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Developer Guide

This guide is for those that wish to develop on Agogosml. We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct

Setting up the Agogosml Library for Development

Requirements to Run Locally

Project Structure

In agogosml_cli/ is all code related to the CLI, i.e. generating the pipeline project locally for a user. agogosml/agogosml_cli/cli/templates/{{cookiecutter.PROJECT_NAME_SLUG}}/ contains the structure that is generated. The templates/apps/ folder has the two sample applications, one of which will be selected to create the pipeline with.

The pipeline generated simply uses a base image of Agogosml available in PyPi. You can use the commands in to build the input, output, and application Docker containers. If changes are made within this CLI implementation, to test you can simply run the end-to-end tests, using the docker-compose files we provide. These compose files spin up all three images, and send test messages from another testgen container that is built in the compose.

In the CLI we also have infrastructure deployment, Helm charts for Kubernetes orchestration, and end-to-end tests.

The code for Agogosml lives in agogosml/agogosml/. To test the pipeline with your local version, simply build agogosml/Dockerfile.agogosml as your base image before building the input, output, and app containers. The instructions are in the below section.

To test locally, create a virtual environment within agogosml and install the package.

cd agogosml/agogosml
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
cd ..
pip install -e agogosml/

The final step installs agogosml as if it were a remote package. This way you can locally test changes immediately.

Build the Pipeline with Docker using your Local Version of Agogosml

From the top level directory, build the base image using. You can add a --build-arg CONTAINER_REG= to any of these commands, but unsure to tag your base image with the CONTAINER_REG/.

docker build -t agogosml -f agogosml/Dockerfile.agogosml agogosml

Now navigate to the CLI at agogosml/agogosml_cli/cli/templates/{{cookiecutter.PROJECT_NAME_SLUG}}/ Build the input reader and output writer image:

docker build -t agogosml/input_reader -f input_reader/Dockerfile.input_reader input_reader/
docker build -t agogosml/output_writer -f output_writer/Dockerfile.output_writer output_writer/

Now navigate to the CLI at agogosml/agogosml_cli/cli/templates/{{cookiecutter.PROJECT_NAME_SLUG}}/ Build the custom application:

docker build -t agogosml/{{cookiecutter.PROJECT_NAME_SLUG}} -f {{cookiecutter.PROJECT_NAME_SLUG}}/Dockerfile.{{cookiecutter.PROJECT_NAME_SLUG}} {{cookiecutter.PROJECT_NAME_SLUG}}/

Run with Docker Locally

Set required environment variables in the PATH (You can see an example

Below are the required variables to run the docker-compose-agogosml.yml file locally. We hardcode some of the enviromment variables there, so if you want to run each container separately, please refer to

export MESSAGING_TYPE=eventhub        # eventhub/kafka

# Event Hub Specific Variables 

export MESSAGING_TYPE=                          # eventhub/kafka
export CONTAINER_REG=                           # this can be empty for local dev.
export TAG=                                     # latest

# Fill out if using Event Hubs as messaging service.
export EVENT_HUB_NAME_INPUT=                    # Event Hub to receive incoming messages
export EVENT_HUB_NAME_OUTPUT=                   # Event Hub to receive outgoing messages
export EVENT_HUB_SAS_POLICY=                    # SAS Policy created for both input and output
export EVENT_HUB_SAS_KEY_INPUT=                 # Key for input event hub SAS policy
export EVENT_HUB_SAS_KEY_OUTPUT=                # Key for output event hub SAS policy

export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=                   # Storage account for Event Hub
export LEASE_CONTAINER_NAME_INPUT=              # Container for input events
export LEASE_CONTAINER_NAME_OUTPUT=             # Container for output events
export EVENT_HUB_CONSUMER_GROUP=                # Default is $default

# Fill out if using Kafka as messaging service, including Kafka with Event Hubs Integration

# Fill out the following if using Kafka Enabled Event Hubs Only. See instruction
# Ensure that EVENTHUB_KAFKA_CONNECTION_STRING is NOT set if you are using pure Kafka.

export EVENTHUB_KAFKA_CONNECTION_STRING=        # Connection string-primary key in the Event Hub

# Local SSL Certificate - only necessary to define path to local cert if you are running locally. i.e. something like /usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem


# Application Insights telemetry
export APPINSIGHTS_ENDPOINT= # Only needed if using on-premises telemetry

Setting up the CLI for Development

agogosml_cli is a cli tool developed with Python using the Click_ in combination with cookiecutter.

Requirements to Run Locally

Local Installation

Installing Dependencies (and Dev Dependencies):

$ cd agogosml_cli/
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ make installedit

Running Tests:

$ make test

Running Linter:

$ make lint

Test the CLI and see generated output

# Create a directory for your project
$ mkdir hello-agogosml && cd hello-agogosml

# Init the project
agogosml init

# Fill in the manifest.json (Docker Container Registry, Azure Subscription, etc).
vi manifest.json

# Generate the code for the projects
agogosml generate

Deployment and Provisionning to Azure

You can follow the same steps in the User Guide to deploy the build to Azure.

Before Submitting a PR to the Project

Make sure the tests pass

Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass

Push to your fork and submit a pull request.

At this point you’re waiting on us. We like to at least comment on pull requests within three business days (and, typically, one business day). We may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives.

Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted: