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AppLifecycle - Single/Multi-instancing

Windows App SDK introduces a new AppLifecycle component that provides a core set of functionality related to app activation and lifecycle. Much of this functionality is directly equivalent - or very similar - to existing functionality within the platform. However, there is value in abstracting this functionality so that all app types can use it, delivering it out-of-band from the OS, and making it available as open-source. The totality of AppLifecycle features in v1 is as follows (additional features may be added in later releases):

  • Rich activation objects
  • Selective single/multi-instancing
  • System state and power notifications.

This spec addresses the Single/Multi-instancing APIs in the component.


Traditional Win32 apps are multi-instanced by default, and they have to do work to achieve single-instancing if they need that behavior. For example, If you open a docx file in Word, and then attempt to open the same file in another instance of Word, the app detects that you're doing this, redirects you to the existing instance, and terminates the new instance. There is no platform-defined formal mechanism or pattern for achieving single-instancing: apps tend to use named mutexes. If an app's instances need to communicate with each other - even if only to gather information about each other to make a decision about single-instancing, they often use named pipes.

Conversely, UWP apps are single-instanced by default. Windows 10 1803 introduced support for UWP apps to opt in to be multi-instanced. This also allowed for the possibility that even though an app has chosen to be multi-instanced, there might be some scenario where it wants to redirect a fresh activation request to an existing instance instead.

Differences between Windows and Windows App SDK Instancing

The Windows App SDK behavior is based on the existing Windows.ApplicationModel.AppInstance class, but with some key differences:

AppInstance class

  • Platform: The AppInstance class is focused purely on instance redirection scenarios.
  • Windows App SDK: The AppInstance class includes instance redirection scenarios, and is additionally intended to form the basis of other instance-related functionality in later releases.

List of Instances

  • Platform: GetInstances returns only the instances that the app explicitly registered for potential redirection.
  • Windows App SDK: GetInstances returns all running instances of the app, including the current instance. Only instances that are using the AppInstance API are included in the list. If you want the current instance to be included in the list, call AppInstance.GetCurrent. Note that there is no guaranteed ordering of instances in the list. In the scenario where the user has multiple instances of the same app running, separate lists are maintained for each version. In the scenario where there are multiple user sessions active, separate lists are maintained per user also.

Registering Keys

Each instance of the app can register a key, and this key is based on arbitrary app-defined logic. The app is allowed to set its key as many times as it likes; and each time we will overwrite the data for that instance in the cache. A given key can only be registered for one instance. If an app attempts to register a key that has already been registered for a different instance, the API will return the registered instance, and the app can check whether it is the current instance.

  • Platform: An instance must register a key in order to be included in the list returned from GetInstances.
  • Windows App SDK: Registering a key is decoupled from the list of instances. An instance does not need to register a key in order to be included in the list.

Instance Redirection Targets

An instance of an app can take part in "activation redirection". This means that this instance of the process can handle multiple Activated events, and so it could be a target for selective activation redirection. When an activation is redirected to another instance, it arrives at that instance's Activated callback, thus hooking into the normal activation workflow that apps already expect. An app can have multiple instances available as redirection targets.

  • Platform: Only instances that have registered a key can be a target for redirection.
  • Windows App SDK: Any instance can be a redirection target, whether or not it has a registered key.

Post-Redirection Behavior

  • Platform: In the UWP implementation, redirection is a terminal operation: after calling the method to redirect, there is nothing the app can do - regardless of whether the redirect succeeded or failed. The platform therefore explicitly terminates an instance that has chosen to redirect. If redirection fails, the activation request fails. The UX is the same as an activation failure today.

  • Windows App SDK: The Windows App SDK implementation is more flexible: redirection is not a terminal operation. Partly this is because it is a lot more problematic to terminate a traditional unpackaged app than a UWP app. Partly it is because the app may wish to redirect a given activation request but then to continue activating the current instance anyway. This supports the case where an activation request is redirected to an instance that was already running: that instance could already be doing work, and may choose to redirect the new request elsewhere. Even in the case where an instance was not already running prior to receiving the activation request, it might still want the option to choose for itself what happens next.

