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Reference Assignments for the Azure Automatic Grading solution - This repo contains example assessment/references for the Azure Auto Grading Engine, these samples are provided to allow educators to quickly adopt and implement the Azure Automatic Grading Engine service/solution into their classroom teaching.


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Azure Automatic Grading Engine - Classroom Assignments samples

This repository contains sample classroom assignments for classroom activity for grading students submissions of Azure Services by the Azure Automatic Grading Solution

Example Student Classroom Assessment Tasks:

Students are asked to create the following Azure Infrastructure

  1. Create 2 Virtual Networks in 2 regions.
  2. Create 2 Subnets in each Virtual Network.
  3. Create Route Tables & Network Security Groups.
  4. Create Virtual Network Peering for 2 Virtual Networks.
  5. Create 2 Storage Accounts - one for an Azure Function and another for a Azure Static Website.
    1. Azure Function Storage Account contains 1 Storage Container, 1 Storage Queue, and 1 StorageTable.
    2. Static website Storage Account contains index page index.html and error page error.html.
  6. Create 1 Application Insights with Log Analytics Workspace.
  7. Create 1 Azure Function App with 1 Azure Function.

Azure Project Grader for Automatic Grading Engine

For course testing Microsoft Azure, it is hard to assess or grade Azure project manually. This project makes use of the technique of unit test to grade student's Azure project settings automatically to validate have the students created the above resources and services.

A rubic assessment is then completed on the task and students recieve grades based on the nunit outcomes and validation.

This project has been developed by Cyrus Wong Microsoft Learn Educator Ambassador in Association with the Microsoft Next Generation Developer Relations Team.

Project collaborators include, Chan Yiu Leung, So Ka Chun, Lo Chun Hei, Ling Po Chu, Cheung Ho Shing and Pearly Law from the IT114115 Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration.

The project is being validated through usage on the course Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration

Testing the Sample Classroom Setup

CDK-TF Deployment

You have to refer Object Oriented Your Azure Infrastructure with Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF) and setup your CDK-TF.

Update .env.template and rename it to .env

npm i
cdktf deploy --auto-approve
cdktf output --outputs-file-include-sensitive-outputs --outputs-file secrets.json

You can get the API management API Key from secrets.json

Package UnitTest into exe

Go to the \AzureProjectGrader\AzureProjectGrader path and run. dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release

Contributing to Samples

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Reference Assignments for the Azure Automatic Grading solution - This repo contains example assessment/references for the Azure Auto Grading Engine, these samples are provided to allow educators to quickly adopt and implement the Azure Automatic Grading Engine service/solution into their classroom teaching.



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