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File metadata and controls

1528 lines (1127 loc) · 52.5 KB

Dataverse Web API PowerShell Helper functions

The files in this folder are PowerShell helper functions that Dataverse Web API PowerShell samples use. These samples are separated in the following files:

File Description
Core.ps1 Contains functions that all other functions or samples depend on.
TableOperations.ps1 Contains functions that enable performing data operations on table rows
MetadataOperation.ps1 Contains functions that enable performing table, column, and relationship schema change operations, as well as solution operations.

Samples that use these common functions reference them using dot sourcing as demonstrated by the BasicOperations/BasicOperations.ps1:

. $PSScriptRoot\..\Core.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\..\TableOperations.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\..\CommonFunctions.ps1

Function list

Group Function Description
Core Connect Connects to Dataverse Web API using Azure authentication.
Metadata Export-Solution Export a solution from Dataverse.
Core Invoke-DataverseCommands Invokes a set of commands against the Dataverse Web API.
Core Invoke-ResilientRestMethod Invokes a REST method with resilience to handle 429 errors.
TableOperations Add-ToCollection Adds a record to a collection-valued navigation property of another record.
Metadata Get-CanBeReferenced Check whether a table can be referenced in a relationship.
Metadata Get-CanBeReferencing Check whether a table can be referencing in a relationship.
Metadata Get-CanManyToMany Check if a table can have many-to-many relationships in Dataverse.
Metadata Get-Column Retrieve a column from a Dataverse table.
TableOperations Get-ColumnValue Gets the value of a single property from a Dataverse record.
TableOperations Get-Record Gets a single record from a Dataverse table by its primary key value.
TableOperations Get-Records Gets a set of records from a Dataverse table
Metadata Get-GlobalOptionSet Retrieve a global option set from Dataverse.
Metadata Get-Relationship Retrieve a relationship from Dataverse.
Metadata Get-Relationships Retrieve relationships from Dataverse.
Metadata Get-Table Get a table definition from Dataverse.
Metadata Get-TableColumns Retrieve the columns of a table in Dataverse.
Metadata Get-Tables Gets table definitions from Dataverse.
Metadata Get-ValidManyToManyTables Get valid tables for many-to-many relationships in Dataverse.
Metadata Get-ValidReferencingTables Get valid referencing tables for a specified table in Dataverse.
Metadata Import-Solution Import a solution into Dataverse.
Metadata New-Column Create a new column in a Dataverse table.
Metadata New-CustomerRelationship Create a new customer relationship in Dataverse.
Metadata New-GlobalOptionSet Create a new global option set in Dataverse.
Metadata New-OptionValue Create a new option value in a column in a Dataverse table.
TableOperations New-Record Creates a new record in a Dataverse table.
Metadata New-Relationship Create a new relationship in Dataverse.
Metadata New-StatusOption Create a new status option in a Dataverse table column.
Metadata New-Table Create a new Dataverse table.
TableOperations Remove-FromCollection Removes a record from a collection-valued navigation property of another record.
Metadata Remove-OptionValue Remove an option value from a column in a Dataverse table.
TableOperations Remove-Record Deletes a record from a Dataverse table.
TableOperations Set-ColumnValue Sets the value of a single property for a Dataverse record.
Metadata Update-Column Update a column in a Dataverse table.
Metadata Update-OptionValue Update the value of an option in a column in a table in Dataverse.
TableOperations Update-Record Updates an existing record in a Dataverse table.
CommonFunctions Get-WhoAmI Gets the current user information from the Dataverse Web API.

Core functions

The Core.ps1 file contains these variables and functions.


Set these variables when debugging using Fiddler:

Variable Type Description
$debug bool Set to $true only while debugging with Fiddler
$proxyUrl string Set this value to the Fiddler proxy URL configured on your computer. The default value is

These global variables are set by the Connect function.

Variable Type Description
$baseHeaders hashtable Includes the request headers that should be used by all Dataverse Web API calls, including the Authorization header with the bearer access token to enable authentication.
$baseURI string The URL to the root of the Dataverse Web API. Many operations can use relative URL references. This value is useful for certain operations where the absolute URL is necessary.

Connect function

Connects to Dataverse Web API using Azure authentication.

