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SDK Version

SDK version is a field you can specify on every telemetry item. This field represent the specific SDK collected this particular item. This field is used for troubleshooting.

To review version numbers click here.

SDK Version Specification

SDKs are required to include their name and version in the telemetry item using the ai.internal.sdkVersion tag conforming to the format below.

  "tags": {
    "ai.internal.sdkVersion:" "dotnet:2.0.0"

SDK Version Format

Section Required Description Example
Prefix No An optional single lowercase letter (a-z) followed by an underscore (_) a_
SDK Name Yes An alpha lowercase string (a-z) dotnet
Semantic Version Yes A Semantic Versioning compatible version string 2.0.0

SDK name and semver are delimited by a single colon (:).


  | ------ ------------
  |    |        |
  |    |        +-------> Semantic Version Format
  |    |
  |    +----------------> SDK Name
  +---------------------> Prefix (optional)

SDK Names

Define your own SDK name and send PR to update the list below. Please do not re-use the same SDK name.

Name Description Links
ai-k8s Kubrnetes module github
angular Unofficial Angular telemetry collection module for Application Insights github npmjs
ap Application Insights Profiler: Getting call traces, diagnose application performance github nuget
apim Telemetry sent from Azure API Management
aspnet5f ASP.NET Core SDK targetting .NET Framework github
aspnet5c ASP.NET Core SDK targetting .NET Core github
azurefunctions Telemetry produced by Azure Functions Host instrumentation github
azurefunctionscoretools Azure Functions Core Tools for local development experience github
azwapc Performance counters collected via Azure App Services extensibility github
azwapccore .Net Core apps running in azure webapp
dotnet Base .NET SDK API was used to Track telemetry item, either manually, or from SDK that does not supply its own version. github
dotnetc Base .NET Core SDK API was used to Track telemetry item, either manually, or from SDK that does not supply its own version. github
dsl DiagnosticSource listener (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DiagnosticSourceListener) github nuget
etw ETW listener (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.EtwCollector) github nuget
evl EventSource listener (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.EventSourceListener) github nuget
evtc EventCounter collector github
exstat Experimental exceptions statistics feature github
go-oc Opencensus for Go github
hbnet Heartbeat telemetry sent in intervals reported this metric item for the dotnet SDK github
ios / osx
ilf Old ILogger adapter for ILogger (.NET Framework) github
ilc Old ILogger adapter for ILogger (.NET Core) github
il ILogger adapter for ILogger (.NET Core) github
java java SDK github
javascript JavaScript SDK github
log4net .NET logging adapter for log4net (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Log4NetAppender) github nuget
logary Telemetry produced by F# logging library Logary github
m-agg / m-agg2 metric aggregation pipeline reported this metric github
m-agg2c metric aggregation pipeline (.net core) reported this metric github
nlog .NET logging adapter for nlog (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.NLogTarget) github nuget
node node.js SDK github
one-line-ps apmtips
owin May point to unofficial OWIN telemetry module github
pc performance counters github
pccore performance counters from .Net Core github
py2 python SDK for py2 application github
py3 python SDK for py3 application github
python-oc Opencensus for Python github
rddf Remote dependency telemetry collected via Framework instrumentation (Event Source) github
rddfd Telemetry was processed via framework and diagnosticsource paths. Deprecated in latest versions of SDK
rddp Remote dependency telemetry collected via Profiler instrumentation github
rddsr Azure Service Fabric service remoting call - Client side github
rdddsc Remote dependency telemetry collected via Diagnostic Source for .NET Core github
rdddsd Remote dependency telemetry collected via Diagnostic Source for Desktop framework github
rb Ruby SDK github
sc Snapshot Debugger (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector) nuget
sd System diagnostics trace (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TraceListener) github nuget
serviceremoting Azure Service Fabric service remoting call - Server side github
unobs unobserved exceptions - part of web SDK github
unhnd unhandled exceptions – part of web SDK github
wad Windows Azure Diagnostics reporting through AI
wad2ai Application Insight's Azure Diagnostics sink MicrosoftDocs
wcf WCF Application Insights lab project github myget blog
web telemetry that was collected by AI Web SDK, mostly is found on requests github
webjobs Azure Web Jobs hosting github


Define the prefixes for the SDK.

SDK Name Prefix Description
Redfield1 ad_ Telemetry from Redfield AppServices attach, using the default configuration
Redfield1 ar_ Telemetry from Redfield AppServices attach, using the recommended configuration
Redfield1 csd_ Telemetry from Redfield CloudServices attach, using the default configuration
Redfield1 csr_ Telemetry from Redfield CloudServices attach, using the recommended configuration
Redfield1 ud_ Telemetry from Redfield unknown environment attach, using the default configuration
Redfield1 ur_ Telemetry from Redfield unknown environment attach, using the recommended configuration
ap w_ Telemetry from Windows Platform
ap l_ Telemetry from Linux Platform
python-oc lf_ Telemetry captured by LocalForwarder
go-oc lf_ Telemetry captured by LocalForwarder
java lf_ Telemetry captured by LocalForwarder


  1. Redfield attach applications are: Azure AppService Extension, Azure CloudService Extension, Azure VM Extension, and StatusMonitor.