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Llama2 optimization

Sample use cases of Olive to optimize a Llama2

Optimization Workflows

Inference optimization using ONNX Runtime Tools

Performs optimization pipeline:

  • CPU, FP32: PyTorch Model -> Onnx Model -> Transformers Optimized Onnx Model fp32
  • CPU, INT8: PyTorch Model -> Onnx Model -> Transformers Optimized Onnx Model fp32 -> Onnx Dynamic Quantization
  • CPU, INT4: PyTorch Model -> Onnx Model -> Transformers Optimized Onnx Model fp32 -> Onnx Block wise int4 Quantization
  • GPU, FP16: PyTorch Model -> Onnx Model -> Transformers Optimized Onnx Model fp16 + Grouped Query Attention (optional)
  • GPU, INT4: PyTorch Model -> Onnx Model -> Transformers Optimized Onnx Model fp16 + Grouped Query Attention (optional) -> Onnx Block wise int4 Quantization

Note: Group Query Attention is optional and can be enabled by passing --use_gqa flag to the script. It is only supported for GPU.

Requirements file: requirements.txt

Inference optimization with ONNNX Runtime with DirectML

For Llama2 inference with DirectML on GPUs, pls refer to this example.

Fine-tune on a code generation dataset using QLoRA and optimize using ONNX Runtime Tools

This workflow fine-tunes Llama2 model using QLoRA to generate code given a prompt. The fine-tuned model is then optimized using ONNX Runtime Tools. Performs optimization pipeline:

  • GPU, FP16: Pytorch Model -> Fine-tuned Pytorch Model -> Onnx Model -> Transformers Optimized Onnx Model fp16 -> Extract Adapter


  • This workflow is only supported for GPU.
  • The relevant config file is llama2_qlora.json. The code language is set to Python but can be changed to other languages by changing the language field in the config file. Supported languages are Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Ruby, Julia, Rust, C++, Bash, Java, C#, and Go. Refer to the dataset card for more details on the dataset.
  • You must first request access to the nampdn-ai/tiny-codes dataset. Then login in to HuggingFace on your machine using huggingface-cli login or update token field in the config file with your HuggingFace token.

Requirements file: requirements-qlora.txt

Refer to the llama_multilora notebook for an end-to-end tutorial of the workflow above and how to deploy a model with different adapters.

Inference optimization using ONNX Runtime GenAI

For using ONNX runtime GenAI to optimize, follow build and installation instructions here to install onnxruntime-genai package(>0.1.0).

Run the following command to execute the workflow:

python [--model_name <>] [--metadata_only]

To generate metadata only for pre-exported onnx model, use the --metadata_only option.

Snippet below shows an example run of generated llama2 model.

import onnxruntime_genai as og

model = og.Model("model_path")
tokenizer = og.Tokenizer(model)
tokenizer_stream = tokenizer.create_stream()

prompt = '''def print_prime(n):
    Print all primes between 1 and n

tokens = tokenizer.encode(prompt)

params = og.GeneratorParams(model)
params.input_ids = tokens

output_tokens = model.generate(params)

text = tokenizer.decode(output_tokens)


Quantization using GPTQ and do text generation using ONNX Runtime with Optimum

This workflow quantizes the Llama2 model using GPTQ and does text generation using ONNX Runtime with Optimum.

  • GPU, GPTQ INT4: PyTorch Model -> GPTQ INT4 Onnx Model


  • This workflow is only supported for GPU and need GPU to run.
  • GPTQ quantization can be enabled by passing --use_gptq flag to the script.
  • You must be logged in to HuggingFace using huggingface-cli login to download the dataset or update token field in the config file with your HuggingFace token.

Requirements file: requirements-gptq.txt

Once finished, you can do text generation using the following code:

from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTModelForCausalLM
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoConfig

quantized_model_dir = "${path_to_quantized_llama2-7b}"
model = ORTModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
    quantized_model_dir, provider="CUDAExecutionProvider"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(quantized_model_dir)
inputs = tokenizer("Hello, World", return_tensors="pt").to("cuda:0")
print(tokenizer.batch_decode(model.generate(**inputs, max_length=20), skip_special_tokens=True))


Clone the repository and install Olive

Refer to the instructions in the examples README to clone the repository and install Olive.

Install onnxruntime

This example requires onnxruntime>=1.16.2. Please install the latest version of onnxruntime:

For CPU:

python -m pip install "onnxruntime>=1.17.0"

For GPU:

python -m pip install "onnxruntime-gpu>=1.17.0"

Note: The GPU package also works for CPU.

Install extra dependencies

Install the necessary python packages:

python -m pip install -r <requirements_file>.txt

Run the config to optimize the model

Optimize using ONNX Runtime Tools

You can only generate the optimized config file by running the following command for double checking before running the optimization pipeline:

python --model_name meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --only_config

Or you can run the following command to directly optimize the model:


# run to optimize the model: FP32/INT8/INT4
python --model_name meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf


# run to optimize the model: FP16/INT4
python --model_name meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --gpu
# use gqa instead of mha
python --model_name meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --gpu --use_gqa
# use gptq quantization
python --model_name meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --gpu --use_gptq

Fine-tune on a code generation dataset using QLoRA and optimize using ONNX Runtime Tools

Run the following command to execute the workflow:

olive run --config lamma2_qlora.json


Please see the LICENSE file for more details. Also please follow the user policy of the model provider. Besides, please refer to the Responsible Use Guide for more details on how to use the model responsibly.