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FTW-Compatible Tool

FTW-Compatible Tool is a component of the WAFBench, which supports FTW(Framework for Testing WAFs) format YAML for WAF correctness testing. As FTW, it uses the OWASP Core Ruleset V3 as a baseline.



  • Python2 to run scripts
  • FTW python module to interpret YAML file

Python2 installation is as follows:

sudo yum install python           # Install python2
sudo yum install python-pip       # Install python2 pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip    # Update pip
sudo pip install ftw              # Install the ftw library

How to use FTW-Compatible Tool

White-box Test

White-box test is to test the target server by checking whether the specific rule is matched in its ModSecurity error log.

1 Modify ModSecurity configuration

Add this rule into the head of modsecurity_init.conf, and restart the Web server.

SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Host "magic-(\w*)" \

2 Enter the interactive mode of FTW-Compatible Tool, and run the following commands:

2.1. Load test cases

load example.yaml   # or a folder containing multiple test cases

2.2. Generate PKT files


2.3. Start testing the target server

start hostname:port

2.4. Import target server's ModSecurity error log

import error.log

2.5. Report failed cases


2.6. Finish the test and exit


Black-box Test

Black-box test is to test the target server that cannot get the ModSecurity log. FTW-Compatible Tool will compare the HTTP status code returned by target server with the expected HTTP status code set in test cases.

Black-box test does not require modifying ModSecurity configuration or importing any log file. It's recommended to run black-box test in batch mode:

python ./ftw_compatible_tool/ -d test.db -x "load example.yaml | gen | start hostname:port | report | exit"

Black-box Test over HTTP

You can test target server using FTW-Compatible over HTTP.

First, start the HTTP server

cd ftw_compatible_tool
gunicorn --bind web_interface:app

Then, send a HTTP GET request to the host running the HTTP server

curl --request GET \
  --url host.server \
  --form hostname= \
  --form file=test-1-2kb-packets.yaml

The server will return a json contains both test title and HTTP status code

    "status": [403],
    "title": "913100-1"

FTW-Compatible Tool help

python ./ftw_compatible_tool/ -h

Result database description

Filed_name Description
traffic_id Unique ID of test record
test_title Title of test case
meta Whole content of test case
file Full path of case file
input Information for generating PKT file
output Expected response from target server
request Lite HTTP request for target server
raw_request Complete HTTP request for target server, including the Connection field
raw_response Complete response from target server
raw_log ModSecurity error log of target server (optional, for white-box test only)
testing_result Whether target server functions as expected
duration_time Time spent on single test


Interactive mode

python ./ftw_compatible_tool/ -i -d test.db

Input command : load example.yaml
Input command : gen
Input command : start hostname:port
Input command : import error.log
Input command : report
Input command : exit

Batch mode

python ./ftw_compatible_tool/ -d test.db -x "load example.yaml | gen | start hostname:port | report | exit"