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Charticulator Website

Build the Website

Prepare the Build Environment

Ensure that Ruby, Ruby Gems, and Node.js are installed. For Windows, have ImageMagick installed as well.

The website is written using Jekyll. Install jekyll and bundler:

gem install jekyll bundler

After having bundler installed, you can install the local packages and necessary dependencies:


To build the tutorial viewer, install necessary nodejs modules in the tutorials/viewer folder:

cd tutorials/viewer
npm install


First, we need to build the code for the video tutorial.

cd tutorials/viewer
npm run build

This will generate tutorials/viewer.bundle.js, which is needed for displaying the video tutorials.

Then, generate the website in the root folder. For a development build, set cdn_enabled to false in _config.yml. For a production build, if you want to use the CDN, set cdn_enabled to true and configure cdn_prefix. Then you may run the following command to generate the website:

bundle exec jekyll build

The generated website contents will be in the _site_ folder.

For development, you can run the following command to have Jekyll watch for changes and automatically recompile the website.

bundle exec jekyll serve -P 4001

Navigate to http://localhost:4001/index.html to see the website.

To debug the video tutorials, you can watch for changes too.

cd tutorials/viewer
npm run watch

Where Things Are

Due to the requirements of Jekyll, we need to use multiple folders for the same kind of content. To reduce confusion, here is a list of the roles for each folder in this website.


  • _gallery: Markdown files that specifies the Gallery section. Each file is a single item in the Gallery.
  • gallery: This folder contains only the index page for the Gallery section.
  • images/gallery: Image files for the gallery.


  • _docs: Markdown files that specify the Getting Started section.
  • _tutorials: Markdown files that specify the Video Tutorials. Each file is a single tutorial.
  • tutorials: This folder contains only the index page for the Tutorials section.
  • images/tutorials: Tutorial thumbnail images.
  • videos/tutorials: Tutorial video files.


  • _data/datasets.yml: This file specifies the information for all datasets. Datasets are referenced by their id from the Gallery and Tutorials.

CSS stylesheets:

  • _sass: This folders contains the SASS source file (.scss) for the stylesheets. Jekyll will compile them to css files.

Header and footer:

  • _includes: This folder contains the <head>, header, and footer for the website.

Page layouts:

  • _layouts: This folder contains the layout template files for the website, gallery, and tutorials.


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