The Connect function uses the Get-AzAccessToken cmdlet to obtain an access token for the specified resource URI. It then sets the global variables $baseHeaders and $baseURI to be used for subsequent requests to the resource.


Parameter Type Description
uri string Required. The URL for the Dataverse environment.


This function doesn't return a value.


Connect -uri ''

Invoke-DataverseCommands function

Invokes a set of commands against the Dataverse Web API.

The Invoke-DataverseCommands function uses the Invoke-Command cmdlet to run a script block of commands against the Dataverse Web API. It handles any errors that may occur from the Dataverse API or the script itself.

Learn about handling Dataverse Web API errors


Parameter Type Description
$commands command block Required. The script block of commands to run against the Dataverse resource.


This function doesn't return a value, but it intercepts and parses errors returned from the Dataverse Web API. Other types of errors are returned without processing.


This example invokes a script block that gets the first account from Dataverse and updates the name of the first account.

Invoke-DataverseCommands {
   # Get first account from Dataverse
   $accounts = (Get-Records `
      -setName 'accounts' `
      -query '?$select=name&$top=1').value

   $oldName = $accounts[0].name
   $newName = 'New Name'

   # Update the first account name to 'New Name'
   Set-ColumnValue `
      -setName 'accounts' `
      -id $accounts[0].accountid `
      -property 'name' `
      -value $newName

   Write-Host "First account name changed from '$oldName' to '$newName'"

Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function

Invokes a REST method with resilience to handle 429 (Too Many Requests) errors.

The Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function uses the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet to send an HTTP request to a RESTful web service. It handles any 429 errors by retrying the request using the Retry-After header value as the retry interval, which Dataverse provides. It also supports using a proxy if the $debug variable is set to true.

Learn about Dataverse service protection limits


Parameter Type Description
request hashtable Required. Parameters to pass to the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet.
returnHeader bool Whether to return the response headers instead of the response body.


This function doesn't return a value.


See the functions in the TableOperations.ps1 file for examples using this function.

Table Operation functions

The TableOperations.ps1 file contains these functions.

Add-ToCollection function

Adds a record to a collection-valued navigation property of another record.

The Add-ToCollection function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a POST request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the target entity set name, the target record ID, and the collection name to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers and converts the record URI to JSON format. It creates a reference between the target record and the record to be added to the collection.

Learn to associate and disassociate table rows


Parameter Type Description
targetSetName string Required. The name of the entity set that contains the target record.
targetId string Required. The GUID of the target record.
collectionName string Required. The name of the collection-valued navigation property of the target record.
setName string Required. The name of the entity set that contains the record to be added to the collection.
id string Required. The GUID of the record to be added to the collection.


This function doesn't return a value.


This example adds the contact with the specified ID to the contact_customer_accounts collection of the account with the specified ID.

Add-ToCollection `
   -targetSetName 'accounts' `
   -targetId 9ec0b0ec-d6c3-4b8d-bd75-435723b49f84 `
   -collectionName 'contact_customer_accounts' `
   -setName 'contacts' `
   -id 5d68b37f-aae9-4cd6-8b94-37d6439b2f34

Get-ColumnValue function

Gets the value of a single property from a Dataverse record.

The Get-ColumnValue function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a GET request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the entity set name, the record ID, and the property name to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers to avoid caching. It returns the value of the property as a string.

Learn to retrieve specific properties


Parameter Type Description
setName string Required. The name of the entity set to retrieve the record from.
id Guid Required. The GUID of the record to retrieve.
property string Required. The name of the property to get the value from.


The value of the property as a string.


This example gets the telephone1 value of the contact record with the specified ID.

$telephone1 = Get-ColumnValue `
   -setName 'contacts' `
   -id 9ec0b0ec-d6c3-4b8d-bd75-435723b49f84 `
   -property 'telephone1'

Get-Record function

Gets a single record from a Dataverse table by its primary key value.

The Get-Record function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a GET request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the entity set name, the record ID, and the query parameters to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers to include annotations in the response. It returns the record as an object.

Learn to retrieve a table row


Parameter Type Description
setName string Required.The name of the entity set to retrieve the record from.
id guid Required. The GUID of the record to retrieve.
query string The query parameters to filter, expand, or select the record properties.


