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The NetworkMediaStreamer is a set of basic implementations of RTP streaming and RTSP server to demonstrate usage of Windows Media Foundation APIs related to:

  1. Using and configuring OS built-in codecs
  2. Consuming samples/frames from the MediaFoundation stack of APIs

The implementation also demonstrates:

  1. Using Windows APIs for network to implement RTP video streaming and RTSP server , and using Schannel APIs for secure RTSP.
  2. Using credential store using PasswordVault APIs

This base implementation supports H264 RTP via RTSP . The code can be extended very easily to support more RTP payloads and other protocols as well. Refer to this figure to understand the interaction between various components.

NetworkStreamer Block Diagram
In the above figure, the red arrows denote Media data flow and the black arrows denote command and control flow.

Build Setup

The code has been built and tested with VS2022, SDK version 22000


The RTP streaming is implemented as a COM class which implements IMFMediaSink. This class encapsulates the Network media stream sink which does the actual packetization work and UDP streaming. The NetworkMediaStream sink can be controlled via two interfaces:

  1. IMFStreamSink
    • negotiating/setting media types and streaming states
    • supplying encoded samples to the sink.
  2. INetworkMediaStreamSink
    • adding network destination end points for streaming
    • adding custom packet transport handlers

The RTPSink instance can be created using the factory method

 HRESULT CreateRTPMediaSink( 
    IMFMediaType** apMediaTypes,
    DWORD          dwMediaTypeCount, 
    IMFMediaSink** ppMediaSink)


apMediaTypes Input array of MFMediaType objects which describe each stream of the sink
dwMediaTypeCount Input number of Media types in the array (number of streams to be created)
ppMediaSink Output pointer to the instance of the RTP MediaSink


HRESULT : S_OK if succeeded. HRESULT error if failed.

Feeding samples/video to the RTPSink

This can be acheived using one of the following (but not limited to) options

  1. Use MFCreateSinkWriterFromMediaSink and write samples using the obtained IMFSinkWriter interface
  2. Using a Media Session
  3. Streaming Video from Camera using Mediacapture and Record to custom Sink

RTSP Server

The RTSP server control implements RTSP protocol to negotiate and setup RTP streaming to the clients from the RTPSink instances it holds. The RTSP Server controls the network side interface (INetworkMediaStreamSink) for all the sinks that it controls. An instance of RTSP Server can be created by using the factory method:

 HRESULT CreateRTSPServer(
    ABI::RTSPSuffixSinkMap *pStreamers,
    uint16_t socketPort,
    bool bSecure,
    IRTSPAuthProvider* pAuthProvider,
    PCCERT_CONTEXT* aServerCerts,
    size_t uCertCount,
    IRTSPServerControl** ppRTSPServerControl);


pStreamers Input map of MediaSink objects as IMediaExtension interface and the corresponding url suffix.
socketPort Input socket port on which the Server wil listen for RTSP requests.
bSecure Input bool flag indicating if the server uses secure tcp connection
pAuthProvider Input pointer to the IRTSPAuthProvider interface to the authentication provider to be used by the server
aServerCerts Input array of server certificate contexts to use for secure tcp tls.
uCertCount Input number of certificate contexts in the array
ppRTSPServerControl Output pointer to the IRTSPServerControl interface to the RTSP server instance


HRESULT : S_OK if succeeded. HRESULT error if failed.

Authentication provider

The authentication provider implements the following interfaces

  1. IRTSPAuthProvider: This interface is used by the RTSP server to authenticate incoming client connections
  2. IRTSPAuthProviderCredStore: This interface is used by the administrative module of the app to add and remove credentials etc.
    A base/sample implementation of AuthProvider is included in the source. An instance to the authentication provider can be created using -

 HRESULT GetAuthProviderInstance(
    AuthType authType,
    LPCWSTR pResourceName,
    IRTSPAuthProvider** ppRTSPAuthProvider);


authType Input array of MFMediaType objects which describe each stream of the sink
pResourceName Input resource name to which the credentials are bound
ppRTSPAuthProvider Output pointer to the IRTSPAuthProvider interface to the auth provider instance


HRESULT : S_OK if succeeded. HRESULT error if failed.

