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288 lines (222 loc) · 9.65 KB

Loading Images

There are many libraries available that can load png images. Simple examples were made using most of them and time of execution was compared. The goal was to load a png file, either RGB or greyscale, into a torch.Tensor.

The tensor specification was:

  • shape [3, Height, Width] (for RGB images, in RGB order) or [1, Height, Width] (for greyscale images);
  • dtype float32;
  • scaled to between 0.0 and 1.0.


Two methods using matplotlib were compared. The first manipulates the numpy array from the image read before creating the torch tensor, the second uses torchvision to do the transformation.

from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

def read_image_matplotlib(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with matplotlib and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    # numpy_array is a numpy.array of shape: (H, W), (H, W, 3), or (H, W, 4)
    # where H = height, W = width
    numpy_array = mpimg.imread(input_filename)
    if len(numpy_array.shape) == 2:
        # if loaded a greyscale image, then it is of shape (H, W) so add in an extra axis
        numpy_array = np.expand_dims(numpy_array, 2)
    # transpose to shape (C, H, W)
    numpy_array = np.transpose(numpy_array, (2, 0, 1))
    torch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor

def read_image_matplotlib2(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with matplotlib and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    # numpy_array is a numpy.array of shape: (H, W), (H, W, 3), or (H, W, 4)
    # where H = height, W = width
    numpy_array = mpimg.imread(input_filename)
    torch_tensor = TF.to_tensor(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor


Two methods using the Python interface to OpenCV were compared. The first manipulates the numpy array from the image read before creating the torch tensor, the second uses torchvision to do the transformation. Note that OpenCV loads images in BGR format, so they need to be transformed.

from pathlib import Path

import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

def read_image_opencv(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with OpenCV and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    # numpy_array is a numpy.ndarray, in BGR format.
    numpy_array = cv2.imread(str(input_filename))
    numpy_array = cv2.cvtColor(numpy_array, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    is_greyscale = False not in \
        ((numpy_array[:, :, 0] == numpy_array[:, :, 1]) == (numpy_array[:, :, 1] == numpy_array[:, :, 2]))
    if is_greyscale:
        numpy_array = numpy_array[:, :, 0]
    if len(numpy_array.shape) == 2:
        # if loaded a greyscale image, then it is of shape (H, W) so add in an extra axis
        numpy_array = np.expand_dims(numpy_array, 2)
    numpy_array = np.float32(numpy_array) / 255.0
    # transpose to shape (C, H, W)
    numpy_array = np.transpose(numpy_array, (2, 0, 1))
    torch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor

def read_image_opencv2(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with OpenCV and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    # numpy_array is a numpy.ndarray, in BGR format.
    numpy_array = cv2.imread(str(input_filename))
    numpy_array = cv2.cvtColor(numpy_array, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    is_greyscale = False not in \
        ((numpy_array[:, :, 0] == numpy_array[:, :, 1]) == (numpy_array[:, :, 1] == numpy_array[:, :, 2]))
    if is_greyscale:
        numpy_array = numpy_array[:, :, 0]
    torch_tensor = TF.to_tensor(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor


Pillow is one of the easiest libraries to use because torchvision has a function to convert directly from Pillow images.

from pathlib import Path

from PIL import Image
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

def read_image_pillow(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with pillow and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    pil_image =
    torch_tensor = TF.to_tensor(pil_image)
    return torch_tensor


SciPy is also easy to use because it loads images into a numpy array of the expected shape so that it can easily be transformed into a torch tensor.

from pathlib import Path

import imageio
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

def read_image_scipy(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with scipy and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    numpy_array = imageio.imread(input_filename)
    torch_tensor = TF.to_tensor(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor


SimpleITK requires a two step process to load an image and extract the data as a numpy array, but it is then in the correct format.

from pathlib import Path

import SimpleITK as sitk
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

def read_image_sitk(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with SimpleITK and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    itk_image = sitk.ReadImage(str(input_filename))
    numpy_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itk_image)
    torch_tensor = TF.to_tensor(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor


scikit-image is also very simple to use, since it loads the image as a numpy array in the correct format.

from pathlib import Path

from skimage import io
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

def read_image_skimage(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an image file with scikit-image and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    numpy_array = io.imread(input_filename)
    torch_tensor = TF.to_tensor(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor


For comparison, the png image data was saved in the numpy native data format and then reloaded.

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF

def read_image_numpy(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read an Numpy file with Torch and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    numpy_array = np.load(input_filename)
    torch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(numpy_array)
    return torch_tensor


Again, for comparison, the png image data was saved in the torch tensor native data format and then reloaded.

from pathlib import Path

import torch

def read_image_torch2(input_filename: Path) -> torch.Tensor:
    Read a Torch file with Torch and return a torch.Tensor.

    :param input_filename: Source image file path.
    :return: torch.Tensor of shape (C, H, W).
    torch_tensor = torch.load(input_filename)
    return torch_tensor


All the above methods were ran against 122 small test images, repeated 10 times. So in total there were 1220 calls to each of the functions.

RGB Images

For 61 RGB images of size 224 x 224 pixels and 61 of size 180 x 224 pixels, repeated 10 times, there are the following timings:

Function Total time (s)
read_image_matplotlib 9.81336
read_image_matplotlib2 9.96016
read_image_opencv 12.4301
read_image_opencv2 12.6227
read_image_pillow 16.2288
read_image_scipy 17.9958
read_image_sitk 63.6669
read_image_skimage 18.273
read_image_numpy 7.29741
read_image_torch2 7.07304

Greyscale Images

Similarly, with greyscale versions of the RGB images:

Function Total time (s)
read_image_matplotlib 8.32523
read_image_matplotlib2 8.26399
read_image_opencv 11.6838
read_image_opencv2 11.7935
read_image_pillow 15.7406
read_image_scipy 17.9061
read_image_sitk 71.8732
read_image_skimage 18.0698
read_image_numpy 7.94197
read_image_torch2 7.73153

The recommendation therefore is to use matplotlib mpimg.imread to load the image and TF.to_tensor to transform the numpy array to a torch tensor. This is almost as fast as loading the data directly in a native numpy or torch format.