This function returns the response containing the record data.


This example gets the fullname, annualincome, jobtitle, and description of the contact with the specified ID.

$retrievedRafelShillo1 = Get-Record `
   -setName 'contacts' `
   -id $rafelShilloId `
   -query '?$select=fullname,annualincome,jobtitle,description'

Get-Records function

Gets a set of records from a Dataverse table.

The Get-Records function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a GET request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the entity set name and the query parameters to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers to include annotations in the response.

Learn to Query data using the Web API


Parameter Type Description
setName string Required.The name of the entity set to retrieve records from.
query string Required.The query parameters to filter, sort, or select the records.


Returns the response that contains properties about the collection of records returned. These properties are useful when paging requests. The array of records matching the request is in the value property.


This example gets the name of the first 10 accounts from Dataverse.

(Get-Records -setName accounts -query '?$select=name&$top=10').value

This example uses the query parameter to return a collection of contact records related to an account using the contact_customer_accounts relationship.

$accountContacts = (Get-Records `
   -setName 'accounts' `
   -query ('({0})/contact_customer_accounts?$select=fullname,jobtitle' `
      -f $accountId)).value

New-Record function

Creates a new record in a Dataverse table.

The New-Record function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a POST request to the Dataverse Web API. It constructs the request URI by appending the entity set name to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers and converts the body hashtable to JSON format. It returns the GUID ID value of the created record.

Learn to create records


Parameter Type Description
setName string Required. The name of the entity set to create a record in.
body hashtable Required. A hashtable of attributes and values for the new record.


This function returns the GUID value of the record created.


This example creates a new contact record with the firstname 'Rafel' and the lastname 'Shillo'. It returns the GUID ID of the created record.

$contactRafelShillo = @{
   'firstname' = 'Rafel'
   'lastname'  = 'Shillo'

$rafelShilloId = New-Record `
   -setName 'contacts' `
   -body $contactRafelShillo

Remove-FromCollection function

Removes a record from a collection-valued navigation property of another record.

The Remove-FromCollection function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a DELETE request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the target entity set name, the target record ID, the collection name, and the record ID to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers. It deletes the reference between the target record and the record to be removed from the collection.

Learn to associate and disassociate table rows using the Web API


Parameter Type Description
targetSetName string Required. The name of the entity set that contains the target record.
targetId Guid Required. The ID of the target record.
collectionName string Required. The name of the collection-valued navigation property of the target record.
id Guid Required. The ID of the record to be removed from the collection.


This function doesn't return a value.


This example removes the contact with the specified ID from the contact_customer_accounts collection of the account with the specified ID.

Remove-FromCollection `
   -targetSetName 'accounts' `
   -targetId 9ec0b0ec-d6c3-4b8d-bd75-435723b49f84 `
   -collectionName 'contact_customer_accounts' `
   -id 5d68b37f-aae9-4cd6-8b94-37d6439b2f34

Remove-Record function

Deletes a record from a Dataverse table.

The Remove-Record function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a DELETE request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the entity set name and the record ID to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers. It deletes the record with the specified ID from the table.

Learn to delete records


Parameter Type Description
setName string Required. The name of the entity set to delete the record from.
id Guid Required. The GUID of the record to delete.


This function doesn't return a value.


This example deletes the account with the specified ID from the Dataverse table.

Remove-Record `
   -setName accounts `
   -id 9ec0b0ec-d6c3-4b8d-bd75-435723b49f84

Set-ColumnValue function

Sets the value of a single property for a Dataverse record.

The Set-ColumnValue function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a PUT request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the entity set name, the record ID, and the property name to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers and converts the value to JSON format. It overwrites the existing value of the property with the new value.

Learn to update a single property value


Parameter Type Description
setName string Required. The name of the entity set to update the record in.
id string Required. The GUID of the record to update.
property string Required. The name of the property to set the value for.
value string Required. The new value for the property.


This function doesn't return a value.


This example sets the telephone1 column value of the contact with the specified ID to 555-0105.

Set-ColumnValue `
   -setName 'contacts' `
   -id 9ec0b0ec-d6c3-4b8d-bd75-435723b49f84 `
   -property 'telephone1' `
   -value '555-0105'

Update-Record function

Updates an existing record in a Dataverse table.

