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Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
🛠️ enhancement
🛠️ enhancement
New feature or request
fixed in modern control
fixed in modern control
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
👋 needs author feedback
👋 needs author feedback
Waiting on a response from the author
⚠️ needs triage
⚠️ needs triage
Has not been triaged by the team yet.
✨ new component
✨ new component
Addition of a new component
Issue is a question that requires an answer, not changes to code.
sample app
sample app
Issue is related to a sample application in the Creator Kit.
Utility: Accessibility
Utility: Accessibility
Relates to accessibility
Utility: Related Tables
Utility: Related Tables
Utility: Theming
Utility: Theming
Relates to theming
This will not be worked on