Interface definitions


IRTSPAuthProvider : public ::IUnknown
    virtual STDMETHODIMP GetNewAuthSessionMessage(HSTRING* pAuthSessionMessage) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP Authorize(LPCWSTR pAuthResp, LPCWSTR pAuthSesMsg, LPCWSTR pMethod) = 0;

IRTSPAuthProvider::GetNewAuthSessionMessage(HSTRING* pAuthSessionMessage)
Generates nonce and Gets new authentication request message from Auth provider

pAuthSessionMessage Output pointer to the Authentication request/description message to be sent to client as per RFC7616. e.g. WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="BeyondTheWall", nonce="6fc93a0604338c68070b75e49745baeab46c507155040000", algorithm=MD5, charset="UTF-8", stale=FALSE
return value S_OK if succeeded. HRESULT error if failed.


IRTSPAuthProvider::Authorize(LPCWSTR pAuthResp, LPCWSTR pAuthSesMsg, LPCWSTR pMethod)
Verifies authorization response received from the client

pAuthResp Input pointer to Authorization response received from client e.g. Authorization: Digest username="user", realm="BeyondTheWall", nonce="8e03237a99bc26d6914a562fc98b08593fec11a055040000", uri="rtsp://", response="742dd5a18cddb799a861461ae72570b2"
pAuthSesMsg Input pointer to the authentication request that was sent to client e.g. WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="BeyondTheWall", nonce="6fc93a0604338c68070b75e49745baeab46c507155040000", algorithm=MD5, charset="UTF-8", stale=FALSE
pMethod Input pointer to the name of the request method to be authenticated e.g. PLAY
return value S_OK if succeeded. HRESULT error if failed. HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD) if authentication fails.


IRTSPAuthProviderCredStore : public ::IUnknown
    virtual STDMETHODIMP AddUser(LPCWSTR pUserName, LPCWSTR pPassword) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP RemoveUser(LPCWSTR pUserName) = 0;

IRTSPAuthProviderCredStore::AddUser(LPCWSTR pUserName, LPCWSTR pPassword)
Adds a new user to the credential store.

pUserName Input pointer to the Username to be added to the cred store
pPassword Input pointer to the password for the corresponding username

IRTSPAuthProviderCredStore::RemoveUser(LPCWSTR pUserName)
Removes a user from credential store

pUserName Input pointer to the Username to be removed from the cred store


IRTSPServerControl : public ::IUnknown
    virtual STDMETHODIMP StartServer() = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP StopServer() = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP AddLogHandler(
        LoggerType type,
        ABI::LogHandler* pHandler,
        EventRegistrationToken* pToken) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP RemoveLogHandler(
        LoggerType type,
        EventRegistrationToken token) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP AddSessionStatusHandler(
        LoggerType type, 
        ABI::SessionStatusHandler* handler,
        EventRegistrationToken* pToken) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP RemoveSessionStatusHandler(
        LoggerType type,
        EventRegistrationToken token) = 0;

Starts the server by listening for incoming connections

Stops listening to incoming connections and terminates existing connections/sessions

IRTSPServerControl::AddLogHandler(LoggerType type, ABI::LogHandler* pHandler, EventRegistrationToken* pToken)
Adds a handler delegate to capture logs from the server

type Enum LoggerType specifying which category of logs to be handled by the delegate LoggerType::ERRORS , LoggerType::WARNINGS, LoggerType::RTSPMSGS, LoggerType::OTHER
pHandler TypedEventHandler delegate taking HRESULT and HSTRING arguments auto handler = winrt::LogHandler([](HRESULT hr, HSTRING msg){ /* handle the logging*/}); pHandler =<ABI::LogHandler>().get()
pToken token representing the delegate registration See RemoveLogHandler

IRTSPServerControl::RemoveLogHandler(LoggerType type, EventRegistrationToken token)
Removes the handler delegate that was added to capture logs from the server

type Enum LoggerType specifying which category of logs to be handled by the delegate LoggerType::ERRORS, LoggerType::WARNINGS, LoggerType::RTSPMSGS, LoggerType::OTHER
pToken token representing the delegate registration Obtained by calling AddLogHandler