The Update-Record function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a PATCH request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the entity set name and the record ID to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers and converts the body hashtable to JSON format. It uses the If-Match header with a value of '*' to prevent creating a new record if the record ID does not exist.

Learn to update a record


Parameter Type Description
setName string Required. The name of the entity set to update the record in.
id Guid Required. The GUID of the record to update.
body hashtable Required. A hashtable of attributes and values for the updated record.


This function doesn't return a value.


This example updates the annualincome and jobtitle of the contact with the specified ID.

$body = @{
   'annualincome' = 80000
   'jobtitle'     = 'Junior Developer'

# Update the record with the data
Update-Record `
   -setName 'contacts' `
   -id 9ec0b0ec-d6c3-4b8d-bd75-435723b49f84`
   -body $body

Common functions

The CommonFunctions.ps1 file currently contains just one function.

Learn how to use functions

Get-WhoAmI function

Gets the current user information from the Dataverse Web API.

The Get-WhoAmI function uses the Invoke-ResilientRestMethod function to send a GET request to the Dataverse API. It constructs the request URI by appending the WhoAmI function name to the base URI. It also adds the necessary headers. It returns an object that contains the user ID, business unit ID, and organization ID.


This function doesn't have any parameters.


This function returns an instance of the WhoAmIResponse ComplexType


This example gets the current user information from the Dataverse Web API.

$WhoIAm = Get-WhoAmI
$myBusinessUnit = $WhoIAm.BusinessUnitId
$myUserId = $WhoIAm.UserId

Metadata Operations functions

The MetadataOperations.ps1 file contains these functions used in the MetadataOperations sample.

Export-Solution function

A function to export a solution from Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
solutionName string The name of the solution to be exported.
managed boolean A boolean value indicating whether the solution is managed.
exportAutoNumberingSettings boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export auto-numbering settings.
exportCalendarSettings boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export calendar settings.
exportCustomizationSettings boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export customization settings.
exportEmailTrackingSettings boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export email tracking settings.
exportGeneralSettings boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export general settings.
exportMarketingSettings boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export marketing settings.
exportOutlookSynchronizationSettings boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export Outlook synchronization settings.
exportRelationshipRoles boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export relationship roles.
exportIsvConfig boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export ISV configuration.
exportSales boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export sales settings.
exportExternalApplications boolean A boolean value indicating whether to export external applications settings.
exportComponentsParams hashtable A hashtable containing additional parameters for exporting components.


The function returns the exported solution as a byte array.


$solutionFile = Export-Solution `
   -solutionName 'mySolution'`
   -managed $true

Get-CanBeReferenced function

A function to check whether a table can be referenced in a relationship.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table to be checked.


A boolean value indicating whether the table can be referenced.


Get-CanBeReferenced -tableLogicalName "account"

Get-CanBeReferencing function

A function to check whether a table can be referencing in a relationship.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table to be checked.


A boolean value indicating whether the table can be referencing.


Get-CanBeReferencing -tableLogicalName "account"

Get-CanManyToMany function

A function to check if a table can have many-to-many relationships in Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table to be checked.


A boolean value indicating whether the table can have many-to-many relationships.


Get-CanManyToMany -tableLogicalName "account"

Get-Column function

A function to retrieve a column from a Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table from which the column will be retrieved.
logicalName string The logical name of the column to be retrieved.
type string The type of the column to be retrieved. This function supports the following types: 'BigInt', 'Boolean', 'DateTime', 'Decimal', 'Double', 'File', 'Image', 'Integer', 'Lookup', 'ManagedProperty', 'Memo', 'Money', 'String', 'EntityName', 'UniqueIdentifier', 'MultiSelectPicklist', 'Picklist', 'State', 'Status'.
query string The query string to be appended to the base URI to form the complete URI for the GET request.


Details of the specified column.


Get-Column `
   -tableLogicalName 'account' `
   -logicalName 'accountid' `
   -type 'UniqueIdentifier" `
   -query "?`$select=SchemaName,DisplayName,AttributeType"

Get-GlobalOptionSet function

A function to retrieve a global option set from Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the global option set to be retrieved. Either this or the id must be provided.
id string The GUID of the global option set to be retrieved. Either this or the name must be provided.
type string The type of the global option set to be retrieved. It can be 'OptionSet' or 'Boolean'. If this parameter is not provided, the function will not enable expanding the options.
query string An OData query string to filter the global option set to be retrieved.