    An activation request can be redirected multiple times - this leaves it open for the app to decide what makes sense for that app. That is, instance A could redirect to instance B, which in turn could redirect to instance C, and so on. This also allows for a circular redirection - and again, it is left open for the app to resolve circular redirections in whatever way it chooses. For example, to resolve a circular redirection, an app instance could take note of the activation payload and match it against future activation requests. Or it could modify the payload when it redirects a request, such that it can easily determine that this is a request it has already seen.


At any time, an instance of the app can unregister its key. At any time, an app instance can re-register itself (again with any arbitrary key, not necessarily the same key each time), even after it has unregistered itself.

  • Platform: When an instance unregisters itself, it is no longer available for activation redirection. An app that has unregistered itself is not included in the list of instance that is made available to the app.
  • Windows App SDK: Unregistering a key does not prevent an instance from being a target for redirection. Nor does it exclude the instance from the list.

Activation Events

In order to handle reactivation, the app can register for an Activated event.

  • Platform: The event passes a Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IActivatedEventArgs to the app.
  • Windows App SDK: The event passes a Microsoft.Windows.AppLifecycle.AppActivationArguments instance to the app, which contains one of the -ActivatedEventArgs instances.


Redirection logic based on activation kind

In this example, the app calls GetActivatedEventArgs, and if it has been activated as a result of a file-type association, it checks first to see if there is any other instance already running that has this file open. The app can tell whether the instance has the file open because it includes the filename as part of the key that it registers with the system.

If it finds another instance with the file open, the app redirects this activation to that instance, and then does nothing. After redirecting the activation to the other instance, the system will then terminate this instance.

If it doesn't find another instance with the file open, it registers itself as the instance that has this file open, and continues with normal app initialization (creating its main window, starting its message pump, and so on).

int APIENTRY wWinMain(
    _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    _In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow)
    // Initialize COM.

    // First, we'll get our rich activation event args.
    AppActivationArguments activationArgs =

    // An app might want to set itself up for possible redirection in
    // the case where it opens files - for example, to prevent multiple
    // instances from working on the same file.
    ExtendedActivationKind kind = activationArgs.Kind();
    if (kind == ExtendedActivationKind::File)
        auto fileArgs = activationArgs.Data().as<IFileActivatedEventArgs>();
        IStorageItem file = fileArgs.Files().GetAt(0);

        // Let's try to register this instance for this file.
        AppInstance instance =
        if (instance.IsCurrent())
            // If we successfully registered this instance, we can now just
            // go ahead and do normal initialization.
            RegisterClassAndStartMessagePump(hInstance, nCmdShow);
            // Some other instance has already registered for this file,
            // so we'll redirect this activation to that instance instead.
            // This is an async operation: to ensure the target can get
            // the payload before this instance terminates, we should
            // wait for the call to complete.
    return 1;

Arbitrary redirection

In the previous example, the app only redirects for file activations. In the simplest case, it might just redirect on every activation if there is already an instance running. The logic for deciding when to redirect is entirely up to the app - it might be dependent on activation kind, or on some other logic.

In the following example, the app might have checked some specific activation kind first, or it might not. Regardless, the app then checks all other running instances to see if any of them has registered to be a "reusable" instance. What constitutes "reusable" is also entirely up to the app to decide. It might be any instance that doesn't have a file open, or doesn't have an editing session active, or has some specific database connection, and so on. If it finds a reusable instance, it redirects activation to that instance; if not, it goes ahead with this activation and normal app initialization. In this example, the app signals that an instance is reusable by specifying the "reusable" text as the key it registers with the system. Of course, exactly what text to use for this purpose is entirely up to the app to decide. For more complex scenarios, if the app wanted to allow for multiple reusable instances, it could specify "reusable" plus some unique identifier for each instance, and so on.

int APIENTRY wWinMain(
    _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    _In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow)
    // Initialize COM.