INetworkMediaStreamSink : public IMFStreamSink
    virtual STDMETHODIMP AddTransportHandler (
        ABI::PacketHandler* packethandler,
        LPCWSTR protocol = L"rtp",
        LPCWSTR param = L"") = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP RemoveTransportHandler(
        ABI::PacketHandler* packetHandler) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP AddNetworkClient(
        LPCWSTR destination,
        LPCWSTR protocol = L"rtp",
        LPCWSTR params = L"") = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP RemoveNetworkClient(LPCWSTR destination) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP GenerateSDP(
        uint8_t* buf,
        size_t maxSize,
        LPCWSTR destination) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP Start(
        MFTIME hnsSystemTime,
        LONGLONG llClockStartOffset) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP Stop(MFTIME hnsSystemTime) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP Pause(MFTIME hnsSystemTime) = 0;
    virtual STDMETHODIMP Shutdown() = 0;

INetworkMediaStreamSink::AddNetworkClient( LPCWSTR pDestination, LPCWSTR pProtocol = L"rtp", LPCWSTR pParams = L"")
Adds a UDP client destination to stream RTP packets and starts streaming to the specified destination

pDestination Input pointer to a string containing destination ip address and port with a ':' separator. e.g. L""
pProtocol Input pointer to string specifying the packetization format/protocol prefix at present the default and only supported format is L"rtp"
pParams Input pointer to string containing extra parameters required to configure the client specific parameters in the format: param_name1=param_value1&param_name2=param_value2 At present the only supported parameters are ssrc and localrtpport. e.g.-L"ssrc=323454&localrtpport=5445". The default value for pParams is empty; an empty string sets ssrc=0 and localrtpport is auto selected to an unused port.

INetworkMediaStreamSink::RemoveNetworkClient(LPCWSTR pDestination)
Stops streaming to the specified destination and removes the client destination.

pDestination Input pointer to a string containing destination ip address and port with a ':' separator. e.g. L""

INetworkMediaStreamSink::AddTransportHandler ( ABI::PacketHandler* pPackethandler, LPCWSTR protocol = L"rtp", LPCWSTR param = L"")
Adds a custom packet transport handler delegate and starts calling the delegate everytime a packet is ready to be sent. This is used by RTSP server to handle RTP media packet delivery over TCP connections.

pPackethandler Input pointer to ABI interface of EventHandler delegate that takes IBuffer pointer as an argument. e.g. auto handler = winrt::PacketHandler([](IInspectable sender, IBuffer args){ /*handle the rtp packet- send it over tcp etc.*/}); pPacketHandler =<ABI::PacketHandler>().get()
pProtocol Input pointer to string specifying the packetization format/protocol prefix at present the default and only supported format is L"rtp"
pParams Input pointer to string containing extra parameters required to configure the client specific parameters in the format: param_name1=param_value1&param_name2=param_value2 At present the only supported parameters are ssrc and localrtpport. e.g.-L"ssrc=323454&localrtpport=5445". The default value for pParams is empty; an empty string sets ssrc=0 and localrtpport is auto selected to an unused port.

INetworkMediaStreamSink::RemoveTransportHandler( ABI::PacketHandler* pPacketHandler) Remove the specified custom transport handler delegate and stops calling the specified delegate for future packets.

pPackethandler Input pointer to ABI interface of EventHandler delegate to be removed. see: INetworkMediaStreamSink::AddTransportHandler

INetworkMediaStreamSink::GenerateSDP( uint8_t* pBuf, size_t maxSize, LPCWSTR pDestination)
Generated a Session Description Protocol buffer as per RFC4566

pBuf Input pointer to the start of an allocated buffer to receive the SDP payload
maxSize Input allocated size of the buffer pointed by pBuf
pDestination Input pointer to a string containing destination ip address and port with a ':' separator. e.g. L""

INetworkMediaStreamSink::Start( MFTIME hnsSystemTime, LONGLONG llClockStartOffset)
This is used by the Sink to manage streaming clock states. Refer to IMFClockStateSink::OnClockStart

INetworkMediaStreamSink::Stop(MFTIME hnsSystemTime)
This is used by the Sink to manage streaming clock states. Refer to IMFClockStateSink::OnClockStop

INetworkMediaStreamSink::Pause(MFTIME hnsSystemTime)
This is used by the Sink to manage streaming clock states. Refer to IMFClockStateSink::OnClockPause

This is used by the Sink to convey media sink state to the stream sink. Refer to IMFMediaSink::Shutdown