Returns the global option set if found, or $null if not found. If the server returns an error other than 404, the function will throw an exception.


Get-GlobalOptionSet -name "new_globaloptionset" -type "OptionSet"

Get-Relationship function

A function to retrieve a relationship from Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
schemaName string The schema name of the relationship to be retrieved. Either this or the id must be provided.
id GUID The GUID of the relationship to be retrieved. Either this or the schema name must be provided.
type string The type of the relationship to be retrieved. It can be 'OneToMany', 'ManyToOne', or 'ManyToMany'. If this parameter is not provided, the function will not enable expanding or selecting type specific properties.
query string An OData query string to filter the relationship to be retrieved.


The relationship if found.


Get-Relationship -schemaName "new_account_customer" -type "OneToMany"

Get-Relationships function

A function to retrieve relationships from Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
query string An OData query string to filter the relationships to be retrieved.
isManyToMany boolean A boolean value indicating whether to retrieve many-to-many relationships. If this parameter is set to true, many-to-many relationships are retrieved; otherwise, one-to-many relationships are retrieved.


The relationships that match the provided query.


$relationshipQuery = "?`$filter=SchemaName eq '"
$relationshipQuery += 'sample_BankAccount_Contacts'
$relationshipQuery += "'&`$select=SchemaName"
$relationshipQueryResults = (Get-Relationships `
      -query $relationshipQuery `
      -isManyToMany $false).value

Get-Table function

A function to get a table definition from Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
logicalName string The logical name of the table to be retrieved.
query string The query string to be appended to the base URI to form the complete URI for the GET request.


The definition of the table.


$bankAccountTable = Get-Table -logicalName 'new_bankaccount' `
   -query "?`$select=SchemaName,DisplayName,TableType"

Get-TableColumns function

A function to retrieve the columns of a table in Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table whose columns are to be retrieved.
query string The query string to be appended to the base URI to form the complete URI for the GET request.


The columns of the table that match the query.


Get-TableColumns -tableLogicalName 'account' -query "?`$filter=SchemaName eq 'Name'"

Get-Tables function

Gets table definitions from Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
query string Required. The query string to be appended to the base URI to form the complete URI for the GET request.


This function returns the response containing the table definitions.


This example gets the SchemaName, DisplayName, and TableType of the table with the specified schema name.

$tableQuery = "?`$filter=SchemaName eq '"
$tableQuery += 'new_BankAccount'
$tableQuery += "'&`$select=SchemaName,DisplayName,TableType"
$tableQueryResults = (Get-Tables `
      -query $tableQuery).value

Get-ValidManyToManyTables function

A function to get valid tables for many-to-many relationships in Dataverse.




An array of strings, each string being the logical name of a valid table for many-to-many relationships.

Get-ValidReferencingTables function

A function to get valid referencing tables for a specified table in Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table for which to retrieve valid referencing tables.


An array of strings, each string being the logical name of a valid referencing table.


Get-ValidReferencingTables -tableLogicalName "account"

Import-Solution function

A function to import a solution into Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
customizationFile byte array The solution file to be imported.
overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations boolean A boolean value indicating whether to overwrite unmanaged customizations.
importJobId GUID The GUID of the import job.
publishWorkflows boolean A boolean value indicating whether to publish workflows.
convertToManaged boolean A boolean value indicating whether to convert the solution to managed.
skipProductUpdateDependencies boolean A boolean value indicating whether to skip product update dependencies.
holdingSolution boolean A boolean value indicating whether the solution is a holding solution.
componentParameters array of hashtables An array of hashtables containing additional parameters for importing components.
solutionParameters hashtable A hashtable containing additional parameters for importing the solution.


This function doesn't return a value.


$importJobId = New-Guid
Import-Solution `
   -customizationFile ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\path\to\")) `
   -overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations $false `
   -importJobId $importJobId

New-Column function

A function to create a new column in a Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table where the new column will be created.
column hashtable A hashtable that represents the new column to be created. It should contain the details of the column.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the column will be created in the table in the default solution.


