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Challenge1 - Deploy FHIR-Starter Quickstart


FHIR® (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is an industry standard for health data storage and exchange. Microsoft is strategically adopting FHIR as the standard format for health data storage and exchange in the Microsoft health data platform.

The Azure API for FHIR is a managed, standards-based, compliant API that enables rapid exchange of data through Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) APIs, backed by a managed Platform-as-a Service (PaaS) offering in the cloud. The persistence of all FHIR data is also managed within the service.

This challenge is based on the FHIR-Starter Quickstart, which deploys the following Open Source Software (OSS) projects along with the Azure API for FHIR:

  • FHIR Proxy: a secure FHIR Gateway and Proxy that wraps the Azure API for FHIR with an intelligent checkpoint capable of filtering based on admin-defined rules
  • Bulk Loader & Export: enables bulk import and export to and from the Azure API for FHIR

Reference Architecture

FHIR-Starter Quick Start Reference Architecture

To complete this challenge successfully, you will perform the following tasks.

  • Deploy an ARM template in Azure, which provisions:
    • Azure API for FHIR (PaaS)
    • FHIR Proxy (OSS)
    • FHIR Loader & Exporter (OSS)
  • Configure Authentication for the FHIR Proxy
  • Configure App Roles and API Permissions for the FHIR Proxy


  1. If you haven't completed Challenge0, complete them now.
  2. The following resource providers must be registered in your subscription. To check, go to Subscriptions, click Resource providers in the left navigation. Then filter by name
    • Resources
    • KeyVault
    • Healthcare APIs
    • Insights
    • Web
    • Cache
    • Storage
    • EventGrid
    • AlertsManagement
  3. You must deploy to a region that supports Azure API for FHIR. You can use the product by region page to verify your destination region.


  1. In Azure Portal, create a new Resource group {fhirtrainingname}, selecting your deployment Region.

  2. In a new browser tab, navigate to the FHIR-Starter Quickstart on Github, complete the instructions using the following parameters:

    • Resource group: {fhirtrainingname}
    • Region: same used to create the Resource group
    • Deployment prefix: {prefix}
    • Enable Transform Bundle: true
    • All other feature enable options: false

  1. Return here when complete.

NOTE: The Quickstart deployment will take ~20 minutes.

Validate Deployment

Name Type Used by Purpose
[prefix]asp App Service plan Shared Shared by Proxy & Loader function apps
[prefix]cr Container registry FHIR Proxy Used by $convert function in FHIR Proxy
[prefix]fhir Azure API for FHIR Azure API for FHIR Azure Managed API and stateful data repository
[prefix]fssa Storage account Shared Used by $export function of Azure API for FHIR and Event Grid System Topics for audit/errors in FHIR Loader
[prefix]funsa Storage account Shared Stores code for FHIR Proxy and FHIR Loader functions
[prefix]kv Key vault Shared Manages secrets and some application configuration settings
[prefix]la Log Analytics workspace Shared Logs activities from all components
[prefix]ldrai Application Insights FHIR Loader Monitors FHIR Loader application
[prefix]ldrfa Function App FHIR Loader FHIR Loader functions
[prefix]ldrtopic Event Grid System Topic FHIR Loader Triggers processing of FHIR bundles placed in the [prefix]fssa storage account
[prefix]pxyai Application Insights FHIR Proxy Monitors FHIR Proxy application
[prefix]pxyfa Function App FHIR Proxy FHIR Proxy functions
[prefix]rc Azure Cache for Redis FHIR Proxy Improves performance of some specific scenarios in FHIR Proxy
  1. Go to Azure Portal, and open the {fhirtrainingname} you deployed into:
    • confirm the above 13 resources were deployed
    • click the Deployments link, and review the Microsoft.Template-[datetimestamp] deployment details to ensure there are no errors
  2. Go to App Registrations, open the application ending in pxyfa, go to API permissions and confirm the following are configured:
    • user_impersonation to Azure Healthcare APIs
    • User.Read to Microsoft Graph


If you are not planning to continue with the other challenges, make sure to delete these to avoid cost in Azure

  1. Resource Group {fhirtrainingname}
  2. App Registration [prefix]pxyfa

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Challenge1!

Go to Challenge2