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Baseline Comparison (#58)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Add query for service account performing remote PowerShell

* Add CachedUnlock logons

* Update comment for CachedUnlock

* Use extractjson for single field instead of parse_json

* Fix whitelisted accounts to have a dummy account and add domain grouping

* Move ServiceAccountPerformingRemotePS.txt into Lateral Movement

* Case insensitive compare whitelisted account names

* Remove domain name joining

* Summarize ReportId and EventTime at the same time

* Add Baseline Comparison query

* Utilize max instead of makeset to get clickable links

* Add comment depicting size of tenant

* Filter out blank URLs in Network Events

* Limit number of returned URLs to 5

* Add additional filter conditions around powershell whitelisting

* Remove DSRE-specific qualys logons

* Calculate the machine IDs only once and add a field for the bad machine count

* Add filtering for WUDO
  • Loading branch information
miflower authored and TomerAlpert committed Oct 10, 2018
1 parent 8dd4307 commit 5dd49f8
Showing 1 changed file with 262 additions and 0 deletions.
262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions General queries/Baseline Comparison.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
// Baseline Comparison
// Author: miflower
// The purpose of this query is to perform a comparison between "known good" machines and suspected bad machines
// The original concept for this query was born due to reapplying the same 'whitelist' filters over and over
// It brings deltas between a baseline and another machine quickly to the analyst's view
// This query supports multiple suspected bad machines and multiple "known good" machines
// It also supports providing a timeframe for how far back in time to build a baseline as well as how far back in time to evaluate the suspected bad machines
// Each of the links provided by machineid/computername will go to the most recent entry for whatever entity is listed
// Average results for the pre-defined settings below with a single good host and a single bad host on a 'huge' tenant (300k+ machines):
// Compute Time: ~10-20 seconds
// Result Set Size: ~500 rows
// The workflow is as follows:
// 1. Establish Variables that are editable on a per-query basis
// 2. Define functions for reuse
// 3. Calculate MachineIds for all machines in scope
// 4. Derive deltas using the aforementioned functions
// 5. Union together all results into a single view
// The following datasets are returned:
// 1. Alerts on the suspected bad machines (ignores known good machines, because...they're alerts, additional data has the triggered file)
// 2. Connected Networks (from MachineNetworkInfo table, additional data has full Connected Network details)
// 3. File Creations (disabled by default due to volume, enable at your own risk, additional data has initiating processes)
// 4. Image Loads (disabled by default due to volume, enable at your own risk, additional data has initiating processes)
// 5. Logon (derived from LogonEvents for the unique users logged on, additional data has logon types)
// 6. Network communication (grouped by 2nd level-domain, ie '' in '' and '', additional data has the full list of URLs)
// 7. Process creation (additional data has the full paths of the files)
// 8. Powershell Commands (grouped by the cmdlet that was ran, additional data has the processes that ran the cmdlet)
// 9. Reigstry Events (disabled by default due to volume, grouped by the registry key, additional data has the value data)
// 10. Raw IP Connection Events (additional data has the initiating processes)
// List of "known good" hosts - populate with your baseline, must be FQDNs
let GoodHosts=pack_array('supposedlygoodhost.mydomain','ithinkitsgoodserver.mydomain');
// List of suspected bad hosts - populate with bad machines, must be FQDNs
let SuspectedBadHosts=pack_array('compromisedhost.mydomain', 'lateralmovementhost.mydomain');
// How far back should the baseline be built from?
let GoodTimeRange=30d;
// How far back should the bad machines be looked at?
let SuspectedBadTimeRange=30d;
// Comment return sets that you do not want returned, by default file creation and image loads and registry events are disabled
let ReturnSets=pack_array(
'Connected Networks',
// 'File Creation'
// 'Image Loads',
'Network Communication',
'Process Creation',
'PowerShell Command',
// 'Registry Event'
'Raw IP Communication'
// -------------End of variables, changing below this line will change query logic----------
// Function to get a mapping of machine IDs given a list of computer names
let GetMachineId=(InComputerName: dynamic) {
| where ComputerName in~ (InComputerName)
| distinct ComputerName, MachineId
// Function to consolidate all machine IDs into a single set
let ConsolidateMachineId=(T:(MachineId: string)) {
| summarize makeset(MachineId)
// Function to get network communications given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetNetworkEvents=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "Network Communication" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
| where isnotempty(RemoteUrl)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), count() by RemoteUrl, MachineId
| extend UrlSplit=split(RemoteUrl, ".") // Split the levels of the URL
// If there is only one level (for an internal communication that uses your DNS search suffix), then only use that level
// Otherwise combine the top two levels and use those as the URLRoot
