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FAST CLI Specification

This is a draft specification and subject to change prior to 1.x release.


The FAST CLI is intended to be used as a creation and maintenance tool for FAST based projects. These projects should rely on a fastconfig.json file that stores information about the project to facilitate use of the CLI which can be generated from the config command.


The following workflows should be considered:

  • Creation of FAST based sites and applications
    • Default template - see the @microsoft/cfp-template package
    • Custom templates, either published or local
  • Creation of FAST based web components
    • Blank templates
    • Based on @microsoft/fast-foundation using default styles
    • Selection of custom templates and styles


There are some issues with scaffolding projects outlined below:

  • The folder structure of the project must remain the same with relation to the component folder and the design-system.ts file. This is due to the relative nature of the imports in scaffolded files
  • At this stage, all templates must use TypeScript


  • Allow both command line arguments and user prompt to be available, there should always be a command line argument for any user prompt which will circumvent prompts
  • Allow project (website/app/component library) creation based on templates
  • Allow component creation based on templates

Top level commands

CLI information

The fast -h command should show a list of commands and their arguments on the screen.

The fast -v command should show the current version of the CLI.


This initialization creates a new project from scratch which could ultimately be a website, web application, or package containing components. It is assumed to be a project in which FAST based web components are used. The package.json will be based on a fastinit.json file in the template, with the name of the project replaced with the folder name the project is initialized in (if possible).

$ fast init


Argument Shorthand Description Required Default
--template <path/to/template> -t <path/to/template> Use a local template or npm package No @microsoft/cfp-template


The creation of a configuration is similar to npm init in that it will create a fastconfig.json file. This should be useful in existing projects which could take advantage of the CLI once it has been initialized.

$ fast config


Argument Shorthand Description Required
--component-path <path/to/components> -p <path/to/components> The relative path of the FAST components folder Yes

Example fastconfig.json file

    "componentPath": "./src/components"

Important: The paths of components and design system must be relative to each other, therefore only the path to the component folder is required as the design system file path is assumed. In an app the path may be "./src/components" as shown above, or in the case of a component library the path may be "./src".

Add a design system

Before a user can add components, they must add a design system. The design system must appear at the root of the component folder.

$ fast add-design-system
Argument Shorthand Description Required Default Options
--prefix <prefix> -p <prefix> The web component prefix No <project-name>
--shadow-root-mode <mode> -s <mode> Determine what the shadowroot mode is No "open" "closed", "open"

If the component path is not available, create it. If the design system is not available in the path specified, create the file with the contents, assuming "example" is the name property of the package.json:

export const designSystem = {
  prefix: "example",
  shadowRootMode: "closed"

Important: A fastconfig.json must exist with the "componentPath" property set. If it does not, the user should be prompted to run the fast config command.

Add a component

Components are added and configured based on a design system. Templates can use either a local or remote package.

$ fast add-component


Argument Shorthand Description Required Options
--template <path/to/template> -t <path/to/template> Template including HTML, CSS, and other files Yes <path/to/template>
--name <name> -n <name> The name of the component to be added Yes

Important: The user should be prompted if no design system is present when attempting to add a new component to run the command fast add-design-system.

Important: During implementation the define.ts which will be part of a components template may require a package.json update to include a list of sideEffects.

Add a foundation component

Foundation components are similar to adding a component except they are based on the @microsoft/fast-foundation templates. These are bundled with flexible styles to provide an easy method for component creation and modification.

$ fast add-foundation-component


Argument Shorthand Description Required Options
--template <template> -t <template> The name of the foundation element Yes "accordion", "anchor", "anchored-region", "avatar", "badge", "blank", "breadcrumb", "button", "calendar", "card", "checkbox", "combobox", "data-grid", "dialog", "disclosure", "divider", "flipper", "horizontal-scroll", "listbox", "menu", "number-field", "picker", "progress", "progress-ring", "radio-group", "search", "select", "skeleton", "slider", "switch", "tabs", "text-area", "text-field", "toolbar", "tooltip", "tree-view"
--name <name> -n <name> The name of the component to be added Yes

Important: The user should be prompted if no design system is present when attempting to add a new component to run the command fast add-design-system.

Important: During implementation the define.ts which will be part of a components template may require a package.json update to include a list of sideEffects.


Template provide scaffolding for entire projects and smaller pieces of code to accelerate developer workflows.

Project templates

Project templates can be for web sites, web apps, and/or component packages. They should include the following structure:

└─ package.json
└─ fastconfig.json
└─ template/
   └─ fastinit.json
   └─ // files

Component templates

Component templates are intended to be used for FAST based web components. They should include the following structure:

└─ fixture.ts
└─ component.ts
└─ component.template.ts
└─ component.styles.ts
└─ component.definition.ts
└─ component.stories.ts
└─ define.ts
└─ fast.add-component.json
└─ README.ts

Which when parsed with a name, for example "test" should result in the following structure:

└─ fixtures/
   └─ base.html
└─ test.ts
└─ test.template.ts
└─ test.styles.ts
└─ test.definition.ts
└─ test.stories.ts
└─ define.ts

Example scenarios

Creating a project from a custom template

$ fast init ../my-custom-template

Creating a project with a foundation button component

$ fast config -p ./src/components
$ fast add-design-system -p foo
$ fast add-component -n button -f button

The following folders and files should be added to the project using the above commands:

└─ components/
   └─ design-system.ts
   └─ button/
      └─ foo-button.ts
      └─ foo-button.template.ts
      └─ foo-button.definition.ts
      └─ foo-button.spec.ts
      └─ define.ts

Test plan

Due to arguments either being supplied via command line or as a dialog tree, the tests will use Playwright and @playwright/test assertions to execute commands using command line arguments and check the results.

Future considerations

  • Adding a linting service to ensure web component best practices
  • Add optional arguments for DSaC (Design System as Code) during component creation
  • Allow configuration within templates that will create additional prompts or command line arguments, an example might be implementing a foundation template that can have a slot "start", you are prompted to allow certain slots