    AppActivationArguments activationArgs =

    // As above, check for any specific activation kind we care about.
    ExtendedActivationKind kind = activationArgs.Kind();
    if (kind == ExtendedActivationKind::File)
        // etc... as in previous scenario.
        // For other activation kinds, we'll trawl all instances to see if
        // any are suitable for redirecting this request. First, get a list
        // of all running instances of this app.
        auto instances = AppInstance::GetInstances();

        // In the simple case, we'll redirect to any other instance.
        AppInstance instance = instances.GetAt(0);

        // If the app re-registers re-usable instances, we can filter for these instead.
        // In this example, the app uses the string "REUSABLE" to indicate to itself
        // that it can redirect to a particular instance.
        bool isFound = false;
        for (AppInstance instance : instances)
            if (instance.Key == L"REUSABLE")
                isFound = true;

                // Note that get() is a synchronous call that will block the current thread.
        if (!isFound)
            // We'll register this as a reusable instance, and then
            // go ahead and do normal initialization.
            winrt::hstring szKey = L"REUSABLE";
            RegisterClassAndStartMessagePump(hInstance, nCmdShow);
    return 1;

Handling redirection

The first 2 scenarios illustrate how an app would redirect to another running instance. This scenario shows how an app would handle the case where it is already running, and then a fresh activation is redirected to this instance. The AppInstance class will expose an Activated event, for which the app can register. In its Activated event handler, the app would examine the type of activation, retrieve the rich ActivationArguments object, and then do whatever app-specific work it wishes to do based on those arguments.

int APIENTRY wWinMain(
    _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    _In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow)
    // Initialize COM.

    // First, hook up the Activated event, to allow for this instance of the app
    // getting reactivated as a result of multi-instance redirection.

    AppInstance thisInstance = AppInstance::GetCurrent();
    auto activationToken = thisInstance.Activated(
        auto_revoke, [&thisInstance](
            const auto& sender, const AppActivationArguments& args)
        { OnActivated(sender, args); }

    //...etc - the rest of WinMain as normal.

void OnActivated(const IInspectable&, const AppActivationArguments& args)
    ExtendedActivationKind kind = args.Kind();
    if (kind == ExtendedActivationKind::Launch)
        auto launchArgs = args.Data().as<ILaunchActivatedEventArgs>();
    else if (kind == ExtendedActivationKind::File)
        auto fileArgs = args.Data().as<IFileActivatedEventArgs>();
    else if (kind == ExtendedActivationKind::Protocol)
        auto protocolArgs = args.Data().as<IProtocolActivatedEventArgs>();
    else if (kind == ExtendedActivationKind::StartupTask)
        auto startupArgs = args.Data().as<IStartupTaskActivatedEventArgs>();

Redirection orchestration

We can also imagine a more advanced scenario, where the app registers an instance for redirection, but when it receives a redirected activation, it may apply further app logic to decide whether to handle this new activation in the current instance or redirect again, effectively chaining redirections.

void OnActivated(const IInspectable&, const AppActivationArguments& args)
    const ExtendedActivationKind kind = args.Kind();

    // For example, we might want to redirect protocol activations.
    if (kind == ExtendedActivationKind::Protocol)
        auto protocolArgs = args.Data().as<IProtocolActivatedEventArgs>();
        Uri uri = protocolArgs.Uri();

        // We'll try to find the instance that handles protocol activations.
        // If there isn't one, then this instance will take over that duty.
        auto instance = AppInstance::FindOrRegisterForKey(uri.AbsoluteUri());
        if (!instance.IsCurrent)
        // In this example, this instance of the app handles all other
        // activation kinds.

In the existing UWP API, RedirectActivationTo does not take any parameters. However, in the UWP case, the activation contract is tightly controlled, and we could ensure that the arguments passed on to the app were the arguments for the redirected instance. In bringing this feature to Win32, we can't control activation as tightly. Also, the ActivationArguments object returned by GetActivatedEventArgs is not the same object as the IActivatedEventArgs object that is passed in to the Activated event callback. The new API gives the app the opportunity to modify or replace the payload to be passed to the target instance.