| extend UrlRoot=iff(UrlSplit[-2] == "", UrlSplit[0], strcat(tostring(UrlSplit[-2]), ".", tostring(UrlSplit[-1])))
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), Count=sum(count_), AdditionalData=makeset(RemoteUrl, 5) by UrlRoot, MachineId
| project EventTime, Entity=UrlRoot, Count, AdditionalData=tostring(AdditionalData), MachineId, DataType="Network Communication"
// Function to get process creates given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetProcessCreates=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "Process Creation" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
// Replace known path for mpam files as they are dynamically named and likely to be unique on each machine
| extend FileName=iff(FolderPath matches regex @"([A-Z]:\\Windows\\ServiceProfiles\\NetworkService\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\mpam-)[a-z0-9]{7,8}\.exe", "mpam-RANDOM.exe", FileName)
// Replace known path for AM delta patch files as they jump frequently and not likely to be exact on each machine
| extend FileName=iff(FolderPath matches regex @"([A-Z]:\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download\\Install\\AM_Delta_Patch_)[0-9\.]+\.exe", "AM_Delta_Patch_Version.exe", FileName)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), Count=count(), AdditionalData=makeset(FolderPath) by FileName, MachineId
// Replace various mbam executables that are semiunique-generated with some text to help reduce noise
| project EventTime, Entity=FileName, Count, AdditionalData=tostring(AdditionalData), MachineId, DataType="Process Creation"
// Function to get powershell commands given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetPSCommands=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "PowerShell Command" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
| where ActionType == 'PowerShellCommand'
// Remove two different signatures for scripts being executed which cause a lot of noise
// The first signature matches scripts generated as part of testing execution policy
// The second signature matches scripts generated by SCCM
| where not(AdditionalFields matches regex @"Script_[0-9a-f]{20}" and InitiatingProcessFileName =~ 'monitoringhost.exe')
| where not(AdditionalFields matches regex @"[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\.ps1" and InitiatingProcessFileName =~ 'powershell.exe')
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), count(), IPFN_Set=makeset(InitiatingProcessFileName) by AdditionalFields, MachineId
| project EventTime, Entity=tostring(extractjson("$.Command", AdditionalFields)), Count=count_, AdditionalData=tostring(IPFN_Set), MachineId, DataType="PowerShell Command"
// Function to get file creations given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetFileCreates=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "File Creation" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
// Remove temporary files created by office products
| where not(FileName matches regex @"~.*\.(doc[xm]?|ppt[xm]?|xls[xm]?|dotm|rtf|xlam|lnk)")
// Replace two different signatures for PS scripts being created which cause a lot of noise
| extend iff(FileName matches regex @"[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\.ps1" or
FileName matches regex @"[0-9a-z]{8}\.[0-9a-z]{3}\.ps1", "RANDOM.ps1", FileName)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), FP_Set=makeset(FolderPath), count() by FileName, MachineId
| project EventTime, Entity=FileName, Count=count_, AdditionalData=tostring(FP_Set), MachineId, DataType="File Creation"
// Function to get logon events given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetLogonEvents=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "Logon" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
// Remove logons made by WDM or UMFD
| where AccountDomain !in ('font driver host', 'window manager')
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), Count=count(), LT_Set=makeset(LogonType) by AccountName, AccountDomain, MachineId
| project EventTime, Entity=iff(AccountDomain == "", AccountName, strcat(AccountDomain, @"\", AccountName)), Count, AdditionalData=tostring(LT_Set), MachineId, DataType="Logon"
// Function to get registry events given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetRegistryEvents=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "Registry Event" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
| extend RegistryKey=iff(RegistryKey matches regex @"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\S-[^\\]+\\", replace(@"(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\)S-[^\\]+\\", @"\1SID\\", RegistryKey), RegistryKey)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), RVD_Set=makeset(RegistryValueData), Count=count() by MachineId, RegistryKey
| project EventTime, Entity=RegistryKey, Count, AdditionalData=tostring(RVD_Set), MachineId, DataType="Registry Event"
// Function to get connected networks given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetConnectedNetworks=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "Connected Networks" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), Count=count() by MachineId, ConnectedNetworks
| project EventTime, Entity=tostring(extractjson("$[0].Name", ConnectedNetworks)), Count, AdditionalData=ConnectedNetworks, MachineId, DataType="Connected Networks"
// Function to get image load events given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetImageLoads=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where "Image Loads" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), Set_FN=makeset(InitiatingProcessFileName), Count=count() by MachineId, FolderPath
