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Downloading Driver Dependencies

lilgreenbird edited this page May 31, 2023 · 5 revisions


To get all driver dependencies, git, maven and an appropriate JDK version must all be installed on your machine.

Download Driver Dependencies

  1. Clone mssql-jdbc repo
git clone
  1. Goto the project root
cd /path/to/where/you/cloned/the/driver/project/mssql-jdbc
  1. The pom.xml file contains all dependencies of the driver in the <dependencies>...</dependencies> block. Use maven to download all the dependencies to target/dependency folder.

    Please make sure to use the pom.xml associated with the version of the driver as you need the correct version of the dependent libraries for the release you are using to ensure correct functionality of the driver.

   <maven_installation_path>/bin/mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
  1. Once the dependent libraries are downloaded, add them to the CLASSPATH of your user application.