The GUID of the newly created column.


$boolColumnData = @{
      '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.BooleanAttributeMetadata'
      SchemaName    = "sample_Boolean"
      DefaultValue  = $false
      RequiredLevel = @{
         Value = 'None'
      DisplayName   = @{
         '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
         LocalizedLabels = @(
               '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
               Label         = 'Sample Boolean'
               LanguageCode  = $languageCode
      Description   = @{
         '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
         LocalizedLabels = @(
               '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
               Label         = 'Sample Boolean column description'
               LanguageCode  = $languageCode
      OptionSet     = @{
         '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.BooleanOptionSetMetadata'
         TrueOption    = @{
            Value = 1
            Label = @{
               '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
               LocalizedLabels = @(
                     '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
                     Label         = 'True'
                     LanguageCode  = $languageCode
         FalseOption   = @{
            Value = 0
            Label = @{
               '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
               LocalizedLabels = @(
                     '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
                     Label         = 'False'
                     LanguageCode  = $languageCode

# Create the column
$boolColumnId = New-Column `
   -tableLogicalName 'sample_bankaccount' `
   -column $boolColumnData `
   -solutionUniqueName 'mysolution'

New-CustomerRelationship function

A function to create a new customer relationship in Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
lookup hashtable A hashtable containing the details of the lookup field for the customer relationship.
oneToManyRelationships array An array of hashtables, each containing the details of a one-to-many relationship for the customer relationship.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the customer relationship will be created. If this parameter is not provided, the customer relationship will be created in the default solution.


A CreateCustomerRelationshipsResponse complex type which includes the ID values of the lookup column and the relationships created to support it.


$customerLookupData = @{
      SchemaName    = "sample_CustomerId"
      RequiredLevel = @{
         Value = 'None'
      DisplayName   = @{
         LocalizedLabels = @(
               Label        = 'Sample Bank Account owner'
               LanguageCode = 1033
      Description   = @{
         LocalizedLabels = @(
               Label        = 'The owner of the bank account'
               LanguageCode = 1033
      Targets       = @('account', 'contact')

   $customerRelationships = @(
         SchemaName        = "sample_BankAccount_Customer_Account"
         ReferencedEntity  = 'account'
         ReferencingEntity = 'sample_bankaccount'
         RelationshipType  = 'OneToManyRelationship'
         SchemaName        = "sample_BankAccount_Customer_Contact"
         ReferencedEntity  = 'contact'
         ReferencingEntity = 'sample_bankaccount'
         RelationshipType  = 'OneToManyRelationship'

   $response = New-CustomerRelationship `
   -lookup $customerLookupData `
   -oneToManyRelationships $customerRelationships `
   -solutionUniqueName $solutionData.uniquename
   $customerLookupRelationshipIds = $response.RelationshipIds
   $customerLookupId = $response.AttributeId

New-GlobalOptionSet function

A function to create a new global option set in Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
optionSet hashtable A hashtable containing the details of the global option set to be created.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the global option set will be created. If this parameter is not provided, the global option set will be created in the default solution.


The GUID ID of the newly created global option set.


$colorsGlobalOptionSetData = @{
   '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OptionSetMetadata'
   Name          = "sample_colors"
   DisplayName   = @{
      LocalizedLabels = @(
            Label        = 'Colors'
            LanguageCode = 1033
   Description   = @{
      LocalizedLabels = @(
            Label        = 'Color Choice description'
            LanguageCode = 1033
   IsGlobal      = $true
   Options       = @(
         Label = @{
            LocalizedLabels = @(
                  Label        = 'Red'
                  LanguageCode = 1033
         Value = 100000000
         Label = @{
            LocalizedLabels = @(
                  Label        = 'Yellow'
                  LanguageCode = 1033
         Value = 100000001
         Label = @{
            LocalizedLabels = @(
                  Label        = 'Green'
                  LanguageCode = 1033
         Value = 100000002
New-GlobalOptionSet `
   -optionSet $colorsGlobalOptionSetData `
   -solutionUniqueName "MySolution"

New-OptionValue function

A function to create a new option value in a column in a Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table where the column is located.
columnLogicalName string The logical name of the column where the new option value will be created.
label string The label for the new option value.
languageCode integer The language code for the label.
value varies The value for the new option.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the new option value will be created in the table in the default solution.


