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File metadata and controls

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Sink Configurations

The following documentation will outline how to configure various sinks. DSynth will take any generated payloads and send those payloads to supported sinks. If desired, multiple sinks can be configured for given provider[s]

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Azure Blob

Provides functionality to save payloads to Azure Blob Store. Accepts 2 types of authentication, connection string or user assigned managed identity (UAMI). If connection string is specified with UAMI, connection string will be used. You only need to specify either connectionString OR storageEndpoint AND managedIdentityClientId


"sinks": [
    "type": "azureblob",
    "connectionString": "{CONNECTION_STRING}",
    "storageEndpoint": "https://{STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}",
    "managedIdentityClientId": "{UAMI_CLIENT_ID}",
    "blobContainerName": "mycontainer",
    "subfolderPattern": "{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}/{second}/{millisecond}",
    "filenamePattern": "json-{year}_{month}_{day}_{hour}_{minute}_{second}_{millisecond}",
    "fileNameSuffix": ".json"


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type AzureBlob Specifies the sink type of AzureBlob
connectionString String value Connection string for the storage account where payloads get written to. Supports retrieving secret from environment variable using env:MY_ENV_VAR_NAME as the connectionString value.
storageEndpoint https://{STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} Use when you want to use UAMI to authenticate and to be used with managedIdentityClientId
managedIdentityClientId Client Id of the UAMI Use when you want to use UAMI to authenticate and to be used with storageEndpoint
blobContainerName Non-Spaced string value The blob container where the payload gets written to
subfolderPattern (optional) Non-Spaced string value with or without tokens The following tokens are available: {year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {second}, {millisecond}
filenamePattern Non-Spaced string value with or without tokens The following tokens are available: {year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {second}, {millisecond}
fileNameSuffix Non-Spaced string to put at the end of the file name, i.e. .json Suffixes the name of each file (file extension)

Azure Cosmos DB

Provides functionality to save payloads to Azure Cosmos DB


"sinks": [
    "type": "AzureCosmosDb",
    "endpoint": "",
    "authorizationKey": "{AUTHORIZATION_KEY}",
    "database": "mydatabasename",
    "collection": "mycollectionname",
    "partitionKey": "/id",
    "enableUpsert": true,
    "disableAutoIdGeneration": false,
    "batchSize": 2000,
    "maxInMemorySortingBatchSize": 1000,
    "offerThroughput": 400


Use the bulk executor .NET library to perform bulk operations in Azure Cosmos DB


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type AzureCosmosDb Specifies the sink type of AzureCosmosDb
endpoint String value The endpoint to your Cosmos DB instance
authorizationKey String value Authorization key required to access your Cosmos DB instance. Supports retrieving secret from environment variable using env:MY_ENV_VAR_NAME as the connectionString value.
database Non-Spaced string value The database that will be used
collection Non-Spaced string The collection that will get written to (collection gets created if it does not exist)
partitionKey Non-Spaced string The partition key of the collection
batchSize Int value This is the internal to DSynth and specifies the amount of records that will get queued before sending the bulk executor
maxInMemorySortingBatchSize Int? value Specific to Cosmos bulk executor and specifies how many documents it sends at a time to Cosmos. Default 1000000
offerThroughput Int value The throughput setting of the collection getting written to
enableUpsert Bool value If enabled, any documents with duplicate Ids will get upserted
disableAutoIdGeneration Bool value If disabled, the Id that is specified in templates will be honored, else Cosmos generates a Guid for you

Azure Custom Logs

Provides functionality to write payloads to Azure Custom Logs via Data Connection Endpoint (DCE) and Data Connection Rules (DCR). Please note that this is still in preview - please be sure to read over the documentation first.


"sinks": [
    "type": "AzureCustomLogs",
    "tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "appId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "appSecret": "MyAppSecret",
    "dcrImmutableId": "dcr-00000000000000000000000000000000",
    "dataCollectionEndpoint": "",
    "customTableName": "MyCustomTableName_CL",
    "enableCompression": true,
    "bearerScope": "",
    "bearerExpBufferSeconds": 60,
    "requestTimeoutMs": 60000,
    "azureManagementDns": "",
    "apiVersion": "2021-11-01-preview"


Sending Custom Data (Preview)

Structure of a data collection rule in Azure Monitor (preview)


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type AzureCustomLogs Specifies the sink type of AzureCustomLogs
tenantId Guid value as string The tenant id of your application registration
appId Guid value as string The app id that has permissions of Monitoring Contributor
appSecret String value App secret for the appId. Supports retrieving secret from environment variable using env:MY_ENV_VAR_NAME as the appSecret value.
dcrImmutableId Non-Spaced string value The id of the data collection rule
dataCollectionEndpoint Non-Spaced string value The data collection endpoint where logs will be sent to
customTableName Non-Spaced string value The name of the custom table to receive the custom logs, including the '_CL' suffix
enableCompression (Optional) bool value Enables compressing the payload with GZip, Default false
bearerScope (Optional) Non-Spaced string value The scope of the bearer token, Default
bearerExpBufferSeconds (Optional) Int value Allows getting a bearer token sooner than the expiration time to help avoid race conditions, Default 60
requestTimeoutMs (Optional) Int value How long before the HttpClient waits before timing out. Default 60000
azureManagementDns (Optional) Non-Spaced string value Specifies the DNS of the endpoint where the bearer token will be retrieved, Default
apiVersion (Optional) Non-Spaced string value The API version of the data collection endpoint to use, Default 2021-11-01-preview

Azure Event Hubs

Provides functionality to write to Azure Event Hubs


"sinks": [
    "type": "AzureEventHub",
    "connectionString": "{CONECTIONSTRING}",
    "eventBatchSizeInBytes": 131072,
    "operationTimeoutMs": 60000


Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs Namespace


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type AzureEventHub Specifies the sink type of AzureEventHub
connectionString String value Connection string for the desired Event Hub where payloads get written to. Supports retrieving secret from environment variable using env:MY_ENV_VAR_NAME as the connectionString value.
eventBatchSizeInBytes long value How large the batch size is that gets sent to Event Hubs
operationTimeoutMs (Optional) Int value Sets the Event Hub client timeout in milliseconds, Default 60000

Azure Event IoT Hub

Provides functionality to write to Azure IoT Hub


"sinks": [
    "type": "AzureIotHub",
    "sharedAccessKey": "{SHARED_ACCESS_KEY}",
    "hostName": "{HOST_NAME}",
    "deviceId": "{DEVICE_ID}",
    "batchSizeInBytes": 262144,
    "eventBatchSizeInBytes": 131072,
    "batchFlushIntervalMiliSec": 30000,
    "operationTimeoutMs": 60000


Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs Namespace


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type AzureItoHub Specifies the sink type of AzureEventHub
sharedAccessKey String value Shared access key for the given device. Supports retrieving secret from environment variable using env:MY_ENV_VAR_NAME as the sharedAccessKey value.
hostName String value Azure IoT Hub host name.
deviceId String value The device id that send the events to IoT hub.
batchSizeInBytes Int value The size in bytes that will get queued up before sending all events.
BatchFlushIntervalMiliSec String value The time to wait until flushing any messages in the queue. Set to 0 if you never want to flush before the batch size is reached.

Azure Log Analytics

Provides functionality to write to Azure Log Analytics workspace custom logs via the data collector API.


Send log data to Azure Monitor by using the HTTP Data Collector API (preview)


"sinks": [
    "type": "azureloganalytics",
    "workspaceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "sharedKey": "{SHARED_KEY}",
    "logType": "MyCustomTableName",
    "timestampField": "timestampFieldName",
    "requestTimeoutMs": 60000,
    "dnsSuffix": "",
    "apiVersion": "2016-04-01"


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type AzureLogAnalytics Specifies the sink type of AzureLogAnalytics
workspaceId String value The Id of the workspace
sharedKey String value The workspace shared key. Supports retrieving secret from environment variable using env:MY_ENV_VAR_NAME as the sharedKey value.
logType String value The name of the custom log table
timestampField (optional) String value The timestamp field to use
requestTimeoutMs (optional) Int value How long before the HttpClient waits before timing out. Default 60000
dnsSuffix (optional) String value The DNS suffix of the workspace URI. Default
apiVersion (optional) String value The version of the data collector API. Default 2016-04-01

Azure Service Bus

Provides functionality to write to Azure Service Bus


CreateMessageBatchOptions Class


"sinks": [
    "type": "AzureServiceBus",
    "connectionString": "{CONECTIONSTRING}",
    "maxSizeInBytes": "131072",
    "topicOrQueueName": "mytopic"


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type AzureServiceBus Specifies the sink type of AzureServiceBus
connectionString String value Connection string for the desired Service Bus where payloads get written to. Supports retrieving secret from environment variable using env:MY_ENV_VAR_NAME as the connectionString value.
maxSizeInBytes Long? value Provides max byte size for batching messages. If null, the maximum size allowed by the transport is used.
topicOrQueueName String value Topic or queue name where messages get sent


Provides functionality to save payloads to the local file system


"sinks": [
    "type": "file",
    "baseFolderPath": "/path/to/payload-output",
    "subfolderPattern": "{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}/{second}/{millisecond}",
    "filenamePattern": "json-{year}_{month}_{day}_{hour}_{minute}_{second}_{millisecond}",
    "fileNameSuffix": ".json",
    "fileMode": "Create"


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type File Specifies the sink type of File
baseFolderPath String value The base path to the folder where the payload get written to
subfolderPattern (optional) Non-Spaced string value with or without tokens The following tokens are available: {year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {second}, {millisecond}
filenamePattern Non-Spaced string value with or without tokens The following tokens are available: {year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {second}, {millisecond}
fileNameSuffix Non-Spaced string to put at the end of the file name, i.e. .json Suffixes the name of each file (file extension)
fileMode Append, Create, CreateNew, Open, OpenOrCreate, Truncate Default Create; Please see FileMode Enum for details


Provides functionality to write payloads to the console and/or logger. If an Application Insights connection string is specified in appsettings.json and writeToLog is true, payload output will also be sent to Application Insights.


"sinks": [
    "type": "Console",
    "writeToConsole": true,
    "writeToLog": false


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type Console Specifies the sink type of Console
writeToConsole true | false Default true to output to console as Console.Writeline
writeToLog true | false Default false, but if set to true, this will log out via ILogger as Logger.LogInformation


Provides functionality to send payloads to an Http endpoint


"sinks": [
    "type": "http",
    "endPointScheme": "http",
    "endpointDns": "",
    "endpointPath": "/api/v1/payloads",
    "endpointPort": 8080,
    "mimeType": "application/json"


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type Http Specifies the sink type of Http
endPointScheme http | https Used to form the scheme portion of the URI
endpointDns Non-Spaced string DNS format, i.e. Used to form the host portion of the URI
endpointPath Non-Spaced string that specifies the path, i.e. /api/v1/payloads Used to form the path portion of the URI
endpointPort Integer value Port of the endpoint
mimeType application/json | text/xml | text/csv Specifies the Content-Type of the payload

Socket Server

Exposes a TCP SocketServer that payloads get sent to and any connected clients will receive the configured payloads.


"sinks": [
    "type": "SocketServer",
    "endPointPort": 9000


Parameter Name Available Values Description
type SocketServer Specifies the sink type of SocketServer
endPointPort 1024 - 65535 Any available port you'd like the server to listen on