you don't want downloads behave the same way as license. Example: License for life, downloads for a year. Before when I wanted to have this behavior, I had to set product as subscription and set expiration to 0.
In some recent version, there was created new feature to allow users to remove domains in "My licenses". As in my case the license is checked only manually on button activation, when customer removes the domain in their account they can use it on multiple domains without corresponding number of licenses. If the licensed plugin checks the license regularly then it will find out. So for this reason there is an option for it.

Thanks to @MechComp


18 May 13:19
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Fixed a product editing glitch with the WP eStore plugin integration.


03 May 14:45
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Enhancements: new license tab for license product page
Enhancements: new deactivation functionality for front end user (woocommerce page)
Enhancements: new deactivation functionality for admin page
Enhancements: added slm_billing_interval and slm_billing_length params to api
Bugs: item_reference param was preventing a license key from activation, it was returning invalid license key.


30 Apr 13:20
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added: validation when creating a new license using the admin dashboard
improved: item reference (there were cases where it will return empty values)
improved: woocommerce support, now slm auto auto populates values from the settings panels when creating a new license product
improved: toggling off slm admin bar removes the shortcut link from the admin bar
improved: language internalization


28 Apr 16:10
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Added support for auto-updates and updates checker


28 Apr 15:50
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added: support for item reference (now you can tag a license under plugins, themes, code, etc), for previous version, a default tag will be set, it is recommended to update the items in your store/or licenses and change the item-reference to match your scenario. fixed: fix a bug where db options would get reset after applying a new update. a2cc6ec Michel Velis Apr 28, 2020 at 11:49 AM


27 Apr 19:41
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Added: new icons to manage license interface.
Improved: export functionality in manage license page
Added: activation email - the user will get notified once the license key is activated
Added: icon thumbnails to api response (for domain and devices)
Added: slm_info action to api (when called it only returns license information it ignores domains and devices)
Added: Conflict mode tweak (if un-checked it will remove the bootstrap library)


31 Mar 19:00
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31 Mar 15:59
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5.3.2 - make lifetime license work better with woocommerce download functionality


31 Mar 15:29
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Fixed: License type was not showing correctly when editing a license
Fixed: Activation date was not displaying correctly when saving or adding new licenses
UPDATE: when a license is set to lifetime the expiration field will be disabled and ignore.
FIXED: when a license was set to lifetime the expiration was getting populated with a future date.
Improvement: fixed some typos and improved the Spanish language pack
Updated: updated the product type template to work with any theme.