The value of the newly created option.


New-OptionValue `
   -tableLogicalName 'sample_bankaccount' `
   -columnLogicalName 'sample_picklist' `
   -label 'Echo' `
   -languageCode 1033 `
   -solutionUniqueName 'mysolution'

New-Relationship function

A function to create a new relationship in Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
relationship hashtable A hashtable containing the details of the relationship to be created.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the relationship will be created. If this parameter is not provided, the relationship will be created in the default solution.


The GUID of the created relationship.


$oneToManyRelationshipData = @{
   '@odata.type'               = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OneToManyRelationshipMetadata'
   SchemaName                  = 'sample_BankAccount_Contacts'
   ReferencedAttribute         = 'sample_bankaccountid'
   ReferencedEntity            = 'sample_bankaccount'
   ReferencingEntity           = 'contact'
   Lookup                      = @{
      SchemaName  = 'sample_BankAccountId'
      DisplayName = @{
         LocalizedLabels = @(
               Label        = 'Bank Account'
               LanguageCode = 1033
      Description = @{
         LocalizedLabels = @(
               Label        = 'The bank account this contact has access to.'
               LanguageCode = 1033
   AssociatedMenuConfiguration = @{
      Behavior = 'UseLabel'
      Group    = 'Details'
      Label    = @{
         LocalizedLabels = @(
               Label        = 'Cardholders'
               LanguageCode = 1033
      Order    = 10000
   CascadeConfiguration        = @{
      Assign     = 'NoCascade'
      Share      = 'NoCascade'
      Unshare    = 'NoCascade'
      RollupView = 'NoCascade'
      Reparent   = 'NoCascade'
      Delete     = 'RemoveLink'
      Merge      = 'NoCascade'
New-Relationship `
   -relationship $oneToManyRelationshipData `
   -solutionUniqueName 'MySolution'

New-StatusOption function

A function to create a new status option in a Dataverse table column.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the Dataverse table where the status option will be created.
label string The label of the new status option.
languageCode integer The language code for the label and description of the new status option.
stateCode integer The state code of the new status option.
value varies The value of the new status option. If this parameter is not provided, a value will be automatically assigned.
color string The color of the new status option. If this parameter is not provided, a default color will be used.
description string The description of the new status option.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the Dataverse table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the status option will be created in the table in the default solution.


The value of the new status option.


New-StatusOption `
   -tableLogicalName "account" `
   -label "New Status" `
   -languageCode 1033 `
   -stateCode 1 `
   -value 100000000 `
   -color "FF0000" `
   -description "This is a new status option" `
   -solutionUniqueName "MySolution"

New-Table function

A function to create a new Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
body hashtable The body of the POST request, which should be a hashtable containing the details of the table to be created.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table will be created. If this parameter is not provided, the table will be created in the default solution.


The GUID ID of the newly created table.


$tableDetails = @{
   '@odata.type'         = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.EntityMetadata"
   SchemaName            = "new_BankAccount"
   DisplayName           = @{
      '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
      LocalizedLabels = @(
            '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
            Label         = 'Bank Account'
            LanguageCode  = $languageCode
   DisplayCollectionName = @{
      '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
      LocalizedLabels = @(
            '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
            Label         = 'Bank Accounts'
            LanguageCode  = $languageCode
   Description           = @{
      '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
      LocalizedLabels = @(
            '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
            Label         = 'A table to store information about customer bank accounts'
            LanguageCode  = $languageCode
   HasActivities         = $false
   HasNotes              = $false
   OwnershipType         = 'UserOwned'
   PrimaryNameAttribute  = "new_name"
   Attributes            = @(
         '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.StringAttributeMetadata'
         IsPrimaryName = $true
         SchemaName    = "new_Name"
         RequiredLevel = @{
            Value = 'ApplicationRequired'
         DisplayName   = @{
            '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
            LocalizedLabels = @(
                  '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
                  Label         = 'Name'
                  LanguageCode  = $languageCode
         Description   = @{
            '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
            LocalizedLabels = @(
                  '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
                  Label         = 'The name of the bank account'
                  LanguageCode  = $languageCode
         MaxLength     = 100
New-Table -body $tableDetails -solutionUniqueName "MySolution"

Remove-OptionValue function

A function to remove an option value from a column in a Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table where the column is located.
columnLogicalName string The logical name of the column where the option value is located.
value varies The value of the option to be removed.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the option value will be removed from the table in the default solution.