// Replace various native windows DLL's that are guid-generated with some text to help reduce noise
| extend Entity=replace(@"([wW]indows\\assembly\\NativeImages.*\\)[0-9a-f]{32}", @"\1GUID", FolderPath)
| project EventTime, Entity, Count, AdditionalData=tostring(Set_FN), MachineId, DataType="Image Loads"
// Function to get raw IP address network communications given a list of computer names and how far back to look
let GetRawIPCommunications=(InMachineId: dynamic, LeftEventTime: datetime) {
| where 'Raw IP Communication' in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > LeftEventTime
| where MachineId in~ (InMachineId)
// Replace all v4 to v6 addresses with their v4 equivalent
| extend RemoteIP=replace("^::ffff:", "", RemoteIP)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), Set_RPort=makeset(RemotePort), Set_LPort=makeset(LocalPort), Set_FN=makeset(InitiatingProcessFileName), Set_URL=makeset(RemoteUrl), Count=count() by MachineId, RemoteIP
// Only include any IP addresses that do not have a resolved URL as resolved URLs are handled in network communications
| where tostring(Set_URL) == '[""]'
// Do not include machines that are only doing WUDO
| where tostring(Set_RPort) != '[7680]' and tostring(Set_RPort) != '[7680]'
| project EventTime, Entity=RemoteIP, Count, AdditionalData=tostring(Set_FN), MachineId, DataType='Raw IP Communication'
// Calculate the left event time for "good" machines
let GoodLeftEventTime=ago(GoodTimeRange);
// Calculate the left event time for suspected bad machines
let SuspectedBadLeftEventTime=ago(SuspectedBadTimeRange);
// Calculate the machine IDs for "good" machines
let GoodHostNameMapping=GetMachineId(GoodHosts);
// Reduce all of the good machine IDs into a single variable
let GoodHostMachineId=toscalar(ConsolidateMachineId(GoodHostNameMapping));
// Calculate the machine IDs for suspected bad machines
let SuspectedBadHostNameMapping=GetMachineId(SuspectedBadHosts);
// Reduce all of the suspected bad machine IDs into a single variable
let SuspectedBadHostMachineId=toscalar(ConsolidateMachineId(SuspectedBadHostNameMapping));
// Calculate the delta in network events, keeping the bad ones
let NetworkDelta=GetNetworkEvents(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetNetworkEvents(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in process create events, keeping the bad ones
let ProcessDelta=GetProcessCreates(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetProcessCreates(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in powershell events, keeping the bad ones
let PSDelta=GetPSCommands(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetPSCommands(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in file create events, keeping the bad ones
let FileDelta=GetFileCreates(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetFileCreates(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in logon events, keeping the bad ones
let LogonDelta=GetLogonEvents(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetLogonEvents(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in registry events, keeping the bad ones
let RegistryDelta=GetRegistryEvents(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetRegistryEvents(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in connected network events, keeping the bad ones
let ConnectedNetworkDelta=GetConnectedNetworks(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetConnectedNetworks(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in image load events, keeping the bad ones
let ImageLoadDelta=GetImageLoads(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetImageLoads(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Calculate the delta in raw IP address communications, keeping the bad ones
let RawIPCommunicationDelta=GetRawIPCommunications(SuspectedBadHostMachineId, SuspectedBadLeftEventTime)
| join kind=leftanti (
GetRawIPCommunications(GoodHostMachineId, GoodLeftEventTime)
) on Entity;
// Get the alerts for the bad machines (no delta, we care about all alerts)
let Alerts=AlertEvents
| where "Alert" in (ReturnSets)
| where EventTime > SuspectedBadLeftEventTime
| where MachineId in (SuspectedBadHostMachineId)
| summarize EventTime=max(EventTime), Count=count() by Title, MachineId, FileName, RemoteUrl
| project EventTime, Entity=Title, Count, AdditionalData=coalesce(FileName, RemoteUrl), MachineId, DataType="Alert";
// String everything together
let ResultDataWithoutMachineCount=union NetworkDelta, ProcessDelta, PSDelta, FileDelta, Alerts, LogonDelta, RegistryDelta,
ConnectedNetworkDelta, ImageLoadDelta, RawIPCommunicationDelta
// Join back against the machine info so the Computer Names can be reassociated
| join kind=leftouter (
) on MachineId
// Remove duplicated column
| project-away MachineId1;
// This is the start of the final result set that is shown
// Calculate the number of machines that each entity/datatype pair have and join that data back into the data to add
// an additional column for the number of bad machines
| join kind=leftouter (
| summarize BadMachinesCount=dcount(MachineId) by Entity, DataType
) on Entity, DataType
// Remove duplicated columns
| project-away Entity1, DataType1
// and sort by Machine, DataType, Entity
| order by BadMachinesCount desc, MachineId asc, DataType asc, Entity asc
//| where BadMachinesCount > 1

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