Unregister for redirection

Just as an app can define its own logic for how and when it registers an instance for redirection, so too will it be able to define its own logic for when a given instance no longer wants to be a target for redirection.

Following the previous example of an app that supports filetype activation, and redirects to the instance that already has the selected file open - when that file is closed, the app could unregister itself.

void CALLBACK OnFileClosed(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

The app is free to choose when to unregister itself. When an instance terminates, it is removed from the list that the API maintains of running instances. However, it is possible that a redirection could be in-flight just at the point where an app instances terminates. To mitigate this, an app could choose to unregister itself just prior to termination (for example, in its WM_CLOSE handler).

Instance information

The AppInstance class is intended to represent an instance of the app. In the initial release, the API is focused on instance redirection, and therefore exposes methods and properties relevant to that operation. However, the intention is that the class will expand in later releases to include other methods and properties that would be relevant for an app instance. In the first release, we also include the process ID, which the app may use for any purpose it sees fit, including telemetry or debugging.

void DumpExistingInstances()
    for (AppInstance const& instance : AppInstance::GetInstances())
        std::wostringstream sStream;
        sStream << L"Instance: ProcessId = " << instance.ProcessId
            << L", Key = " << instance.Key().c_str() << std::endl;

API Details

This API extends the AppLifecycle AppInstance type with some additional methods for activation redirection. Specifically, AppInstance is expanded to include:

namespace Microsoft.Windows.AppLifecycle
    runtimeclass AppInstance
        static AppInstance GetCurrent();
        static Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVector<AppInstance> GetInstances();
        static AppInstance FindOrRegisterForKey(String key);

        void UnregisterKey();
        Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction RedirectActivationToAsync(Microsoft.Windows.AppLifecycle.AppActivationArguments args);
        Microsoft.Windows.AppLifecycle.AppActivationArguments GetActivatedEventArgs();
        event Windows.Foundation.EventHandler<Microsoft.Windows.AppLifecycle.AppActivationArguments> Activated;

        String Key{ get; };
        Boolean IsCurrent{ get; };
        UInt32 ProcessId{ get; };

Activated events are raised when using single/multi-instancing, or when redirecting an activation from another instance to this app.

GetInstances returns a collection of all running instances of the app.

Note: the existing AppInstance.GetInstances only returns instances that have explicitly registered for multi-instance redirection. However, the new AppInstance Windows App SDK class will provide an API surface for all manner of app-instance-related behaviors, not restricted to instance redirection. For this reason, Windows App SDK will maintain a list of all running instances and will not require explicit registration by the app.

FindOrRegisterForKey enables an app to register an app-defined key for the current instance, or if another instance has already registered that key, then return that other instance instead. This is similar to the platform AppInstance.FindOrRegisterInstanceForKey except that that implementation is specific to instance redirection, whereas the Windows App SDK design allows for the app to register a key for any reason.

UnregisterKey unregisters a given key for this instance. The existing platform behavior is specific to instance redirection, and unregistering the key unregisters that instance for redirection (and removes it from the platform's collection of registered instances). In the Windows App SDK design, unregistering a key simply removes the key for this instance; it does not have any effect on instance redirection, nor does it remove this instance from the collection that Windows App SDK is maintaining of all running instances.

RedirectActivationTo enables an instance of the app to redirect the current activation request to another instance. This is very similar to the existing platform AppInstance.RedirectActivationTo method, except that the Windows App SDK implementation allows the app to pass an ActivationArguments payload, thus opening the scope to allow the app to modify or replace the activation arguments that the target instance will receive.

Key an app-defined string value that can be used to identify an instance for redirection purposes.

IsCurrent indicates whether this instance object represents the current instance of the app or a different instance.

ProcessId the process ID of the instance.