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phi2 optimization with Olive

This folder contains an example of phi2 optimization with Olive workflow.

  • PyTorch Model -> Onnx Model -> Transformers Optimized Onnx Model -> Quantized Onnx Model -> ONNX Runtime performance tuning


  • einops
  • Pytorch>=2.2.0
    The official website offers packages compatible with CUDA 11.8 and 12.1. Please select the appropriate version according to your needs.
  • ONNXRuntime nightly package In Linux, phi2 optimization requires the ONNXRuntime nightly package(>=1.18.0). In Windows, ONNXRuntime>=1.17.0 is recommended.

Fine-tune phi2 Model using QLoRA

This workflow fine-tunes phi2 model using QLoRA to generate text with given prompt.

You need to install required packages according to qlora. Also we suggest to use gpu devices for fine-tune process.

pip install -r requirements-qlora.txt

Then, you can run the fine-tune using the following command:

python --finetune_method qlora

Note that, to demonstrate the fine-tune process, we use a small training steps and a small dataset. For better performance, you can increase the training steps and use a larger dataset by updating phi2_optimize_template.json. We will consider to expose more parameters in the future to make it easier to customize the training process.

Optimization Usage

In this stage, we will use the script to generate optimized models and do inference with the optimized models.

Following are the model types that can be used for optimization: cpu_fp32

# optimize the fine-tuned model
python --finetune_method qlora --model_type cpu_fp32
# optimize the original model


python --model_type cpu_int4


python --model_type cuda_fp16


python --model_type cuda_int4

GenAI Optimization

For using ONNX runtime GenAI to optimize, follow build and installation instructions here to install onnxruntime-genai package(>0.1.0).

Run the following command to execute the workflow:

olive run --config phi2_genai.json

This phi2_genai.json config file will generate optimized models for cpu_int4 and cuda_int4 model types as onnxruntime-gpu support cpu ep and cuda ep both. If you only want cpu or cuda model, you can modify the config file by remove the unwanted execution providers.

"accelerators": [
      "device": "CPU",
      "execution_providers": [
# CPU: this is same with above as onnxruntime-gpu support cpu ep
"accelerators": [
      "device": "GPU",
      "execution_providers": [
"accelerators": [
      "device": "GPU",
      "execution_providers": [

or you can use to generate optimized models separately by running the following commands:

python --model_type cpu_int4 --genai_optimization
python --model_type cuda_int4 --genai_optimization

Snippet below shows an example run of generated phi2 model.

import onnxruntime_genai as og

model = og.Model("model_path")
tokenizer = og.Tokenizer(model)
tokenizer_stream = tokenizer.create_stream()

prompt = '''def print_prime(n):
    Print all primes between 1 and n

tokens = tokenizer.encode(prompt)

params = og.GeneratorParams(model)
params.input_ids = tokens

output_tokens = model.generate(params)

text = tokenizer.decode(output_tokens)


Also you can use --inference argument to run inference with the optimized model.

python --model_type cuda_int4 --genai_optimization --inference

Optimum Optimization

Above commands will generate optimized models with given model_type and save them in the phi2 folder. These optimized models can be wrapped by ONNXRuntime for inference. Besides, for better generation experience, this example also let use use Optimum to generate optimized models. Then use can call model.generate easily to run inference with the optimized model.

# optimum optimization. Please avoid to use optimum for fine-tune model which is not supported by now in Olive.
python --model_type cpu_fp32 --optimum_optimization

Then let us use the optimized model to do inference.

Generation example of optimized model

# --prompt is optional, can accept a string or a list of strings
# if not given, the default prompt "Write a function to print 1 to n" "Write a extremely long story starting with once upon a time"
python --model_type cpu_fp32 --inference --prompt "Write a extremely long story starting with once upon a time"

This command will

  1. generate optimized models if you never run the command before,
  2. reuse the optimized models if you have run the command before,
  3. then use the optimized model to do inference with greedy Top1 search strategy. Note that, we only use the simplest greedy Top1 search strategy for inference example which may show not very reasonable results.

For better generation experience, here is the way to run inference with the optimized model using Optimum.

python --model_type cpu_fp32 --inference --optimum_optimization --prompt "Write a extremely long story starting with once upon a time"

Export output models in MLFlow format

If you want to output the optimized models to a zip file in MLFlow format, add --export_mlflow_format argument. The MLFlow model will be packaged in a zip file named mlflow_model in the output folder.


  1. The latest ONNXRuntime implements specific fusion patterns for better performance but only works for ONNX model from TorchDynamo-based ONNX Exporter. And the TorchDynamo-based ONNX Exporter is only available on Linux. When using Windows, this example will fallback to the default PyTorch ONNX Exporter, that can achieve a few improvements but not as much as the TorchDynamo-based ONNX Exporter. Therefore, it is recommended to use Linux for phi2 optimization.

  2. For Optimum optimization, the dynamo model is not supported very well. So we use legacy Pytorch ONNX Exporter to run optimization like what we do in Windows.

Transformer Compression with SliceGPT

This workflow compresses a model to improve performance and reduce memory footprint. Specific details about the algorithm can be found in the linked paper.



To run the workflow,

python --slicegpt