This function doesn't return a value.


Remove-OptionValue `
   -tableLogicalName "account" `
   -columnLogicalName "new_type" `
   -value 3 `
   -solutionUniqueName "MySolution"

Update-Column function

A function to update a column in a Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table where the column will be updated.
column PSCustomObject A PSCustomObject that represents the column to be updated. It should contain all the properties retrieved from Dataverse, including the LogicalName property.
type string The type of the column to be updated. This function supports the following types: 'BigInt', 'Boolean', 'DateTime', 'Decimal', 'Double', 'File', 'Image', 'Integer', 'Lookup', 'ManagedProperty', 'Memo', 'Money', 'String', 'UniqueIdentifier'.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the column will be updated in the table in the default solution.
mergeLabels boolean A boolean value that indicates whether to merge labels during the update operation.


This function doesn't return a value.


$retrievedBooleanColumn1 = Get-Column `
   -tableLogicalName 'sample_bankaccount' `
   -logicalName 'sample_boolean' `
   -type 'Boolean' 

# Update the column
$retrievedBooleanColumn1.DisplayName = @{
   '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
   LocalizedLabels = @(
         '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
         Label         = 'Sample Boolean Column Updated'
         LanguageCode  = 1033
$retrievedBooleanColumn1.Description = @{
   '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
   LocalizedLabels = @(
         '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
         Label         = 'Sample Boolean column description updated'
         LanguageCode  = $languageCode
$retrievedBooleanColumn1.RequiredLevel = @{
   Value = 'ApplicationRequired'

Update-Column `
   -tableLogicalName ($bankAccountTableData.SchemaName.ToLower()) `
   -column $retrievedBooleanColumn1 `
   -type 'Boolean' `
   -solutionUniqueName 'mysolution' `
   -mergeLabels $true

Update-OptionValue function

A function to update the value of an option in a column in a table in Dataverse.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table where the column is located.
columnLogicalName string The logical name of the column where the option is located.
value varies The new value for the option.
label string The new label for the option.
languageCode integer The language code for the label.
mergeLabels boolean A boolean value that indicates whether to merge labels during the update operation.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the option will be updated in the table in the default solution.


This function doesn't return a value.


Update-OptionValue `
   -tableLogicalName "account" `
   -columnLogicalName "sample_picklist" `
   -value 1 `
   -label "New Label" `
   -languageCode 1033 `
   -mergeLabels $true `
   -solutionUniqueName "MySolution"

Update-OptionsOrder function

A function to update the order of options in a column in a Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
tableLogicalName string The logical name of the table where the column is located.
columnLogicalName string The logical name of the column where the options are located.
values array of integers An array of integers representing the new order of the options.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the order of options will be updated in the table in the default solution.


This function doesn't return a value.


Update-OptionsOrder `
   -tableLogicalName "account" `
   -columnLogicalName "sample_type" `
   -values @(3, 1, 2) `
   -solutionUniqueName "MySolution"

Update-Table function

A function to update an existing Dataverse table.


Parameter Type Description
table PSCustomObject A PSCustomObject that represents the table to be updated. It must include all the properties retrieved from Dataverse.
solutionUniqueName string The unique name of the solution where the table is located. If this parameter is not provided, the table in the default solution will be updated.
mergeLabels boolean A boolean value that indicates whether to merge labels during the update. If this parameter is not provided, labels will not be merged.


This function doesn't return a value.


# Retrieve the table to update it
$bankAccountTable = Get-Table `
   -logicalName 'new_bankaccount'
# No query so all properties will be returned

# Update the table
$bankAccountTable.HasActivities = $true
$bankAccountTable.Description = @{
   '@odata.type'   = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label'
   LocalizedLabels = @(
         '@odata.type' = 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel'
         Label         = 'Contains information about customer bank accounts'
         LanguageCode  = $languageCode
# Send the request to update the table
Update-Table `
   -table $bankAccountTable `
   -solutionUniqueName 'mysolution' `
   -mergeLabels $true