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File metadata and controls

170 lines (119 loc) · 4.54 KB


utils is a package containing useful functions to achieve interplay between a webcomponent, which extends superclasses, and either the DOM or the browser.

utils can be grouped into the following

  • i18n
  • http client
  • href
  • url


Provides a connection with browser navigator.language and translates the following structure according with the value of navigator.language:

type LocalizedText = string | Record<string, string>

using the following rules:

  1. a string as input is turned into itself
  2. an object with language keys is checked against navigator.language first and when not found against navigator.language.substring(0, 2). If neither is found it looks for 'en' key which is default and otherwise it does a string cast.

There's a function that handles automatically the whole translation resolution called localize which supports undefined input

const input = 'ciao'

const input = {}

expect(localize(input)).toStrictEqual('[object Object]')
const input = {'en': 'hi'}

const input = {'en': 'hi', 'it': 'ciao'}

expect(localize(input)).toStrictEqual('hi') // when browser is in anything different from 'it'
expect(localize(input)).toStrictEqual('ciao') // when browser is set to 'it'

to provide the language you could use getLocalizedText

export function getLocalizedText (
  localizedText: LocalizedText,
  lang: string = navigator.language || 'en'
): string;

finally the browser language is provided by getNavigatorLanguage()

Http Client

Http Client is a wrapper around browser's fetch that avoid including third party libraries when fetching require standard handling (mostly JSON + Text support) and 200, 204, and error handling. More complex scenarios can be still achieved since this client exposes again the instance of fetch is using.

An http client can be created via

interface HttpClientSupport extends Element {
  basePath?: string
  headers?: HeadersInit

const el = document.createElement('div')
const support: HttpClientSupport = Object.assing(el, {
  basePath: '/my-base-path',
  headers: {
    'Authentication': 'Bearer encodedBearer'

const httpClient =

then httpClient enjoys the HttpClientInstance interface

type HttpMethods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PATCH' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE'

type HttpClientConfig = Omit<RequestInit, 'method'> & {
  params?: string | Record<string, string> | string[][] | URLSearchParams
  inputTransform?: (data: any) => BodyInit | null | undefined
  outputTransform?: (body: Body) => Promise<any>
  error?: (err: unknown) => Promise<unknown>
  raw?: boolean
  downloadAsFile?: boolean

type GetHandler =
  <T = any>(url: string, config?: HttpClientConfig) =>

type FetchHandler =
  (url: string, config?: HttpClientConfig & {method?: HttpMethods}) =>

type PostHandler =
  <D = any, T = any>(url: string, data: D, config?: HttpClientConfig) =>

type PostMultipartHandler =
  <T = any>(url: string, data: FormData, config?: HttpClientConfig) =>

export type HttpClientInstance = {
  get: GetHandler
  post: PostHandler
  put: PostHandler
  delete: PostHandler
  postMultipart: PostMultipartHandler
  fetch: FetchHandler

Per call configuration can be acheved by tuning the HttpClientConfig optional



Object to inject query parameters in the URL


Function to parse the body before performing the HTTP request. By default is set to JSON.stringify when post, delete, or put are used


Function to parse the response body after receiving an HTTP response. It acts on browser Response interface if:

  1. res.ok is true
  2. res.status is different from 204 (No Content)

By default, on get, post, delete, put, or postMultipart it checks the Content-Type header and maps to

  • text/* => res.text()
  • application/json => res.json()
  • otherwise => res.blob()


Function to call when an error is found. Defaults to a console.error call.


Raw is a boolean that when true returns the promise without handling as described above.


Available on get. Using Content-Disposition header, performs a browser native download of the response as a file.